
The King Of Kings

Kin Noro, a 15 year old boy must face the challenges that come as he begins getting a grasp on his Dark Matter.

IamShin · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Black Market

 I opened my eyes to the soft glow of moon light filtering through the curtains. The familiar sight of my bedroom greeted me, the room's comforting presence a stark contrast to the turmoil I'd endured. The ache in my body was a reminder of the battle, but the pain was manageable now, a dull throb rather than the searing agony I'd experienced.

As I took in my surroundings, the door creaked open, and my mother entered the room. Her eyes widened with a mix of relief and worry as she saw me awake.

"Kin!" she exclaimed, rushing to my bedside. "Thank goodness you're awake. You had all of your friends and teachers worried!!!"

I managed a weak smile, "Were you not worried?" 

She gave a light-hearted laugh, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Not at all. I knew you'd be fine. You're too stubborn to let something like this keep you down for long."

I chuckled softly, wincing slightly as the movement sent a jolt of pain through my ribs. 

She sat down on the edge of the bed, her hand gently brushing a stray lock of hair from my forehead. "That's my job, isn't it? Besides, I've seen you come through tougher scrapes. Remember the time you decided to climb that old oak tree in the backyard and got stuck halfway up?"

I groaned, half in amusement and half in embarrassment. "I was seven, And I distinctly remember you and dad laughing at me while I was hanging there."

She grinned, her teasing eyes sparkling. "Well, it was pretty funny. But you got down just fine in the end, didn't you?"

Only because you climbed up and got me," I pointed out.

"And I knew you'd be okay this time too," she said, her tone turning more serious but still warm. "You're strong, Kin. And you've got a good head on your shoulders. Just... try to avoid giving your old mom a heart attack, okay?"

I nodded, feeling a mix of gratitude and determination. "I'll do my best."

She leaned in and kissed my forehead, her touch soft and reassuring. "Good. Now, rest up. You've got a lot of people waiting to see you, but they can wait until you're feeling better."

After my mom left the room, I took a deep breath and slowly sat up, testing the limits of my body's newfound stability, the ache was still there.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, stretching carefully to ease the stiffness in my muscles. My bedroom felt comforting, familiar, a safe haven after the intense spar and the strange, dark void I had been in.

I walked over to my wardrobe and opened it, searching for something comfortable yet warm to wear for the chilly night. My hand settled on a casual outfit: a pair of dark jeans and a cozy black sweater. The sweater's soft fabric felt reassuring under my fingers.

I took a moment to smooth out the wrinkles and then grabbed a thick, black scarf from the top shelf, wrapping it around my neck for added warmth.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, noting the dark circles under my eyes and the faint bruises that still marked my skin. But there were what looked like purple sparks in my eyes, a feature that hadn't been there before.

 I straightened the collar of my sweater and took a deep breath, feeling more like myself with every passing second.

"Alright," I muttered to my reflection. "Time to get back to it."

With that, I headed out of my bedroom and down the stairs, my footsteps echoing softly in the quiet house. As I reached the bottom, I paused for a moment, taking in the familiar surroundings. The living room was dimly lit, casting a warm, inviting glow. The scent of my mom's cooking still lingered in the air, comforting and familiar.

I stepped outside, the cold night air biting at my cheeks and filling my lungs with its crisp freshness. The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery light over the landscape. I pulled my scarf tighter around my neck and started walking, the quiet solitude of the night soothing my restless thoughts.

The events of the past days weighed heavily on my mind—the revelation about Excalibur, along with my terrible spar with Slade. But as I walked, the cold air and the quiet night helped to clear my head.

I let my feet guide me as I walked, the chill night air a welcome companion to my restless thoughts. My destination was clear in my mind—a place of solace and memories, a hill that overlooked the entire kingdom of Insomnia. It was a place where I often went to find peace and clarity, especially after moments of intense turmoil. It was also the place where I have my last memories of my father.

 The path to the hill was familiar, each step bringing me closer to the large cherry tree that stood proudly at its peak. The tree had been a witness to many of our adventures, its branches offering shade and its trunk bearing the carved names of those who meant the most to me.

As I reached the base of the hill, the moonlight bathed the landscape in a soft, ethereal glow. The cherry tree came into view, its blossoms shimmering like silver in the night. The sight was both comforting and breathtaking, a reminder of the beauty that existed even in the darkest of times.

