
The King Of Kings

Kin Noro, a 15 year old boy must face the challenges that come as he begins getting a grasp on his Dark Matter.

IamShin · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Test Drive

Around Noon at Insomnia High School

Kin sits in the second to last row with his hood all the way up and dark sun glasses on in order to cover his new look.

Jaki who is the same class, sits right behind Kin and nudges at him.

"Kin you look like a idiot right now" Jaki whispers to him

Kin looks back at Jaki and flips him off, "Says the one who can't even wear his shirt correctly" pointing out the fact Jaki's shirt is inside out.

The two begin bickering before it is interrupted by the teacher yelling at them.


A few moments later

Jaki and Kin both stand facing each other in the middle of the football field.

With all the commotion, tons of students begin to pile up and watch the fight between the two.

"Don't get to nervous now Kin, after all I don't want to embarrass you in front of everyone" Jaki laughingly says, "Also if we are gonna do this then take off those stupid glasses and hoodie."

Kin looks around to see well over 200 students circled around them, including a bunch of students peering out through the windows of the school.

He sighs before taking his glasses and hoodie off, revealing his new purple eyes and pitch black hair.

Kin is a very well known student because of his "known" background and status of being a student of the Elite 10. So obviously lots of students begin questioning his new look.

"Let's get this over with already, I hate when people snicker" Kin says as he enters a fighting stance

Jaki chuckles and follows suit, "Did you decide to cosplay your brother or something?"

With that last comment the two rush at each other and collide fists. They look dead into each others eyes before pulling back and attacking again.

Kin throws a sweeping kick that Jaki is able to easily jump over.

Jaki swiftly lands back on the ground and his right arm crashes down towards Kin.

Kin tries to dodge but can't due to Jaki freezing his legs in place in the moment.

Jaki's fist collids with Kin's cheek and sends him stumbling back.

As the two continue to fight, the rest of the Young 9 watch from the schools terrace.

"Those two seriously make us look bad" Elijah scoffs. He leans against the railing as he observes the fight, "Shouldn't you end this Slade?"

Slade has his back towards the fight but peers from his shoulders, "Yea but it doesn't hurt to watch those 2 make a fool out of themselves every once in a while."

"What if one of them seriously gets hurt?" The soft voiced Mio asks, twirling her blonde hair anxiously.

And as if on queue, a huge rumble is caused by their battle.




Lots of students cheer on the battle that begins to escalate with every punch.

Jaki now runs at Kin with fully augmented ice arms. The Air freezing with every punch thrown by him.

As for Kin, even though he's not as offensive as Jaki is. He feels as if his body is surging with new found strength. His purple eyes glow brighter with every passing moment.

 Jaki continues his relentless assault on Kin but is unable to land a single hit, "ARE YOU GONNA JUST DODGE OR ARE YOU GONNA FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!!!" Jaki yells

 Kin scoffs at his words and punches Jaki in the jaw, which makes Jaki stumble backwards. 

 He holds his Jaw as he catches his breathe, "Okay…maybe…not like that…" Jaki clutches his fist and gets ready to dash at Kin, "You won't be able to dodge this one you bastard!!"

With that Jaki rushes at Kin, closing the distance between them rapidly. He then takes the ice from his left arm and transfers it over to his right arm. 

 He cocks his arm back as he gets ready to pummel Kin into the ground. Kin sees the obvious attack and tries to dodge but can't after Jaki prematurely froze his feet in place.

 Jaki laughs, "It's over for you Kin" Jaki's Ice Arm crashes down toward Kin.

 Kin sighs and looks Jaki dead in his eyes, purple sparks of electricity slowly appear across his body as Jaki's fist gets closer and closer.

 Jaki can't help but feel overwhelmed as he stares into Kin's eyes, for some odd reason.

 He felt Fear.

 Jaki's fist begins to slow down tremendously as it approaches Kin.

 But to Kin's surprise it wasn't just Jaki who was slowing down, but the world around him.

 He breaks the ice that holds his feet in place and take one step back. He feels a rush of power course through his veins as his right fist is coated with a black and purple aura. He cocks his fist back, and punches Jaki straight in the gut and immediately time seems to move again. Jaki is sent flying across the field and lands in the end zone unconscious.

 Everyone in the area is in disbelief by what just happened. To them it looked like Jaki's fist had connected with Kin's face but now he's across the field unconscious???

 "What just happened?"

 "Jaki is out cold"

 "Did Kin cheat??"

 The questions and comments about the fight immediately is talked amongst each other.

 Suddenly a loud roar is heard across the entire field, all the students look back at the school to see a giant lion standing there. 

 A middle aged woman with brown long hair and green eyes appears on top of the Lion, "ALL STUDENTS ASIDE FROM KIN NORO, JAKI PIERCE, AND THE YOUNG 9, HEAD BACK TO CLASS IMMEDIATELY!!!" She yells

 Everyone follows suit and rushes back into the school and heads back to class.

 "Oh come on, why did we get dragged into this!?!?" Ski groans loudly 

 Kin looks over at the woman and sighs loudly, already expecting the barrage of lecturing that is about to come.

 The lion jumps off the roof and lands in front of Kin, it growls at him fiercely.

 Kin covers his nose, "You need your mouth washed Sir Lancelot" he says

 The lion growls a bit more before quieting itself as the woman steps down from it. 

 "Mr. Noro, I see you changed your appearance, I can't say the same about your personality though" she says, pointing out the obvious change in hair and eye color.

 "Well Principal Winston, I was dragged out here by that delinquent named Jaki and had to rightfully defe—" Kin is cut off by Sir Lancelots roar


 Kin stands there quietly, yawning as she continues yelling at him.

