
The King Of Kings

Kin Noro, a 15 year old boy must face the challenges that come as he begins getting a grasp on his Dark Matter.

IamShin · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Light vs Dark

 *Kins POV*

The trek back from the mountains was filled with a renewed sense of urgency. The revelation about Excalibur and its connection to Giyu had cast a shadow over our mission, making it clear that the stakes were higher than we'd anticipated.

 As we descended, the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the forest. The path, though steep, felt more manageable with the adrenaline fueling our steps. By the time we reached the outskirts of the town, night had fully descended, and the town lights twinkled like stars against the darkened sky.

"We should move quickly," Eliza urged, her voice steady despite the fatigue that lined her features.

"The sooner we get back to the base and report this, the better."

 We made our way through the town, avoiding the main streets and sticking to the shadows to evade any unwanted attention. The marketplace had quieted, the hustle and bustle of the day giving way to the stillness of night.

 As we moved silently, our senses remained on high alert, aware that danger could lurk around any corner.

 Finally, we reached the edge of the forest and began the final leg of our journey back to the base. The forest was alive with nocturnal sounds—the hooting of owls, the rustling of leaves, and the occasional snap of twigs underfoot.

 The base comes into view as we close in on it. I notice Slade and Ski sitting on the roof, they both wave at us.

 "IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU GUYS MADE IT BACK!!! Me and Slady were getting worried" Ski yells as she holds onto Slade's arm.

 "Why do you call me that?" Slade sighs loudly

 Eliza and Tifa both stay outside as I head in to report our findings. Once inside, I head over to the conference room that Tanaka established. Once I enter, I see Tanaka and Anya talking when they notice me.

 "Welcome back Kin, I heard you, Tifa, and Eliza all went to the nearby town" Anya stands up, greeting me.

 Anya was always one of my favorite teachers, I had known her since birth, and she would always treat me like a little brother.

 "Yea and lucky for you guys we found some crucial information" I smile widely

Tanaka and Anya exchanged a glance, their expressions turning serious as they sensed the gravity of my words.

"Crucial information?" Tanaka prompted, leaning forward with keen interest. "What did you find?"

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before speaking. "We learned that Giyu is searching for a legendary weapon—the Blade of King Arthur, Excalibur."

Anya's eyes widened, and she clasped her hands together in concern. "Excalibur? That blade has immense power, it was used to seal away the giants that threatened our world centuries ago."

Tanaka nodded, his expression grim. "Excalibur is a omnipotent artifact, and if Giyu is seeking it, his intentions are undoubtedly dangerous. We need to act swiftly."

I continued, recounting our encounter with Calista Silverleaf and her warning about Giyu. "We met an elf named Calista. She confirmed the rumors and gave us more context about Giyu's search. She also warned us to report back immediately."

Tanaka's brow furrowed as he absorbed the information. "An elf from Silvervale... It's rare to encounter someone from that distant land. Her presence here is significant. Did she mention why she was in this region?"

I shook my head. "She didn't go into detail, but she seemed knowledgeable about the situation. She even gave me a blessing that she said would come in handy."

Anya smiled gently. "Elves are known for their magical prowess and wisdom. If she gave you a blessing, it could be a valuable aid in the days to come."

I nodded, feeling a sense of urgency and determination.

Anya placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "You've done well, Kin."

 I smile at her words and rub my head, "Well I guess I just got lucky, hehe."

"Go inform the other's we'll be heading back home to the Kingdom once Hirito's squad comes back." Tanaka instructs me.

As I left the conference room, I felt a mixture of relief and resolve. The weight of our mission pressed heavily on my shoulders, but I knew we had taken an important step forward. 

 Once I reached outside, I told everyone who was present that we would be leaving soon.

"It's about time, I was getting tired of being in the wilderness for this long!!" Ski happily admits, "Tifa we need to go shopping once we get back!!"

 As the two twins speak about their plans, Slade nudges me on the shoulder. "How long has it been since we had a sparring match?" 

 A grin appears on my face, "Too long honestly." With that me and Slade head off to an open field within the woods.

Slade and I stood at the edge of the open field, the moon casting a silvery glow over the scene. The anticipation of our sparring match electrified the air, making every movement feel charged with potential. We shed our outer garments, rolling up our sleeves as we prepared for the fight.

"Ready for a good workout?" Slade asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Always," I replied, feeling the familiar thrill of a challenge coursing through me.

Ski and Tifa took their places on the sidelines, ready to cheer us on. Ski cupped her hands around her mouth and called out, "Give him your best shot, Slady! Show him what you're made of!"

Tifa crossed her arms, a confident smile on her face. "You've got this, Kin. Don't let him get the upper hand!"

We began circling each other, both of us light on our feet. The forest around us seemed to hold its breath in anticipation. Then, with a mutual nod, the fight began.

Slade lunged first, his speed impressive as he aimed a swift punch at my midsection. I sidestepped, feeling the rush of air as his fist passed by. I countered with a quick jab towards his shoulder, which he deflected with a deft parry.

"Nice try!" Slade grinned, stepping back to reassess.

We closed the distance again, trading blows with increasing speed. Each punch and kick were met with a block or dodge, our movements fluid and precise. It felt like a dance, each of us testing the other's limits.

Slade feinted to the left and then swept low with a kick aimed at my legs. I jumped, avoiding the sweep and bringing my own leg around in a high arc. My kick connected with his forearm as he raised it to block, and he grunted, acknowledging the strength behind the strike.

"Keep it up, Kin!" Tifa called out, her voice steady and encouraging.

