
The kingdom of Elda

On the continent of Grisalir, the land shaped by the gods Ageba, among the fifteen nations established by the original Men, is the kingdom of Elda, the most beautiful and purest of all. This idyllic kingdom filled with magic and miracle was the jewel of the continent and the gods. The moon, Varanita, goddess and guardian of this land was the loving mother assuring the peace on this land. One day, however, darkness came and corruption began to spread. Chaos and nothingness threatened to devour the moonlight. War was at the heart of Elda and only one being was key to saving the kingdom's fate, Princess Belda.

Maestro_9007 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

The knights of the moon

On a spring night, at a great and rich palace surrouded by gardens and mighty ramparts took place a diner. In the dining room, all around the rectangular table, there was people sitting and eating a nice feast. Eleven people exactly were here, dressed with nice coat decorated with elegent patterns. Everyone here was enjoying that moment with smile and laughter.

-You should have seen the face of Osmidia when he realised he was talking to a lord. He exclaimed by almost laughing.

-Please can we stop talking about that, it's already embarrassing enough for me. Almost begged Osmidia.

-Next time you will be more carefull, less rude. Added Maraa, the only woman of the group.

-I think it is a good lesson for you. Now you will be more respectfull with other people. Calmly said the men seated at the right end of the table.

-Let's hope he do, Béréqial. Commented another one.

The man seated at the end of the table on a silver chair and dressed with more refine clothes suddenly spoke after a slight laughing.

-Anéon, please, tell me that this not always the way they act ? He joyfully wondered.

-Oh lord Daubé, this is nothing compared to their habits. Tonight they are more behaved than usual. Nonetheless by some miracle i succeed to manage them. The diairy of my grandfather teached me alot on the matter. He finished his sentence with a little sighing voice.

-He was truly one of a kind, a man like no other. He did some mission i considered to be almost impossible in the past.

-Thank you for the compliment my lord. I am sure he would have been pleased.

-Anyway, less chit-chit and more serious topics. Are you sure that the duke Héroldir is on our side ? Questionned the lord with a more serious face.

-Yes, since you agree on giving him your protection he said he agreed on joining our side and to help with ressources, political support and with informations he can gather by spying on the loyalist side. Responded Anéon.

-His lovely wife also told me that she will use her connection from her friends to help if we help her escape the castle of her husband from time to time. Added another knight.

-Is there any problem between them, Léandel ? Asked the lord.

-No, his wife just said that she needed to breath from time to time and, huh, experience other aspect of her feminity? Which roughly translate that she needs to see other men more interesting and intellectually mature, those were her words and she had a very interesting argument to, huh, show me. he smirked with proudness.

-So you fucked the wife of our newly acquired ally ? Lectured Maraa with a curious face.

-And his eldest daughter too. I mean, she litteraly just came into my bedroom and...

-Like i said my lord, he is on our side. For

now and i hope as long as possible regarding what this idiot did.

-Good, good. We may still have some time but we must act fast and with precision to end the separation of our kingdom.

Clarified Daubé while thinking of something the other couldn't see but only understand.

-Worry not my Lord, we, kignhts of the moon, are ready to do what is necessary for the people and protection of the kingdom. Assured Anéon.

-Those are pretty words my friend but i think we will need more than that to win the war. Don't forget that the truce could be broken at anytime since the loyalist armies are rebuilding themselves faster than us unfortunately. They will strike first if they see an opportunity. Explained the blond one, the man sitting right next to Anéon.

-I know that very well, but for now we have the upper hand and we must use that advantage, Ulim.

He said while looking at his friend harrassed by tiredness.

-And we will use it, we cannot fail otherwise it will be the end of our kingdom and maybe even the end of the whole continent. We are a rampart and we must act like one. Tomorrow i want you to depart for the capital with me. We will reunite the counsel to prepare our allies for the uncoming war.

-Yes my lord ! Proclaimed every knight by putting their hand on their chest.

Far away from them, the duke Horaldir, in his castle, was dining with his wife and children. Like always he was talking about his plans and how great they were without knowing that it was boring for his daughters and his wife.

-It's brilliant don't you think ? He exclaimed with enthusiasm.

-Yes dear, very brilliant, i am sure everyone will be surprised by your plans. Retorted his wife before taking a bite of her plate.

-Exactly. Oh and my darling daughters, don't forget that tomorrow the painter will arrive for your portrait, dress yourself with your most pretty clothes.

-Yes father. Answered the oldest.

The duke then talked again to his wife while the youngest daughter, whispered to her sister's left hear.

-I heard that the painter is Nica and that he is very handsome. Some of my friends even said that he is really good in bed.

-Really ? Then perhaps it will be less boring than i thought. She responded.

-Father and mother will be there so i don't think we will be able to do anything, but his bedroom will surely be easy to access.

-Surely. I am first.

-No, it's me.

-I am the oldest, i will go first.

-You are so selfish.

-What is it Éloni ? Asked the mother.

-Nothing mother, we are just...excited for tomorrow that's all.

Their mother didn't seem to believed them but she was not in the mood to be a detective tonight. She was more focus on surviving throught his monologue about how intelligent he was.

Later that night, while laying on their bed, the duke ask his wife.

-Do you think we did the right thing, dear ?

She raised her eyes and directed them at his husband's eyes.

-I believe we did, the loyalists are too cruel, you saw their methods, they are almost fanatics if not completely.

-You think ?

She was shocked at the fact that her husband was doubting their choice even more about the loyalists.

-Did you not see what they did to the village of Kekalo ? They burned houses and barns , killed one third of the men and don't get me even starting on what they did to some of the women. I refuse for us to be allied with barbarians ! She argued with an reasonable anger.

-You are right, even if their targets was some high ranked noble for the reformist side, it is not a reason.

-Don't worry Horaldir, things will turn out well for our family. We won't let our daughters live in a dark world.

-You are right, as long as the knight of the Moon are with us, we are protected. Thank you, dear. He said as he kissed her.

With the comfort of being protected by one of the most powerful nobles and knights of the land. They manage to sleep well with new plans on their road. Even if Horaldir and his wife were not the most sincere, loyal and loving couple of the kingdom, their concerns for their people and daughters were perfectly sincere.