
The King of Monster

(Prologue has been edited) Aamon N Mo-ri is an adopted 12 year old teenager living in New York but everything changes when he encounters a dream where 2 figures stand before him saying “All your lives will now come back” before disappearing in front of him. Just then he had w dreams. 1st dream was him living in a world where he lived a normal life on the same planet called Earth. In his life he was a known fan of Japanese entertainment mostly in it’s art such as manga, anime, etc. 2nd life was him being a noble rank of Marquis in the Underworld. He died in the battlefield after he was betrayed by his commander who wanted his human wife Jeanne D’Arc. The only female to be immune to Satanachia charm. However Aamon was with Jeanne and Satanachia was jealous of him so he stabbed him in the back once they were alone however before he died he felt something send his soul out of his body. (This is the old Synopsis I will update when I want to)

OrdinaryWriter131 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs


Amon Mo-ri is a normal, adopted 12-year-old teenager living in New York City. He has a typical attitude and an average outlook on life, though there have been a few instances where strange things happened around him. For example, he was able to predict the winning number on the state lottery, and a dog once ran over to him, biting a mugger as if protecting him. In history class, he could accurately answer questions on subjects he had never learned, as if he always knew about them. However, he never really cared, assuming he was just lucky and had more important things and people to worry about.

His adopted parents, Artoria Emiya and Shirou Emiya, moved from Japan to work with his adopted aunt Rin Tohsaka, who was a student of his non-official grandfather Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, a businessman from Great Britain. He also had a cool uncle known by the nickname Archer, though he never understood why he was named that. Regardless, his uncle trained him in self-defense, teaching him multiple martial arts, with Taekwondo being his favorite. Although he felt he could improve on the martial art himself, it was just a thought for the future; for now, he needed to rest after training with his uncle in martial arts.


On a desolate plain, two figures were present—one with horns and the other surrounded by yellow lights. They were amidst demonic bodies, distinguished by the armor they wore. The horned figure knelt down to the almost holy figure, caressing her face as a droplet of water fell on her beautiful face. Amon couldn't hear what the horned figure was saying, but he was spooked when the demon looked right at him with a smile, as if recognizing him. The demon started glowing, surrounded by other demonic beings, before disappearing. A group of humans speaking French tied up a lone figure, and Amon felt an inexplicable urge to confront them.

Suddenly, everything turned into darkness around him, only to shift somewhere else. A man sitting on a pile of bodies with a pillar-like structure behind him and a crown-like thing around his head caught Amon's eye. The man's bored expression turned to a smile upon making eye contact with Amon. Then the man's expression changed to a frown as he looked behind, and Amon turned to see an army of angelic figures and a man with three eyes sitting on a throne, observing the world as if the people were ants. It angered him, but before he could react, the crowned man flicked his hand, and Amon's body was pulled away.


"Beep Beep Beep." What were those dreams? Who were those people? Why was she crying? Why did his heart hurt? Amon tried to calm down; today was the field trip.

"Amon! Get up; you're going to be late for school!" his dad shouted.

"Alright, just give me a sec! Where did I leave my pants?" Amon muttered, rushing to get ready.

"Mas- I mean, Shirou, today's meal is heavenly, as always," said Artoria.

"Thank you, Art, though I'm still not as good as Archer."

"Tch, as if you can beat me, brat. You're 1,000 years too early to beat me," Archer teased.

"Watch; next, he's gonna say something like, you can't recognize Mt. Tai or something," Amon commented to his aunt Rin, who burst into laughter.

"I'm doubling your training, brat, and Rin, stop snorting out your milk. Why do you even drink it? You're not gonna gro-"

"Shut up! What do you care about it, you useless servant?" Rin retorted, and the banter continued.

"Hey, can y'all keep your bedroom names in the bedroom, please? Like calling each other Master or Servant isn't really good for my mind, you know," Amon said, grinning.

"It's not like that," both his mom and aunt replied simultaneously, while his dad and uncle blushed.

"Hey, get back here, you BRAT!!!" Amon's aunt yelled, but he left before she could react.


"Looks like he's gone," Shirou observed.

"Hmph, when I catch that kid," pouted Rin.

"But did you guys feel it today?" asked Artoria.

"Yea, who wouldn't? Good thing we put a barrier before it leaked more," said Rin with a serious face.

"He's gonna get too strong for the barrier in a few years. Maybe we-" Artoria began.

"No! I want him to live a good life, a normal one, without all these magic and-" Rin interrupted.

"It's okay, Saber," consoled Shirou before exchanging nods with Archer, who disappeared.

Amon ran with a smile, forgetting about his dream, and then slowed down as he approached his school. Just as he was about to cross the street, a familiar voice called out.

"Wait up, Amon!" Percy and Grover, his best friends, caught up with him.


AN: Yeah, I changed a few things, and I did say I was going to update it, though this doesn't mean I would do like 100 chapters, but we'll see what happens. I only edited Prologue but I will edit Chapter 1 and maybe add a few chapters. MAYBE. 

Okay so I know this is short but the rest of them are gonna be longer.

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