 Principal Winston then turns around and points at the seven other members of the young 9 who are approaching, "AND WHY DIDN'T ANY OF YOU STEP IN TO END THIS FIGHT!!!"

 Slade speaks up and bows down, "Forgive us Mrs. Winston, we didn't expect the fight to escalate like this." 

 The Principle glares at the Young 9, then to Kin whose smiling widely, then finally over at Jaki whose still laid out.

 "Son go retrieve Jaki for me" Mrs. Winston orders as she looks over at Elijah.

 Elijah groans loudly before heading over to Jaki to retrieve him. He grabs Jaki's unconscious body and throws him onto his shoulders, "WHERE DO YOU WANT ME TO TAKE HIM OLD HAG!?" He yells out to his mother.


 Principal Cathyrn looks back at Kin and grabs him by the ear, "Come Mr. Noro, you'll be having a nice long talk with me!!"

 Kin stumbles as he tries releasing her grip on his ear, "HEY THAT HURTS!!! OWWW!!!" He tries pleading with her but is unable to.

 "AND FOR THE REST OF YOU!!!" She turns and points at the 6 remaining members, "YOU 6 WILL CLEAN THIS FIELD!!!"

 "WHAT!?!?!?" They all scream in unison

 Adrian who can use earth matter immediately starts replacing the ground, "Let's get this over with guys" he says

 Ski lets out a load groan, "I might seriously kill Kin and Jaki next time I see them." 

 Meanwhile at the center of Insomnia City.

 Kensei and Aiken walk together down the crowded side walk, their destination is The Grand Insomnia Castle. Which stands in the direct center of the city, almost 3 blocks wide and easily the towers over any other building that stands.

 "So what's this meeting for exactly?" Aiken asks

 "You've asked that question 5 times now Aiken." Kensei says in a irratitated voice.

 Aiken giggles softly, "Maybe my 3rd time at most, I just enjoy messing with my little brother."

 "WE'RE THE SAME AGE!!!" Kensei hits her softly on the head

 Aiken winces at the hit, "Ouch, just wait till mom finds ou-"


 A few minutes go by and they reach the castle. The outside is crowded by tourists taking pictures of the enormous building.

 A few people recognize Aiken and Kensei, asking for pictures and autographs. "Why do they act like we're famous?" Kensei says

 "We kinda are" Aiken retorts

 The two eventually enter the castle, taking an elevator and heading to the top floor. Once they step out the elevator, they take a right and walk towards the 2 giant golden doors.

 Aiken raises her right arm in the air and stretches it out before going through. 

 Once inside, they are greeted by a fairly tall and muscular man. His rough brown hair fitting his delicate red eyes. He wears a white T shirt that is covered by his dark coat that sits on his back. 

 "If it isn't my 2nd favorite twins!!" He says as he wraps his arms around their necks.

 Aiken taps profusely on his burly and defined arms, "I…can't…breathe…Hisashi Sensei!!" 

 Hisashi Nikko, father of Tifa and Ski Nikko. He's known for being physically the strongest out of all members of the Elite 10. He's able to use cloud matter which was passed down to his twin daughters. He enjoys drinking large amounts of beer and often tries sparring against Kensei.

 Hisashi lets go of Aiken and laughs, "My 2 amazing daughters can last longer than that!!" He continues laughing until he's hit in the head by a man with blue hair.

 The Blue haired man wears a white and blue suit with a single black glove on his right hand. His combed over on each side with the middle part sticking out.

 "Can you go a single minute without talking about Tifa and Ski?" The blue haired man asks with a smirk.

 Hisashi lets go of Kensei who was quietly dying because his vocal cords were being squished by his giant arms.

 "Well maybe if you weren't such a playboy and decided to settle down, then maybe you'd understand the love that comes with having daughters, Hirito!!!" Hisashi yells

 Hirito Oxide, The Strongest Member of the Elite 10. Holds the title of #1 in the 10. He is a dual matter user (Which only 1% of Matter users are Dual Matter users). He can use Wind and Shadow Matter. He's very handsome and is often hooking up with women everyday.

 Hirito Sticks his middle finger at Hisashi, "Eat dirt you brute!!!"

 Hirito and Hisashi begin arguing but is silenced by the sound of heels coming down the hallway. 

 "Ah man, the party pooper is here" Hirito says as a women with red long hair walks through the door.

 Aiken smiles widely and embraces the women, "Thank god you're here Irene Sensei!!"

 Irene RedHeart, mother of Eliza RedHeart, Her long black hair complements her bright red eyes. She is one of the best healers in the entirety of the continent of Mohrfeld. Her amazing healing is due to her ability to use Valkyrie Armor which is an ancient technique that was used over 5000 years ago. Her pupil is Aiken Noro and often has to break up fights between Hisashi and Hirito.

 "How immature can two grown men be?" She pats Aiken on the head and sits down at the large round table which has 12 total chairs.

 Aiken, Kensei, Hirito, and Hisashi join her and sit in their respective seats. Eventually the rest of the Elite 10 begin entering and sitting down, when finally the King himself, Knox Kyosho enters and takes a seat in his golden chair at the table.

 "It's been a while since we've all come together…" He says with a soft smile.

 The last time all 10 members aside from Aiken, was together was during Kentaro's funeral which took place 6 years ago.

 Hirito yawns loudly, "Come on Knox, let's get to the point on why you called us all here."

 Knox sighs loudly, "The man who killed Kentaro…has returned…"

 End Of Chapter 4