
The Wave Caller

The Guild Channel of the Harbingers was usually quiet. One could find hardly 10 or 20 messages in an entire hour and they were usually about a quest or a particular item. Yet, this quiet channel suddenly blew up with messages, surprising RedQueen.

She opened the Guild Channel to see what the fuss was about and her eyes widened with shock. 

"Help! A Black Blood Platoon has ambushed us near the Marauder's Pass in Ravaged Canyon." (16:48)

"We are being ambushed near Virident Forest! Save us! :Location:" (16:51)

Numerous such messages had been sent to the channel in the past few minutes and names of the senders of those messages had already turned gray. What puzzled her was the fact that not one R4 had responded to the pleas for help!

"What are Romero and those guys doing? Why haven't they responded to their pleas for help?"