
Spoilers, Title in the End

Flying through the City, Semiramis did her best to try and locate the Grail Saber, but it was impossible to find anyone, when there was such a huge magical leak from the Einzbern forest where Ryo was fighting, so instead she just flied idly trying to get the hang of controlling Vimana

Semiramis "Nghhh this is so annoying! I want to be useful to master! But what the hell is this? Where is that damned Saber?"

After flying through the city for few hours, Semiramis managed to see a figure running throughout the alleyways, recognizing that it was a servant, Semiramis chased it down

Semiramis "It would seem the master and Artoria forgot to kill that one"

Before she could get the chance to shot at the figure, a Shocking expression filled Semiramis as she immediately looked at the Einzbern Forest, she felt like she has lost all power in her body, as she looked in awe at the light show in the forest, and the explosion that came after

Semiramis "Master!"

Medusa and Sakura arrived at an abandon building where Grail Caster was suspected to be, when they went inside they saw multiple number of bodies lying down as the place looked like a torture chamber, and of course the culprit to this Known as "Mephistopheles Demon" was looking at them as they went it

Mephistopheles [Welcome to my humble…. Uhmm what do they call it? Yes Workshop! welcome! Now wait for a second I will dissect you two after I take care of this one, AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA]

A woman [Please Save me!]

Sakura [Rider! kill him Now!]

Seeing the woman that was still in the surgery table, Sakura got pissed and sent Rider to kill the Demon

Rider of course summoned her Blade chain and thru it towards Caster as he jumped away hiding behind the pillars, he then Summoned a large pair of scissors and attacked Sakura, Getting pissed at him attacking her master instead of her, Rider thru her Blade chain towards the Demon's Leg and pierced his right leg, than she yanked her Chain towards the wall as the Demon hit the wall and broke it, going to the other side of that building!

Going after him Rider was met by a pair of scissors almost cutting her head of, but she dodged backwards and ducked to punch him in the guts

Getting pushed away Mephistopheles Demon Looked at Rider with hateful gaze as he said





I have Placed Five bombs on your master, and twenty five more on the building !



So if you don't obey! I will kill her, so Respectfully Go lay on that table so I can slice and dice ya!


Mephistopheles' noble Phantasm is one the strongest ever, it can place up to five bombs on an opponent if they aren't aware and using it the Mephistopheles demon forces his enemy to be his servant, and in this case he was using Sakura as a hostage, this led to Medusa entering a state of Panic, as her master is being in immense danger, right after she was just healed

Sakura [Don't mind me, Rider, Kill this man, my third magic is the Void, So I have already removed those bombs of me, Ryo has already gave me my magic back, I'll never let anything inside my body again without my permission, END HIM RIDER !] (A/N i have changed Sakura's magic, cause the Imaginary number is to complicated, so deal with it Fuhahahaha)

Rider feeling happy about her master's decision and her safety, went full on the attack and grabbed Sakura and the only remaining victim in the building and toke them outside, Thinking that they were about to run Mephistopheles chased them down, but when he came outside he was shocked to see what was coming at him !

Medusa {★Bellerophon★}

Looking at the sky Mephistopheles was met with a large Pegasus dropping down on his building destroying it and his bombs as he too was completely obliterated!

An Anti world Attack, a simple attack that can kill a God, no in fact it can kill Multiple Gods, and if used perfectly, it can lead to the World destruction!

This attack was unleashed on two servants, two Greek servants known for their strength, Heracles, and Achilles

Heracles the Hero most known in legend as the strongest human ever, so strong in fact that he managed to gain his own divinity and became a full-fledged God!

However Berserker Heracles, was only a husk of that man, it was him at his lowest point, driven to madness by Hera

And even with seven lives left, he couldn't make it, as the attack completely finished him!

Achilles, the Hero of Troy, The swift hero, and of Course the Chosen one by the Gods, given so many trials that since childhood, the only thing he did was fight and fight and fight, Living his life as a true hero, and Yet even with an Anti-World, Anti-Magic Attack, he still stands !

His shield {Akhilleus Kosmos} absorbed the full attack! But at the cost of it melting down! In his hand the shield only kept its hand grip, Leaving Both Achilles and Ryo Both tattered and bloodied due to the amount of energy they both exerted!

But they both wanted more, they both wanted to win, they both want to fight to death !

Recognizing the look in their eyes, Artoria stayed away as she watched the two man that clearly can't fight anymore move to fight each other one more time!

Achilles [First you destroyed my Immortal Chariot, and then you Killed my horses, and Now my shield! Honestly, First time I had to go through this hard of a fight]

Achilles than manifested his Spear, he thru the spear in the air, the spear than landed on its tip as he said

Achilles {★Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē★}

Activating another of his Noble Phantasms Ryo watched as the area the two were in turned into a green dome, as time outside the dome stopped, Achilles recovered and spun his spear and then pointed it at Ryo and said

Achilles [This is my Hero Killing Spear, I created a Duel Field, where no God, