
The Last Ancient(HIATUS)

Genre:Action ,Adventure ,Late Romance ,God,Magic,Martial,No Harem. The Ancient has been gone for long and last of there kind named Salaria de savantin and his adventures around the multiverse . (Critics allowed for the book other than about the chapter lenght and the amount of chapter uploaded and the speed of it) Ps.This is one of my story please read it and leave a commet .And pic and others are not mine there will be my own world and oc,s in it and the plot is mine.

Mauloof · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Chapter 1:Prologue

Before the being of time there was a species named ancient in the present time there only known by god and even they thought of them as myth other then the supreme god.

            They created land to god.They created time ,life death,destruction, creation,chaos and many other powers and creations.Even the ancients learned these ways and created beings. They learn everything experiment and experience things.


            Even they are not immortal so they choose to put there  power into the last of the and the youngest of there beings because he isn't  limited  like them and ancient only live a 3 nanotillien years . And this not know to any being othere than the supreme god . And also only because they told the god. The child was send through time and space after 2 month of birth.


              The ancient are just like human's  but has a lot of trust in each other and never betray or have any sins. They are more supreme the supreme god itself  because they are the one who created the god.And has a the most flaw less body.


               The little ancient was crying while in his mother's  hand he stopped crying .And father came and said to the little ancient we will see when you become big and strong .And they were crying when they send there child  through time and space into a world named ramenet .


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