I approached the tree, my eyes tracing the familiar names etched into its bark: Kin, Tifa, Slade, Ski, Jaki, Eliza, Elijah, Mia, and Adrian. Each name held a story, a memory, a bond that had been forged through countless trials and triumphs. I ran my fingers over the carved letters, feeling the connection to my friends and allies.

"I need to seriously catch up to you guys," I murmured, my voice barely a whisper in the still night. "All of you can use your matter effectively, while I can't even use it without getting hurt."

I leaned against the tree, the rough bark pressing into my back, and let out a deep sigh. 

I closed my eyes, letting the tranquility of the moment seep into my soul. The soft rustling of the cherry blossoms in the breeze, the distant sounds of the kingdom below, and the steady rhythm of my own heartbeat all melded into a soothing symphony.

 "Forgive me Kin, I should've helped you during your match" Yami's voice calls out from within my mind.

 I smile softly, "It's fine Yami, it's my fault for not using incarnation form properly." 

 "You were brave, but reckless," Yami replied, his tone tinged with concern. "The power you wield is immense, but it must be controlled, harnessed with precision. The road ahead, especially with the search for Excalibur, will demand even more from you."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of his words. "Excalibur... finding it won't be easy, will it?"

"No," Yami said

I sighed, feeling the weight of the task ahead pressing down on me. I kept my gaze on the city that laid in front of me. The vibrant lights of the buildings, Knox's large castle in the middle of it all. This Kingdom was special to me, yet I knew that there was much more beyond this Nation. I continued to sit there, pondering.

 *Giyu's underling Pov*

 In the oppressive underworld of the Undercity, where smog mingled with secrets and danger lurked in every shadow, I trailed behind Giyu, his vibrant crimson hair a beacon in the murky labyrinth. Seraphine, beside me, moved like a silent specter, her violet hair, and violet eyes sharp and observant, her presence an unsettling reminder of our forced alliance under Giyu's command. If I could, I'd strangle her right then and there, but such thoughts were best kept buried in this treacherous place.

Giyu led us through a concealed entrance behind a ragged market stall. The vendor nodded deferentially as we passed, a gesture returned with a curt nod from Giyu. His long coat swept dramatically as he descended stone steps into the heart of the black market, and we followed in tense silence.

The cavernous chamber opened up into a sprawling marketplace of illicit trade. Catwalks and platforms crisscrossed above us, bustling with activity as merchants peddled their forbidden wares—enchanted weapons, stolen artifacts, and dark tomes. Enforcers prowled, their eyes cold and calculating, enforcing a harsh order in this lawless realm.

At a stall manned by a gnarled woman with a mechanical arm, Giyu's presence elicited a mix of awe and fear. Her eyes lit up as she produced a small, intricately carved box from beneath the counter.

"Giyu," she rasped, her voice a whisper in the cacophony of the market, "I have what you seek."

He accepted the box reverently, opening it to reveal a pulsing crystal that shimmered with an inner light. "Perfect," he murmured, his voice commanding and assured.

As we moved on, Seraphine nudged me sharply. "What do you think that's for?" Her tone was casual, but her eyes bore into mine with a sharpness that cut through my nerves.

"Whatever it is," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant despite the unease tightening my chest, "it's clearly important. Giyu doesn't delve into the Undercity for trivialities."

We continue deeper into the market, past vendors hawking everything from enchanted weapons to rare potions. The atmosphere grows darker, the deals more dangerous. Here, the stakes are higher, and the players deadlier.

Giyu finally stops at a secluded alcove, turning to face us. "We have what we came for," he says, his gaze piercing.

"Do you mind telling us what it is?" Seraphine asks, her voice steady but laced with curiosity. She crosses her arms, her violet eyes fixed on Giyu.

Giyu smiles slightly, a shadow of amusement playing across his lips. "Patience, Seraphine. All will be revealed in time."

I step forward, unable to contain my own curiosity. "We're deep in the Undercity, risking our necks for this. A little transparency would be appreciated."

Giyu's gaze shifts to me, his eyes sharp and filled with Chaos, "Watch your tone when speaking to me, Draven." 

Giyu's aura was palpable, a suffocating weight that pressed down on me and made my heart pound. The scarlet gleam in his eyes was a warning, one that I had learned to heed. Seraphine, too, seemed to tense, her usual calm replaced by a flicker of caution.

