
The King

(A/N Hello, Author here, at the beginning of this fan-fic my grammar was bad, sometimes it was too bad, but I have decided to keep it that way, as a way to show you my progress, I am very passionate about this story, and I am doing my best to Improve, and to some Extent I have Improved, you can see this yourself if you decide to read this story ! so I hope that if you drop this story, it won't be because of my grammar, because I want that to stay as it is, later on I changed my Style from, First person perspective to third person, So I hope you read this story for what it is, Thank you very much, Author.)

I woke up in a strange room

hmm ? I think ?

It's a bedchamber more specifically The King's bedchamber

Or Should I say my father "Arkhan the 27th", it would seem that I am his son which would make me a Prince ?

... I Don't know

I'm still a child, yet I still know everything around me, it looks like am a reincarnated being, even though I remember nothing of my past, all I can say is it's pretty weird think clearly even though I'm a child

{System On}


{Analysis Complete}


{Ata For Proper Launch 14Y11M29D23H56m02s}

Huh ? 15 Years?

It seems that I have a system, I would usually be happy but there is a chance that it could also be very bad

I don't really know but my intuition is telling me that

I am Very Lucky


?[He Shall be named Ryouto]

?[But My King the Arkhan Demon Kingdom Has Always Named it's Children after the Great Founder ]

The King [Enough Mars, You're the King's Right Hand Man and the Godfather of my Child, you Have Been With Me Since I was a Child So you know Why, I Will Not let my kid go through the same Hell I went through ,The Arkhan Demon Kingdom has Changed, No need for war, Which negates the need of our Demon God Arkhan's Name]

Mars [Even so my King The People won't accept this and we will be Criticized, I Understand the Need for Change But if we rush it The People won't Accept]

The King [Mars! I Have Already Made my Decision]

? [Honey, What if we Name Him Ryouto Arkhan ?

Although some won't accept it they can't really complain about it, Please he was just born I would rather hold him than debate his name all over again]

The king [F… Fine but He won't go through the same stuff I went through I will take care of him and make a real King out him and not mindless War machine ]


it looks like I'll be named Ryouto

I don't know how to feel about the name or the Weird debate they were having about my name, to them I must Really look like an Innocent Child Huh

Strange I Know That I Lived in a Different World Before this but it Feels Like the Memory has Faded

What the Hell is happening to me?

It's Like I Know that I Lived in a world with no magic and only Technology but I seem to only have the general knowledge not the personal one


4 Years Later


Mars [It Would seem that the God's Really don't like you My King]

The King [It Would seem so Mars, I Tried my best to keep him away from a Life of a Warrior, Yet it Seems To Mock Me the Only thing he wants to do is Train in Swordsmanship and magic, And Every time I Tell him To go play he answers with "The Future Demon King Doesn't Have Time For Games" and he says it in all seriousness, how can such an Adorable Kid make a face that Serious Haaaaaaa ]

Mars [He Really Takes after you my King , Maybe he Really is The Reincarnation of The Demon God Arkhan]

The King [I Can't Believe I Made such a Blunder in Naming him, Why Would the Priest of the Great 10 Gods Keep the Original Name of the Demon God Arkhan a Secret?, How Was I Supposed to know that his name was Ryo Arkhan, Now the Whole Kingdom thinks my son is a Real god's reincarnation, His name is going to be Such a Burden on him]

Mars [I am sure Prince Ryo is Proud to be called a reincarnation of A War God]


4 Years have passed and Since Am in Foreign World I decided to Train to my Fullest, I know nothing of this world and it's going to take 11 years for my system to be Ready so I decided to take the time I have as a child to train just In case my system isn't Strength related, as for the world itself a learned a lot of stuff about it, this world is fantasy type world with all types of races and Many Kingdoms, Even our Kingdom isn't Really That great to be honest, apparently years ago our Kingdom Used to be called the Arkhan Empire Ruling over all Demon's in the World But Apparently The only thing we Ever Did was war with other races while claiming to be the superior race, it was until my father changed thinks around even though we lost a lot of our land it was all to achieve Peace for our Race and all races, the most worrisome thing in this world however is that I am to be the First Prince in the Arkhan History, you see in the Past Emperors Weren't Chosen like the typical Kingdoms did, no we used to train Children since they were at the age of 3 and until they reach the age 16 it's only training all day to become the future king or more accurately the future Warlord, it was until my father decided to change everything

He went through too much war because of what the last king before him did

So in order to fix everything my father chose not to be the Next warlord and even though many rebelled against him calling him a coward for abandoning the War god's Ways yet he still changed the social Hierarchy of our Kingdom from a war Kingdom to a legit Kingdom That Protects it's people instead of sending them to their Death's for the sake of Fruitless war

Although I feel a lot of Pressure being the next king I don't mind it, I want to help the vision my father saw and achieve great happiness to the Demon world and even all the world in general


?[Ryo, Can you Stop Training for now, you're too young to Train Anyway]

Ryo [Mother, I need to Train to be Role model for my future subjects]

Ryo's Mother [You don't have to think of that stuff now, You're older brother is 9 and he Just Started practicing with the sword masters, why not play with your friends or play some games ]

