
The Kronos Chronicles (BL)

Persie lived a life of luxury among the gods on Mount Olympus until Venus grew envious of his rumored relationship with Poseidon. The three sons of Lord Titan Kronos—Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus—had vanished without a trace. Many believed that their father, Kronos, was subjecting them to his customary trials and tribulations. However, Venus cunningly framed Persie, resulting in Kronos punishing him. As his sentence, Persie was tasked with traversing various worlds to save lost souls in order to earn forgiveness. Despite encountering countless challenges, Persie remained resolute in fulfilling his mission. Little did he expect to encounter love for the first time, especially with a man who stood as his complete opposite. Persie found himself drawn to the power and control wielded by Hades, the god of the underworld and ruler of the dead. This attraction stemmed from Persie's lifetime of adhering to societal expectations. He embarked on a journey of new experiences, bringing light into Hades's dark realm. How would Persie react upon discovering that he had fallen in love with the very being who governed and dictated the laws of the underworld? Will their love transcend the boundaries of life and death? Volume 1: Hades & Persie Volume 2: Zeus &... Volume 3: Poseidon &... New chapter every day. 3 extra chapters the very next day, for every super gift.

TheEmpressNing · LGBT+
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73 Chs

1.68 Yolanda & Hector

Yolanda emerged from the kitchen, carefully balancing three boxes in her hands. With a warm smile, she presented them to the eagerly awaiting customer before bidding him farewell as he exited the coffee shop.

As her gaze swept across the now-empty space, a sense of melancholy settled upon her. The absence of bustling conversations and the faint aroma of freshly brewed coffee seemed to amplify the solitude that enveloped the once-vibrant cafe.

Her disheartened sigh did not go unnoticed by Hector, who had been observing her from a distance.

Moved by her emotions, he stepped forward and enveloped her in a comforting embrace, offering solace in his arms.

Yolanda, her voice tinged with a touch of despondency, expressed her disappointment, "I had hoped that Evander's decision to live with them would bring fortune to us as well, not just to him."