
Swift Hurricane

The Zombie horde had not appeared miraculously. Rather the Undead Elves were attracted by the Dark Energy emanated from the evolving Little Blighter's body. 

Samar had summoned the Spider out once again as soon as he had reached the first floor of a Treehouse. While Taris postured and posed, Samar had been preparing for his upcoming doom.

However, he had underestimated the allure created by the combination of Dark Energy and Vital Energy permeating the air after 30 players died at once. The result was before him. 

As the Grandeur Guild made preparations to face the monster horde, Samar issued a new set of instructions to Stivi. Then he waited for the opportune moment.

"Natureguards, to the front. Mages and Rangers, take cover."Taris commanded, histone calm and steady. Then he turned towards the Druids and histone changed, "Healers, if one Natureguard dies, I'll have your head on a pike."