
The Korean playboy

Joshua Park, doctor by profession gets entangled with an actor in a whirlwind romance

Rikbom_Gibo · LGBT+
30 Chs


Five years later

"Grandpa, grandma" Samuel and Krystal rushed out of the car to mom and dad's arms as if they were racing to see who's gonna reach them first. We had twins through surrogacy. They were turning three this year. And I kind of still didn't believe seeing them grow so fast. After the incident everything went back to normal. I got busy in my hospital and he in his shoots and recording studios. I came out as Ghost Supermodel the year after, after hiding the identity for so damn long. Manager hyung decide to be my manager for my modeling assignments. He held my arms bringing me out of my thoughts.

I walked hand in hand with him to them as I pulled mom and dad in to a hug.

"Oppa" Rachel came running out and hugged me and Jung Hoon.

"Immu" Krystal and Samuel hugged their aunt before ignoring us and walking inside the house.

Jung Hoon greeted them as well, as we all get inside the house.

Dad and Jung Hoon sat on the couch in the living area. Rachel took Samuel and Krystal to her room as I walked over to kitchen to help mom cook.

"So, how have you been?" mom asked.

"Mom I just live few miles away and I came last weekend too" I said.

"You can't blame me for missing my son, who now has a family of his own."

"Aww" I pulled her in to a hug.

"I missed you too" I said kissing her cheeks.

We stayed over for dinner and decided to leave when the clock ticked at nine. I called out for my three year olds saying it was time to go home.

"Oppa they fell asleep" Rachel said coming down stairs.

"Let them stay overnight. Your dad will bring them back home tomorrow" mom said.

"Ok" I said. We bid them goodbye and drove away for home.

"Finally I get you alone" Jung Hoon said.

"As if anything is going to happen tonight" I stated.

"Are you sure about that?" he said and we both burst out in to laughter.

"By the way I have a surprise for you" I said.

"What?" he asked.

"Not gonna tell" I hummed.

"That's not fair" he said pouting.

"Everything is fair in love and war" I said laughing out loud.

After we reached home I straight went to the bed room. He followed me catching up to me, hugging me from behind.

"Where is my surprise?" he asked placing a kiss on my shoulder.

"First let me blindfold you" I said getting a tie from the drawer and blindfolding him.

"Wait here for me" I said setting him down on the couch near the bed.

I quickly went into the bathroom got myself cleaned and put on the jockstrap on me. This was the first time I was wearing something like this. I saw myself in the mirror and felt kind of proud that my round ass cheeks looked amazing peeking out of the straps cupping my cheeks perfectly. I glanced myself one last time and came back in to the bedroom.

"Hey what's taking you too long?" he asked getting impatient.

I chuckled. I kissed his lips and came to the edge of the bed. I climbed on the bed on my knees, my ass perked up in the air. My face on the bed all bent over for him. Once I was done setting myself for him I asked him to take his blindfold off.

"Babe, it is beautiful" he said, looking at me, still on the couch.

"Really?" I asked.

"Hmmm babe, you look so damn sexy" he said getting up from the couch and came towards me.

He placed a soft spank on my left cheek before cupping it in his hands. He squeezed and kneaded his fingers on my cheeks.

"Baby you like your surprise?" I asked looking back at him with a smile.

"I love it babe" he said pulling down his trousers along with his Calvin and plunged his rock hard dick in to me.

"You like it baby?" he asked.

"Yes, go deeper" I said.

He did just what I said and went harder and deeper in to me, until we both ejaculated and crashed down on the bed, cuddling each other in to sleep.