

As it seen on last chapter the prince was killed and princes Dami take the place of his brother.So she has to live as a man for the rest of her life.And cardo waits for long without seeing Dami and decide to go to palace finds her and talk to prince without know is the girl she is looking for and ask for Dami and prince who is fake told that she left the palace sick and ask me to give you this she give him the thing she planned to give him before the disaster happen.

So Cardo leave with pain that Dami left him so he accidentally saw his father going after the girl in the palace and take her with him to forest and want to kill her because she know about Dami where Cardo wants to stop his father not to kill an innocent kid but his father never listen to him and that girl was killed in front of Cardo where the prince who is Dami was not far she also sees everything. The situation make Cardo go far from home went to ming

Days going where the queen got sick and died wher she ask lady choi to take care of Dami and days go on wher the crown prince turn Eighteen years where she alredy accept the fact that she has to live the life of his brother and avenge his death. The time come when the cardo returned and forced to work in palace inorder to save his friends and work as royal tutor of crown prince where he face again Dami without knowing..

Do you think what is going to happen to crown prince is he going to pass through all this ......