
Wrath of The Demon King

The leader of the group smiled when he saw Ryo and said

The Leader[Fuck, man you scared the shit out of me, I thought we were ambushed by a beast, what squad are you on ? you have 4 slaves! Fuck men leave some to use hahahah]

The others 2/3 [Ahahaha]

The leader [you must be high ranking huh ? hey come here, We have four Golden Lion Cups, we'll give you one, if you let us, spend a night with one of your slaves, hell well let you fuck that dumb elf as well]

The others 2/3 [AHAHAHAHA]

Ryo simply looked at the leader as he spoke, when he was finished, Ryo said

Ryo [What squad are you from ?]

The Leader [Squad 3 under the general, Etou, the general said that the attack will take place tomorrow, so we thought we could take this bitch and go hunt for some beasts, and lo and behold, a great catch!]

Ryo [I see, do you know who I am ?]

The leader stiffened up after hearing Ryo's words, he felt an immense pressure on him

soldier 2 [Shit, saul, I think he might be a general ]

Ryo [I'm no general]

The leader [then who are you ?]

Ryo [Do you see this girls around me, this one is my friend, these two are my fiances, and this one is going to cut your arms]

As soon as he said that, the leader's arms flew in the skies, as it took a second before the blood spilled from his arms,

As soon as she heard her lord's words, Ushi cut the vile man's arms with a speed only Ryo and Enkidu could precive


Soldier 2 [What the fuck! RUN]

The moment the second adventurer tried to run, his head flew as chains grew from the ground and cut him

The third Soldier, just stood there as his legs gave in and he fell to the ground, he didn't know what to do, his leader is now literally arm less and his friend is dead

Soldier 3 [Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please]

Ryo then walked to the leader and healed his arm, he then grabbed the man and his friend that was crying on the floor and looked at the girls

Ryo [Ushi, come with me, Enkidu, take Lita and Aria back to the ship, take the girl too, and take care of her, wait Three hours, than send a flair, and call everyone back, I don't want to stop Ray and Tiana from having fun, I have completely sealed the 15km radius in magic, there are no other soldiers to worry about, now go]

Aria [Where are you going, Ryo]

Ryo [I don't want you to see this side of me, so go with Enkidu Aria, Lita, Please]

Aria [Ok..]

Lita [Ryo..]

Ryo grabbed the men and jumped away, he went to a nearby cave, where he went in and then placed the two men on the floor

Ryo then placed the leader in the wall of the cave, as he crucified him on the wall, he placed magical nails in his arms and leg


Hearing the leader's cries, Ryo didn't care as he cut the man's genitals and listend to his screams, he started to cut everysingle part of his body in a slow motion while his friend watched, this guy was going to be punished for both his subordinate's actions and his own

after he was done torturing the leader Ryo then looked at the third soldiers and said

Ryo [Are you an Adventurer ?]

Soldier 3 [*Trembling in fear* N..No]

Ryo [What's your name and where are you from ?]

Dayl [My na..name is Da… Dayl]

Ryo [If you stutter Again I'm going to do the same to you and then Kill you]

Dayl [I'm sorry, I'm sorry, My Name is Dayl and I'm from Divola!]

Ryo [Are you a soldier? if so why are you in the Tunlan forest?]

Dayl [Yes, We are about to declare war on Eden]

Ryo [Ho ? are you not afraid of Babylon ? their King is the nephew of the queen of Eden]

Dayl [Our leaders, believe that if we take Eden in secret, we can use the princess of Eden to blackmail him into submission]

Ryo [This is interesting, Mind telling me why is a low level soldier like you aware of such a plan]

Dayl [*swallows saliva* I'm Dayl, third son of the Divola King]

Ryo [Ho ? Why is the third Prince of Divola posing as a mere soldier]

Dayl [*trembles more* I raped my sister, so I had to be punished, and the king forced me to work as a normal soldier for a month]

Dayl didn't know why, but he couldn't even try to lie, maybe it was the fear ? or the pressure that Ryo emitted, but he kept on saying the truth, he had no choice

Ryo [I see, so scum huh, how many soldiers are here ?]

Dayl [We have 50000 soldier if you let me live, I'll tell my father to award you handsomely, what's your name, so I can memories it, Please, don't kill me!]

Ryo [My name is Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan, King of Babylon there is nothing your father has, that I don't and more]

Dayl [OH, OH MY GOD, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, let me live, please, I'll do anything, I'll lick your feet please, I'll serve you forever]

Ryo [No need, I appreciate your info, I'll let you live, I can tell that you are a good man, dn that you will change, you will never hurt a girl again right ? so go, go back to your home]

Dayl [YES! Thank you, Thank you so much]

Dayl hurried out of the cave as he run his hardest back to the camp

Ryo [Ushi, let's go back to Vimana, we have some soldiers to kill]

Ushi [Yes, my Lord]

Ryo [Hey Ushi, come here]

Ushi hearing Ryo's words, went to him, he then surprised her by hugging her and kissing her forehead

Ryo [You did good Ushi]

Ushi [Thank you my lord]

Back at Vimana, Ryo waited for everyone to comeback, and when they all did he said

Ryo [Did you enjoy your time Ray? Tiana?]

Ray [YES! It was amazing, I managed to kill a Big Orc, Ryo]

Ryo [Good, sorry I had to stop your fun so early, why don't you go back to your room and read some books, I have some important things to talk about]

Ray [Sure]

After both Ray and Tiana left Ryo looked at everyone and said

Ryo [Sorry to stop your fun, but we have important matters, Divola Is attacking Eden, and as our allies, we have to save them, Honda, Achilles, how about you to go ahead and wreak havoc in the enemy camp]

Achilles spun his Spear as he said in excitement

Achilles [Hahaha that seems fun to me]

While Honda Simply Nodded and got ready for battle

Honda [As you order my Lord!]

In the Divola camp

Dayl the Prince of Divola was running back to his camp, finally he was safe, after seeing his friend killed and his leader tortured, he just wanted to go back, and as soon as he saw the camp he felt happy, finally, he was safe, he can now relax, and enjoy a drink, he was back to being the prince he was!

Dayl "Ah, Thank God, that King must have been afraid, and didn't kill me because I was a prince, AHAHAH, that Idiot, I'm going to fuck ever elven slave we have, AHAHAH"

Dayl was happy and joyful that the Idiot King let him live, as he thought of all the girls he was going to Fuck

Spears from the ground Grew as they Impaled his body, two in his arms, two in his legs, and one from his cock to his head

Dayl died the moment he stepped foot inside the camp

Ryo "the trap spell I placed on that prince has activated *sigh* after raping that elven Girl, he expected me to let him live? What a fucking fool"


If you wish to read more, then check out my Patréon



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