
The Lady of Stone

Lizbeth, a young survivalist, dies in a landslide. For her it was like falling asleep and when she wakes up she finds that she has become a rock and has an annoying system in her head. She now has to figure out how to move around and then figure out the workings of this world. Follow her on her journey to becoming The Lady of Stone. Part of the Chaos Incarnate series. Credits to SorynStudios (a fellow webnovel author) for making the cover and credits to the artist who created the drawing.

Lobski · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs


When I finally got her to go to sleep again, Nagi had woken up.

"What happened?"

"She had a nightmare where you all died, the thing is, it might not have been a nightmare. She awoke her Fate Affinity right before she had it."

Nagi nodded, I didn't really understand him, he was always so calm and composed, even when I said there's a chance he was going to die in the near future.

"I was wondering when that ability would awaken, also, I can guess your biggest worry, don't worry about that, she can't track her even if she wanted to."

"Why were you wondering when the ability would awaken?"

"Her family has been blessed over multiple generations over a long time by Kasimata. The magic is part of her bloodline.

Anyways, Kasimata could track us even if we were in a place out of her jurisdiction, that's because she could just look at our threads of fate and deduce our location.

The reason she can't track us is because you are here. Travelers are also called fateless ones, that's because you don't belong in this world and thus not to this world line of fate.

You are fatebound to Diana causing her fate to be impossible to see and even we are protected since she can only see the futures that are possible if you hadn't been here."

That calmed me down a little. "Thanks, I needed some assurance."

He sat down at the fire, it was flickering weakly because the magic keeping it burning was running out.

"What's it like, to be ripped from your world and put here, in an unfamiliar body?"

"Weird, scary, sudden, I didn't really think too much. I just got through my days. The thing is, I know I died but I can't remember it, one moment I was climbing a mountain the next I woke up as a rock."

"Must be weird, changing from, I don't actually know what you were but I'm assuming human, into a literal rock."

"It was, especially since I didn't have any senses at first, I didn't have to be like that for long but still, imagine waking up without being able to perceive the world at all, that's what made me the most scared actually.

Luckily I quickly got the ability but still, I never want to feel like that again."

We continued or conversation for a bit longer, during which Diana got up.

"I can't sleep, I need to do something so I'm going to hunt."

I wanted to go with her but Nagi stopped me.

"You should remember that she has already maxed out an entire skill tree that had multiple combat skills. Nothing in this forest that doesn't have dragon blood can harm her here and dragon blooded are very rare. We were quite unlucky with the wyvern."


Diana slowly moved throughthe forest, activating all of her passive stealth skills. Even though it was hard, it was still possible to, although barely, notice her.

She looked at what she was stalking, a deer-like creature with teeth sharp as razors and antlers that could pierce iron.

This creature was unnamed by the system, caused by its inability to develop a consciousness.

Most called it a razor-deer or in this case, judging by it's horns, a razor-elk.

This would probably gave her a decent amount of exp, especially since she was now on a starter class, something that only had 5 levels.

Classes also had 10 tiers, which makes her achievement all the moe impressive.

Taking out a knife made of Tempered Steel, she quietly approached it.

She silently cast the dark magic spell, sense block, a spell only gained at the max level of the affinity skill, right when it was ready to change into Death Affinity.

Like the name implied, the skill blocked, rather weakened, the sense of it's target. This was perfect for enhancing once stealth without having to actually use an active skill, allowing the user to preserve those skills for later.

When she was close enough, she first slit it's tendons before slitting it's troath, she knew the location of those tendons thanks to a particularly nasty skill of her previous class, Royal Spy.

The skill was called Vital Targetting and redirected the users attack to hit vital weaknesses.

{Congratulations, you have reached level 5

Certain requirements have been met.}

{Due to the nature of fated protector, System recommends user changes to humanoid classification. Possible options.

1. No

2. Werewolf (not recommended)

3. Shadow (recommended)

4. ??? (highly recommended)}

Not knowing what to do, she wanted to get back to the camp to discuss with us.

Unlike her adoptive parents, she know for a fact that she was bound by the limits of the human race, as much of a prodigy as she may be.

Before she could however, she was surprised by a guttural roar followed by a creature she had difficulty making out in the dark pounced her.

Fast as her instincts might be, this creature was faster.

She was hit by it and thrown against a nearby tree.

Another beast, seemingly a bearcat jumped from the shadows and attacked the creature.


I was sent a message by Bearry through our connection.

"Diana is being attacked by something that Bearry has no idea how to even start fighting.

He says that he at first thought that it just wanted her pray but it seems pretty adamant to get to Liz."

I called Alaster and Lupo to me, we quickly moved to where Bearry and Diana were.

Arriving we saw what Bearry was fighting, it was something made from black threads, no true form could be attributed to it.

{Special event triggered: Attack by unknown creature.

Objective: Defeat creature

Reward: Information, Skill}

Now what the hell was this thing to trigger an event.