
THE LAST ASSASSIN(Rinleigh's Legend)

Ayesha Marquez is a 12 years old little girl who was caught up inside a cruel fate having an ex convict dad, and an unemployed mom, inside a poor family. But then, fate was still cruel enough, that it didn't get contented with just giving her that kind of life. Because when she decided to look for her dad, who lost his job. The day after she found him, is also the day she was sold to hell. She became a slave inside that hell. But since she has the talent of killing, she has been promoted as an assassin with the title of Rinleigh the Beheader.... What will be her future inside that hell? Can she get herself out? Or fate would still be cruel, to make her stay?

Xien_xien · ไซไฟ
201 Chs

CHAPTER 36: Family Gathering

"She was no longer wrestling with the grief, but could sit down with it as a

lasting companion and make it a sharer in her thoughts."

– George Eliot

"Is she the girl you are talking about son? The fiancée?" She asked the guy emphasizing the word fiancée.

"She is mom." The guy answered in dismay while his both eyebrows knitted together.

"She looks so uneducated and unmannered. Are you sure you will settle for the likes of her?" The woman straightforwardly asked her son, who now deepened the wrinkle of his forehead.

I wanted to engage in their conversation and tell the woman "Hey bitch! The girl you are talking to is right here, with your moron of a son." But since I am kind, I just chose to remain silent, while eating the foods on my plate.

"I love her mom. And no matter what you call and say about her, my decision is final." The guy answered dismissing his mom's question.

"But just by looking at her, it was already obvious that she is a gold digger and she will do no good for you. I don't like her for you, son." The woman still insists.

"Hey, bitch! I do not care about how you think of me, or how you want your son to be with other girls. I'm good with that. The only thing I am not good about, is you calling me names in front of me. If you're asking for a death wish, I wouldn't mind giving you that, witch." I said making the people around us gasp in shock because of what I told their seem to be leader.

The eyes of the woman grew wide, as she looks at me in disbelief.

"What the fuck did you call me?" The woman asked again with wide eyes, completely facing me.

"Still want to hear how fuck up you are? I call you a bitch and a witch. Happy now, old hag?" I asked her sarcastically before I smirked.

I put my empty plate on the table, and face the woman too with a proud look in my eyes.

I think I already know which family this jerk belong to, as soon as I saw the face of his mom. The jerk came from a well-known family of Mafias.

And sadly, I think this would be the end of me. The woman gets so angry she made her men attack me. But of course, I did my part and start to dodge-attacked her men too.

One of her men attacked me using his arms trying to knock me off, but then all I did is to lower myself a little to dodge. I then, put my both hands on the guy beside me's shoulder and start kicking his face.

The other does the same with his attack, which I dodge by sliding. Before I gave him a headbutt.

I was about to punch the other guy who was about to attack when the jerk, kick him on his chest in a cool way while one of his hands is on his pants pocket.

I look at him for a second, and all he did is to give me a nod.

We then do a bit of exhibition by stepping on the table, while dodging his mom's men's attacked.

I step on the table making it fell off the floor and kick it at the guy with a beard, who was about to attack me too.

I am on back to back with the guy while our breathing is uneven, because of so many exhibitions we did while doing our stunts as we fight the men.

I jump, on one of the railings, and kick the other guy in the face. While the Jerk is punching some other guy's asses.

I bend my back and let the jerk punch the guy who was about to punch me before he put both of his hands on my waist and start carrying me, circling me around while I kick the faces of their men.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING SON? STOP HELPING THAT UNMANNERED BITCH! " his mom yelled at her son angrily, which the guy ignored and continue fighting beside me.

I smirked as I saw how his mom gets annoyed by the fact that she was being ignored by her son.

I am so enjoying the view. Hahaha.

"SON!" the woman called out her son again, but the guy just ignored the woman for the nth time.

"I..." the guy started.

"Told you..." He then kicks one of their men's face, with his left leg.

"Mom!" he bends a little and made me punch the men in black.

"Stop..." He was back to back with me.

"Making decisions..." I punch the guy who was about to attack him.

"For me..." He kicks another guy.

"I..." He was having hard breathing because of so many attacks we are receiving at the same time.

"Am..." Another kick...

"Already..." Kick again.

"Old enough to make decisions of my own!" Punch.

"I'll do..." Kick.

"Whatever I want to do..." punch.

"And you have no say to that." He added.

We are in the middle of our battle with their men when suddenly, the whole room was filled with smoked, and the lights turned off...

I think I already know where this is going.

I smirked, as I felt someone taking my handcuffs away, getting me out of the crowd.

When I was finally freed from the handcuffs, a huge soft hand held mine as we run out of the place.

As soon as we're out, the lights turned on again, and I am finally out.

I kick the guy's legs while panting.

"What the hell, took you so long to get me out!" I yelled to the guy who saves my ass from those mafias.

"We lost track of you. Sorry." Min answered while scratching the back of his head.

"Your tracker leads us first to the Mafias mansion, which gave us a hard time, get through each of their traps, only to find out you're not even there in the first place," Suzanne added.

"Let's not talk about it at all, what matters right now is that we complete the mission and we get you out of that mess." Max interrupted.

He then gives me a head pat, as he messes my hair up.

"You look so great on that red gown of yours. I wonder how you fight those assholes while wearing such a fancy gown." Max smirked.

I roll my eyes heavenwards, for his remarks.

"Oh come on! Stop mentioning that shit!" I complain as I slap his hand out of my already messed up hair. TSS.

Oh, God! This day is so tiring all I want is to put myself above my bed and sleep.

I so hate this day! I swear! TSS.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

UP NEXT: The Triplet Monsters

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