Ryo [Mother, No Disrespect to Aeron but his not Excepted to be a King, also I Don't like Playing with Kid's my age they all seem a bit Immature i'd Rather Read a book or practice magic, Speaking of which can you convince Father to allow me to read a Magic Grimoires]

Ryo's Mother [Oh Honey Kids you're age aren't Immature you're the one acting a bit too Mature, as for the Grimoires we talked about it before Kid's can't handle the magical energy omitted by one]

Ryo [Please Mother I Just want to see one, Please, I Mean worst case Scenario is I Lose my consciousness for few hours ]

Ryo's Mother [Ryo!, haaa, Fine I will speak with your dad about it, I Doubt he will allow you anyway]

Ryo [Thank you so much Mother, I'll Go Practice with big bro Aeron since he started Training too]


If I get my Hands-on a gremoir ill be able to learn actual spells instead of just messing around with mana in my hands, gremoires are very rare however so they are kept very secretly in the Kingdom's treasury I really hope Father Allows me to use one

However before that I have too..

Aeron [Stay Focused Ryo ]

My Brother Aeron said while swinging his Wooden sword toward me

I raised my own Sword in defense posture to protect myself from his attack's even though I have training for a while I have zero chance against some one five years older than me

Ryo [Tsk, damn I need to get stronger]

Aeron [You're still young Ryo why do you always try this hard, you know it's my job to protect you in the future shishishi]

Ryo [I Also Expect a lot from my future king's guard]

Although Aeron is My Brother and Older Than Me he is only My half-brother, my Father is still a king after all so he has more than 6 Concubines although Aeron and Neia are Older Than me they Don't Qualify for the Throne Since they Aren't of Full Royal Blood My Mother is Half Demon and Half Elf and she is the Daughter of the Past King and My Dad Became officially Royal when he was elected As a King, And So am Considered the Future King Even though Both Aeron and Neia are Older

Aeron is the Son of My Father's 2nd concubine Mayline she is a Real nice woman cares for all of us Equally she is also a Dryad

Neia's Mother is Father's 4th concubine Uzena Unlike mother she is a full elf she has a Real Motherly vibe to her but she also looks a bit sadistic towards Father

Maybe Dad isn't as kingly with his woman as he is with the Kingdom Huh

When I first Learned of my older brother and sister I expected Them to Not like me since Even though am Younger I am taking the full Right's of the King to myself but it seems I was way of, Mother is very Friendly with Father's Concubines and since she is the Queen she was always Excepted to give birth to the Heir so My Sibling were always taught to Serve me

It seems a bit Like Brainwashing to me but what can I do

Qiness [Ryo, Your Father is calling for you]

Ryo [Coming Mother, Qiness]

Mother Qiness is the Bane of My Existence she is my Father's 3rd Concubine and Guess fucking what

She is a Succubus, which means she goes around all day wearing Tight Clothes that leave nothing for the Imagination

Even though am Only 4 Years Old she always get's the Raise out of me


Few Moment's ago


[Arkhan!!, Are you Serious about this?]

The King Arkhan [Yes, Sylphy I am, I understand your worry but trust me once he gets knocked out by the strong magical energy of the gremoires he will learn not to be overconfident of himself ]

Sylphy [But Arkhan ]

Arkhan [Trust me Sylphy , you know I love Ryouto as much as you do, it pains me to do this but he is just to young yet to mature how can a 4 year old Kid be able to know what Kingly Duties are and Start Hard core Training it's a bit too much, with this he will learn to hold back a bit I mean he Doesn't even like Playing games, it makes me very wary of him]

Qiness [Even so Arkhan-sama you might traumatize him he is after all a 4-Year's old Kid]

Mayline [How about this, since Aeron will take his Magic aptitude test in 2 Year's when he reaches the age of twelve we will allow Ryo to accompany him not only will he be six-Years old by then but he will have his Brother to lean on in the case of failure ]

Sylphy [I Agree with Mayline, Arkhan, His 4-years old can you Please not Traumatize my son this early]

Arkhan [Haaaa (Why did I marry this many woman) fine, fine Qiness go Call Ryouto for me]




Ryo [Father, I Have Arrived]

Arkhan [No need to be so formal with me Ryouto why not Call me Dad]

Ryo [Sorry about that, Dad]

Arkhan [See, Easy, Now I Heard you want to obtain a gremoire is that so]

Ryo [Yes, I Want one to speed up my magical Training can I have it? ]

Arkhan [Not Yet Ryouto not Yet, you're too young for it so instead you will officially be Trained by mars from now on as for the Gremoire in 2 Year's you're Brother Aerone will be Put to The Aptitude test and I Will make an Exception for you and Allow you to partake with him as well ]

Ryo [Really ??!!!, Not only do I get Trained by Uncle Mars but I get To do the Aptitude Test 6 Years Early !!??]

Arkhan (Hihi you fell right into my trap with Mars's Hellish Training and the Gremoires I Will make sure you grow up to hate fighting, Sorry son but this is for your sake )

Rio (awesome now I get to prove to everyone that I am not actually a Child and they well knew the Greatness of the Future King )


This is Only the First Chapter I am Creating Chapters in my own time then Ill Start Shitposting them

And Mass Realease XD

This is Only for fun

Covid got me bored

and My Country doesn't want to Open the Schools Yet XD

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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