
Sting Operation (II)

West District Polling Booth, Rajni City

Covered in a black cloak, Samar joined the queue of voters waiting for their turn to vote. He stood just a few spots behind City Guard Scully, which would allow him to closely observe the changes in his behavior when Amarina arrived. 

"Team Leader, is this really okay?" Romero asked through a message, "these regular black cloaks cannot prevent people from probing your information. What if Amarina does not come because you are here?"

"Don't worry. There are many players wearing black cloaks. Scarlet Heart won't know it is me unless they probe information of each and every player cloaked in black."

After this conversation, Samar and Romero both went silent, waiting for Amarina to arrive. Clock continued to tick and it was already 1 in the afternoon.