
The King? The Copy? The Soul?(Hiatus)

A world heavily inspired by jujutsu kaisen with a power system that's pretty confusing This book is about our main character named Tori a human that's half monster after he merged with the strongest monster of all named Yoru a monster stronger than everything his sensei Jin has gotten him and let's Tori decide to Die or Live until he eats the 8 souls Tori has to eat the 8 souls of the level 8 monsters the strongest level and true monsters that will do anything to achieve there goal they want to kill Tori to gain his power and be the king of everything He has watched his sister Sanya die from a heart problem and cancer and he knows he has to live on for his sister even if he knows he'll die at the end will he carry it out or will he break the deal? Tropes/genre: fiction, dark, adventure, action, fantasy, sad, inspired by jujutsu kaisen, diseases, good characters, multiple arcs.

yaboinethertank · แอคชั่น
24 Chs

Chapter 16: another Emuy user

Tori is talking to Gari, their both smiling, with glee, and happiness.

Gari: explain how you used Deriontro Expansion.

Tori: I don't know.

Gari: how did you use the Deriontro expansion, you don't have any Yume!

Tori: I said I don't know!

Tori grumbles and mumbles, but then, higher up 4 walks towards them.

[Higher up 4 name. "Jen". her ability is called "Riot", this allows her to control water and Lava properties, when she is angered, but when she's not angered. she can only control one, and she also has the aura ability. "Ace". this roles a dice until she gets a 15 or more gifting her physical immunity to everything, by pumping Soul Energy through her body skin.]

Jen smirks, and flips her hair to the right.

Jen: he didn't use deriontro expansion, he used, Domain Aura. Those are two completely different things.

Gari: how?

Jen: aura is the thing us Emuy users have, Yune Users do not have aura.

Gari: oh, ok. That explains why Tomi could use, Deriontro Expansion. It wasn't Deriontro Expansion, it was Domain Aura.

Jen: bingo.

Jen smirks, and she put her hands together, the air goes thin, the noise stops. All of a sudden, a bell dings, a circle of pure white appears around Tomi, Gari and Jen. But she deactivated it, it cracks and shattered.

Jen: that was a demonstration.

Gari: cool.

Tiyori's mouth appears on Tomi's hand, the mouth smirked.

Tiyori: why don't me and you fight, after all, you're a little brat that's part of my worst enemies.

Tori: I disagree with that.

Jen: no I insist, after all, I'll Win with ease.

Jen smirked, and Tomi sighed, Tiyori took control. The aura shaking everything, the aura dark and grimy. Tiyori runs at Jen and tried to slice her face, but Jen barely dodged, and she laughed enjoying this fight. But then Tiyori feels a energy, and he smirked. Sprinting off towards it, he killed multiple people along his way, just because he could, and he jumps up. He sees a Monster, with a piece of his soul. And he smirked, but Jen threw a boulder at him, but he destroyed it, with his pinky finger.

He jumps at the demon, and grabs it's face, and he smirked.

Tiyori: Clip.

Clip is an ability that Tiyori hasn't used in over 1,290+ years. this ability creates as many invisible cuts. Using string, that move faster than mach 100+.]

The monsters head gets cut off, the cut clean and symmetrical, he eats the soul. The aura gets even heavier, Jen is surprised and runs away. But then Tiyori(Real name Yoru) runs after her, but then Haere appears. And socks Tiyori in the face.

[We switch to Jinori]

Jinori laughs, his excitement oh so evident, he plunges his arm and hand into the ground. And rips it out, holding a heart, he crushed it. A portal appears, a book pops out. Titled "The Copy's Power: II", and Jinori smirked.

[Back to Tiyori and Haere]

Tori takes control, Jen Is surprised while Haere rubs his hand.

Haere: (I always forget, he's a double edged sword. He's a good fighter but on the other hand, he can kill billions of people in seconds.)

Jen: he got stronger.

Haere: I know.

Haere looks at Tori.

Haere: As you know, we're in copriton village.

Tomi: Yeah.

Haere: Good, then you need to know we have to find The Copy's Power: II, which is the second Bible.

Tomi: Uh what does it look like?

Haere: A Bible that's fully white, and has a eye in the middle, with multiple other pupils.

Tomi: ok.

Tori ran away, but he bumped into someone, and he looks up. Only to see higher up 8 "planet buster - Ten".

[Ten, also known as planet buster. His ability is called, chains of worlds. This ability summons 1-20 planets, that are chained, and smashed together.]

go read my other books

The Game[Webnovel]


ファンタジー世界で生まれ変わる(Reborn In A Fantasy World)

and I'm releasing a new book on WebNovel called "Who Wins?" most likely won't get a lot of views but check it out when you can:)

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