Ski was equally vocal, cheering for her boyfriend. "Don't let him get away with that, Slady!"

We reset our stances, breathing heavily but grinning at each other. This was what we loved—the challenge, the thrill, and the excitement that came from testing each other's skills.

Slade launched a rapid series of punches, forcing me to step back and focus entirely on defense. His fists were like blurs in the moonlight, and it took all my concentration to parry each one. Then, seeing an opening, I stepped inside his reach and delivered a quick elbow strike to his ribs.

He staggered slightly, but recovered quickly, his eyes alight with renewed determination. "Nice hit," he admitted, his tone serious now.

We went at it again, our movements faster and more intense. Slade managed to land a solid punch to my shoulder, making me wince, but I retaliated with a sharp kick to his thigh, forcing him to step back and reassess his strategy.

"Don't give him any breathing room, Slady!" Ski shouted, her enthusiasm unwavering.

Tifa was equally supportive. "Stay on him, Kin! You've got this!"

We clashed again, our movements a blur of action and reaction. Slade attempted a spinning kick, which I barely ducked under before countering with an uppercut that grazed his chin. He staggered back, rubbing his jaw with a wry smile.

"You're getting faster," he acknowledged, his tone grudgingly respectful.

"And you're getting tougher," I replied, my breath coming in short bursts.

For a moment, we stood facing each other, both of us catching our breath. Then, with a mutual nod, we charged again. This time, our movements were more strategic, each of us anticipating the other's actions with increasing accuracy.

Slade threw a punch aimed at my head, and I ducked, using the momentum to deliver a powerful palm strike to his chest. He stumbled back, but then pivoted and used his momentum to launch a spinning backfist. I managed to block it, but the force sent me skidding back a few steps.

"Don't let up, Kin!" Tifa encouraged, her voice steady.

Ski was equally relentless. "Come on, Slady! Show him your strength!"

We resumed our positions, each of us determined to give it our all. Slade moved in with a series of low kicks, trying to unbalance me. I dodged and weaved, countering with swift jabs and kicks aimed at his torso. Each of us landed hits, but neither was willing to back down.

Slade suddenly shifted his weight and came at me with a powerful shoulder charge. I sidestepped, using his momentum against him to trip him up. He rolled back to his feet with a laugh, clearly enjoying the challenge.

"Nice move," he said, wiping a bit of sweat from his brow.

"You too," I replied, equally breathless but exhilarated.

 Our final exchange was the most intense. We moved faster than ever, our movements a blur as we traded punches, kicks, and grapples. The sound of our impacts echoed through the night, each of us pushing our limits to the max.

With a final burst of energy, I launched a powerful roundhouse kick aimed at Slade's torso. He blocked it, but the force sent him stumbling back. Seizing the opportunity, I moved in with a rapid series of punches, each one connecting solidly with his defenses.

He countered with a swift elbow strike that grazed my cheek, and I felt the sting but pushed through, using the momentum to spin around and deliver a final, decisive kick to his midsection. He grunted and staggered back.

As we reset, breathing heavily, Slade and I locked eyes, a mutual understanding passing between us. We both knew it was time to push beyond our limits.

Slade's body began to glow with a radiant light as he tapped into his Light Matter abilities. His hair turned pure white, and his eyes glowed a brilliant gold, illuminating the field around us.

Not to be outdone, I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in and exhaling. The ground underneath my feet crackled with purple lightning. The purple lightning slowly cascaded my body, my hair slowly turning black.

 Slade smirks and lets out a chuckle, "I had a feeling this is what you used against Jaki the other day."

 I clench my fist and slowly open my eyes, revealing its Amythest color. "Prepare yourself Slade."

We both stood still for a moment, the air around us thick with anticipation. Then, in an instant, we were both in motion, moving at speeds that not even Tifa and Ski could comprehend.

Slade unleashed a barrage of light beams, each one streaking toward me with incredible speed. I weaved through them with ease. I closed the distance between us in a heartbeat, my fist connecting with his side in a powerful strike. He grunted but retaliated with a blinding flash of light that forced me to shield my eyes.

Using the momentary distraction, Slade moved in with a series of rapid punches. I blocked and countered, knocking him onto the ground in the process.

Slade quickly scrambled to his feet, his eyes narrowed with determination. He launched a flurry of light matter beams, but I weaved through them all, the air crackling with the force of our powers. I could see the strain on his face, the toll our battle was taking on him.

Summoning my remaining strength, I gathered a concentrated a large amount of dark matter into my fist. I lunged forward, aiming to land a decisive blow. Slade braced himself, but I was faster, my dark matter-enhanced speed carrying me towards him with blinding speed.

Just as my fist was about to connect, a surge of agony shot through my body. My dark matter flared uncontrollably, and I stumbled, clutching my chest as purple lightning crackled around me. The energy inside me was unstable, threatening to tear me apart from within.

"Kin!" Slade shouted, his eyes wide with concern. He dropped his guard and rushed to my side, catching me as I fell to my knees.

The pain was unbearable, my body wracked with spasms as the dark matter surged violently. I could feel the primal energy tearing at my insides, the purple lightning dancing across my skin, illuminating the agony etched on my face. "I... I can't control it..." I gasped, my voice strained and hoarse.

Slade's support was a lifeline as my vision blurred and my body convulsed with the raw, untamed power of the dark matter. The ground beneath me seemed to pulsate with energy, each pulse sending shockwaves of pain through my system. I could hear the worried voices of Tifa and Ski, but they felt distant, like echoes from another world.

 My vision darkened along with the sounds around me growing quieter.

 End of Chapter 8