
The Lady Of The Mafia

"The Lady of the Mafia" Yoon Novelle, known to her closest allies as Yuri, is not just an ordinary woman—she’s the enigmatic leader of one of the most powerful mafia families in the city. Born into a life of privilege and danger, Yuri navigates a world where loyalty is rare and betrayal lurks around every corner. After the tragic death of her father, Yuri steps into the underworld, taking the reins of the family business alongside her elder brother. Balancing her life as a feared mafia boss and a passionate author, Yuri is a woman of many contradictions—hot-tempered yet logically positive, ruthless yet fiercely protective of those she loves. With her stepfather’s protection and a close-knit circle of friends and allies, including the mysterious Sabeastian, the clever Kai, and the resilient Alisa, Yuri faces constant challenges from rival families, law enforcement, and even within her own ranks. As she fights to maintain control over her empire, Yuri also grapples with her own desires, particularly her longing for a life beyond crime and her search for someone who can accept her for who she truly is. But in a world where power is everything and trust is a luxury, can Yuri find the balance she seeks without losing everything? Dive into a tale of power, loyalty, and the complex world of a woman who refuses to be defined by anyone but herself.

NoorBaig · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs


It was a dark night, and a man was running frantically down a deserted road, shouting, "Help me! Is anyone here? Please, that girl is going to kill me!"

From behind, a girl emerged silently, wielding a knife. She caught up to the man and coldly said, "Did you think I would let you go?" before swiftly ending his life with a fatal strike.

A car pulled up beside the girl, and a guard stepped out. He addressed her with a calm demeanor, "Lady Novelle, we should go home now. It's getting late." The girl, now revealed as Lady Novelle, nodded and got into the back seat of the car. The guard, Sebastian, drove them away from the scene.

The car stopped near a hotel, where Lady Novelle got out, entered the building, and took a room to change her blood-stained clothes. After cleaning up and changing into fresh attire, she exited the room. Sebastian was waiting outside, and together they left the hotel. As she sat back in the car, she instructed, "Take me home."

They soon arrived at Lady Novelle's home. As she entered, her twin younger half-brothers, Jung Yoon and Taewoon Yoon, ran up to her and hugged her tightly. "You guys haven't slept yet? It's late," she remarked with a gentle smile.

"Hey, sister, we have a day off from school tomorrow. Will you go out with us?" they asked eagerly.

"Of course! We'll definitely go for a walk tomorrow. But now, go to your rooms and get some sleep. We'll go for a morning walk first thing in the morning."

"Okay, sister, we'll get up early!" they chimed in unison before heading off to bed.

Lady Novelle also went to her room. Sebastian, her loyal guard, followed her and said, "Lady Novelle, you seem very tired. Take a bath, and I'll prepare dinner for you." She nodded, and Sebastian went to arrange the meal while she headed to the bathroom.

After taking a relaxing bath, Lady Novelle slipped into a bathrobe and made her way to the dining room. The house butler, Kai Jang, was there to serve dinner—Baked Salmon with Grapefruit Salad.

She took a bite and remarked, "Wow, this is delicious."

Kai smirked slightly, "I'm glad you like it, Lady Novelle."

"Of course, I do. After all, you made it," she replied with a warm smile.

At that moment, Sebastian came up behind Kai and wrapped his arms around him, planting a kiss on his cheek. Kai blushed and protested softly, "Sebastian, what are you doing in front of Lady Novelle?"

Novelle chuckled, covering her mouth with her hand. "Kai, you look so cute when you blush."

"Get off my back," Kai muttered, still blushing.

"It's been six months, and you still get shy around Sebastian," Novelle teased.

After finishing her dinner, Lady Novelle stood up and said to Sebastian, "When my brothers wake up, make sure they wake me up too."

She then went to her room and laid down to sleep. The next morning, Jung and Taewoon woke up and ran to her room. Novelle opened her eyes and sat up. Her brothers hugged her tightly.

"I'm up now. Let's go for that morning walk," she said with a smile. "Okay, give me a moment to freshen up, and then we'll go."

The twins, Jung and Taewoon, who were just six years old, eagerly got ready, and soon they were all out for a morning walk, with Sebastian accompanying them.

As they strolled through a public park, Sebastian brought sandwiches for everyone. Novelle asked her brothers, "Did you have fun?"

They both nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, we had a lot of fun! Can we go to Mama's house afterward?"

Novelle agreed, and as they sat on a bench, she turned to Sebastian, "Inform my mother that we're coming to see her."

"Yes, Lady Novelle," Sebastian replied.

After returning home and having breakfast, they got ready to visit their mother. They all got into the car—Sebastian driving, Kai sitting next to him, and Novelle with her twin brothers in the back seat.

On the way, Taewoon asked, "Will our elder brothers be there?"

Novelle turned to Sebastian, "Did you find out if they'll be there?"

"I tried asking, but they didn't say anything," Sebastian responded.

Novelle sighed, "Well, I guess we'll find out when we get there."

When they arrived at her mother's house, the guards outside the gate welcomed them, "Welcome, Lady Novelle, and welcome, young masters."

As they entered the house, Kiyomi, the house butler and her mother's secretary, greeted them. "Where is Mother?" Novelle asked.

"The President is in her office," Kiyomi informed her.

Just then, a man in a bathrobe descended the stairs and smirked. "Look who's here—our dear Yuri."

Novelle's eyes narrowed. "Watch your tongue, Jinwoo. The twins are here."

"Oh, come on, if I hold my tongue, who's going to entertain us?" Jinwoo Yoon, the eldest of the Yoon brothers at 27, replied with a mischievous grin.

Another man appeared and sighed, "Jinwoo, you really should control that mouth of yours. You talk too much."

This was Namwoon Yoon, the second eldest at 25.

"What are you two doing here?" Novelle asked, a bit annoyed.

Before anyone could answer, another man descended the stairs. "Hey Yuri, how are you?"

This was Haru Sohma Yoon, the third eldest at 24.

Jung and Taewoon immediately stepped in front of Novelle, trying to protect her. "Don't bully our sister!" they declared with an adorable but angry expression.

Haru chuckled and ruffled their hair. "You two are angry but look so cute."

Kiyomi then stepped out of the office and announced, "The President is calling everyone inside."