
The Knight is a She

The Crown Prince, Prince Leran has been betrayed by one of his royal subordinates and childhood best friend that is Callixa, the knight of his twin sister. After the attempt to kill him, Callixa suddenly loses most of her memories and acts like she is somebody else. Zana the modern girl who is gifted specially is in the body of Callixa. She started to find a way to return home. How can she escape the life and fate of being the shadow of the Dead Knight, Callixa? (Medieval + Modern Technology theme) Will continue on May

SophiaUrLove04 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 5: Enamor

It was indeed cold, I was stooped down as I was casted away. All those descending gaze degraded me in doubt and in judgment.


I'm Zana walking using the body of Callixa without anyone believing in me.


He only utters these words after we indulge in the taste of our mouth. "Leave and don't dare to show up again,"


His paradox.


The feeling that he never want to let go of my hand.


I am sure that this crown prince bears such fondness for this tomboy knight. Is that the reason of your fight? Please tell me. Perhaps, my death was only about this unrequited love?


I stare at him expressionless , being a mere spectator in their story.


I hate being transmigrated in the world of my dreams. You can feel it and it feels like hell. It felt real.

Like it is my own story.



What did this tomboy do for you to make that expression, crown prince? I stand asking. I wanted to know the answer but I won't dare to.


As I was driven out by him.


I was dragged into an enclosed cage that meant to travel for a very long distance. We stopped multiple times but I was never held out. Food and water were served up until the time that I will be thrown out of the land.


I touched my lips. It was only a kiss but that petty kiss saved my life. I never thought that I would trade something like that just to be spared.


He is in love with her and she is in love with his sister. She made a declaration of her confession to the princess for how many times.


I got used to traveling to places through my dreams and I've become another person so many times but here I am stuck being a knight with no future and I was not able to return.


Can I start a new life and go back to my normal life?


However, how am I able to survive in this place? What if I kill myself? Would I be able to return to my world or would I go to hell instead?


This is a cold place, in the place where I came from it never snows. So, this is snow.


It was so cold that it made my body numb. I need to move or I'll freeze to death.


Lifeless and Hopeless I am walking just to meet the same end and that is to die.


With an utterance of a mere prayer inside my head. Please...




Please Help me!


I saw two young men hunting. They were resting beside a campfire.


At first, they keep their guard on and prepare for an attack. So I went and gamble to reveal myself to them.


They brought me to a small village and provided food and shelter.


I'm glad I was safe however during the night when I was not able to fall asleep someone had entered my room.


The other guy tries to force himself on me. I was pinned down on the ground.


After a kiss to save my life comes another unfortunate event, sexual assault.


I don't want to! So I exerted all the strength I had in me.


He hits me just to make me stop moving. One hit and then the next one when something flew hitting his head, passing and breaking through the walls of this small inn where we are staying.


Like a dog that waggles his tail for me, he was so excited but now he fainted.


I pull my body away scooting unto the wall.


What a pitiful sight if I am the one who is standing watching myself. I don't want to see it.


I covered my body as I heard a man speaking "I never thought that you are that appealing?" He said.


He reveals himself from the shadows


"No one can deny it. It is your fire's main purpose though," he uttered next.


The fable of the moth and the flame. We are like the flames and the evil we consume is the moth. We are living traps.


The memories inside my head tells me who he is.


He is Demion. The midnight Flame Knight.


The memory inside my mind states something about the flames. Each flames delight in a certain evil. It is like the flame's favorite meal to devour meanwhile it will leave the innocent unharmed.


Callixa's cyan flame delights in consuming the sin Lust. Although, of course, it can do much more than devouring lust.


Demion, midnight's fire delights eating the sinful murder. He is a fellow knight under the crown princess.


'He was sent to terminate me since the crown prince failed to do so?' I thought but my facial expression cannot hide it that he even commented back. "Don't worry" he hides his glaive at his side.

"The crown princess sent me, she knows that you will be in trouble so they all sent me," he said.


However, my trembling never seizes due to my great mistrust. He went near me and held my shoulders.


"We believe that you're innocent Callixa," he said.


His words make my eyes flooded with tears and I burst out crying.


I long to hear those words. I think that I've been too emotional lately.


He explained more and more about what had happened when I was caught. The flame of Chief Xeno did not harm me. Chief Xeno is the Chief Knight assigned to the princess. He possesses the fire that devours injustice.


So, they knew that Callixa has a valid reason on why she did what she did however since the assault is done towards the crown prince whether the prince is in the wrong or not no one can stand against him even the crown princess.


"The princess has sent me because she believes that one day one of our precious knights will return back to duty." He smiled.


So, He is a friend. I can see it inside her memory.


Her memory, maybe this much is enough for me to survive.


Knight Callixa, from now on I'm under your care.


In my deep thoughts I heard Demian speak once again, "You cannot use your fire, was it sealed away by the royal family?" he added.