
Cure him

Ye Alix came out from the little house. Seeing the man sleeping peacefully caused sadness in her heart and she hated this feeling. She tried to hold him up but his body was bulky and masculine. She was unable to hold his weight. The male hormones from the body of the man entered her nostrils and it somehow made her want to stay closer to him. The feeling was foreign to her. The little distance from her courtyard to the bed was enough to make her breathless. She with a lot of difficulty took him to the bed and made him lay on the soft bed. She was sweating hard for this small work. However; the man was very weak and had a very high fever. She never wanted to help this brat in the first place but it was like something was compelling her to take care of this man. She didnt get a good feeling when she first saw this man. There was something wrong with this guy.

However she decided to keep her thoughts aside and started to take off his torn and shabby clothes. There was dried blood in his shirt. She took off the shirt and there was a deep wound in his chest area. Blood was still gushing out from the wound. It was swollen Because of infection. Clearly he didnt take care of this. She assumed the fever was caused by the pain and infection of this wound. So she started to stitch it with utmost care and at the some time she rubbed a wet cloth on his body to decrease the temperature. she was wrapping a bandage when she heard him murmuring something. She moved her ear towards his mouth to hear what was he blabbering

Let me go. I didnt hurt you in any way. So why are you doing this to me. Please I beg you please. I wont tell anyone anything about you. Just let me go please. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

He was sweating and anxious. He started to move and he was grabbing the draperies tightly. His wound has just been stitched. It started to bleed again. Ye Alix quickly put her hand on his forehead and started to coax him just like a baby

Calm down. It was just a dream. You have a high fever. You dont have to be afraid. Im here with you. Calm down.

The mysterious man somehow calmed down. He suddenly grabbed her hand tightly and started his blabbering again

This time he said

Save me please. Will you? Will you be with me?????

Ye Alix had no choice other than to agree. He is not going to remember anything anyway.

So she readily agreed.

After that he finally calmed down and his breathing again started to be evenly stable.

Seeing the pitiful condition of this man made her heart soft a little. She subconsciously thinking about this man's misery.

Who would have hurt him so much. It was already a miracle for him to be alive. The wound was too deep and pierced his heart but he is still alive and again what was he afraid of.