"I apologize," I said, bowing my head slightly. "I just want to understand what we're dealing with."

Giyu's intense gaze lingered on me for a moment longer before he relaxed, the menacing aura dissipating. "Your curiosity is noted, Draven," he said, his tone softer but no less authoritative. "This crystal is an energy source for Riyu, it's been a few centuries since he's been awake, so I need to "refuel" him." 

Before any further explanation could be offered, the air around us thickened with the palpable tension of imminent danger. From the shadows emerged a group of mobsters, their demeanor hostile and their eyes fixed on Giyu with recognition that didn't bode well.

"You," one of them growled, his voice filled with a mix of fear and defiance. "I know you. You're Aar--"

Without missing a beat, Giyu's hand shot out with lightning speed, slamming the speaker's head forcefully into the stone floor. The crack echoed through the alcove, silencing the immediate threat before the name could be fully uttered.

The remaining mobsters hesitated briefly, their resolve faltering in the face of Giyu's swift and brutal response. They exchanged uncertain glances, their initial aggression tempered by the sudden realization that they were outmatched and outmaneuvered.

Giyu straightened slowly, his gaze now cutting through the remaining mobsters with a steely resolve. "Leave," he commanded calmly, his voice carrying an underlying threat that brooked no argument.

Without a word of protest, the mobsters retreated hastily into the shadows from whence they came, leaving behind an uneasy silence that settled over the alcove like a shroud.

Seraphine and I exchanged cautious glances, the weight of the encounter sinking in as we stood in the aftermath of Giyu's swift and decisive action.

"We should move," Seraphine suggested quietly, her voice tinged with a hint of unease. "This place isn't safe anymore."

Giyu nodded in agreement, his focus already shifting back to the mission at hand. "Agreed," he replied curtly, his demeanor once again composed and resolute. "Let's go."

 *Kin's POV*

The chill of the night air gently stirred me awake. I blinked, realizing I had dozed off under the cherry tree on the hill. The comforting rustle of the blossoms in the breeze was a soothing lullaby, but now, it was time to return to the reality that awaited me.

I sat up slowly, the bark pressing into my back, and took in the serene view of the kingdom below. The city lights twinkled like stars, and the castle stood proudly at the center/

I stood up, brushing off the dirt from my pants. The bruises and aches were still present, but they were manageable. As I made my way down the hill, the city's sounds grew louder, filling the quiet night with life and energy. The walk back to the house was brisk, my mind already planning the next steps.

When I reached home, the warm light from the living room windows welcomed me back. I slipped inside quietly, careful not to disturb anyone. My mother had left a plate of food covered on the kitchen counter. I couldn't help myself but smile at the gesture.

"Always treating me like a child." I sat down to eat

After finishing my meal, I headed to my room. The bed called to me, but I knew sleep wouldn't come easily. I lay down, staring at the ceiling, letting my thoughts wander. 

 I would always think back to my dad whenever I was lost in thought, his words of encouragement always making me want to become stronger. 

"Yami," I called out softly, "How can I master incarnation without hurting myself?"

Yami's presence felt stronger, his voice resonating with a mix of wisdom and concern. "The Incarnation form is a powerful manifestation of your inner strength and will. To master it, you must find balance within yourself. Your emotions, your thoughts, your desires – they all play a part in controlling this form. Meditation and training are essential. You must learn to channel your matter with precision and focus."

I absorbed his words, understanding the importance of inner harmony. "I'll do whatever it takes to master it," I promised. 

Yami's response was unexpected. Instead of the usual solemn advice, he chuckled softly, a sound that was both surprising and comforting. "You Noro's always did have that boundless optimism. But I won't deny it's one of your greatest strengths, even if it does border being childish at times."

I frowned slightly, feeling a bit defensive. "What's wrong with being optimistic?"

"Nothing at all," Yami replied, his tone still light.

As the minutes ticked by, the weariness from the day's events began to weigh heavily on my eyelids. I could feel the pull of sleep, gentle but insistent. The room was silent except for the faint hum of the city outside, a backdrop to the vivid memories that began to surface. I could see him clearly, standing tall and proud, his eyes filled with the same spark of determination that I often saw in my own reflection.

Wrapped in the warmth of those cherished memories, I let go of the day's burdens, drifting into a peaceful sleep where the dreams of my father's guidance and strength continued to light my path.

End of Chapter 9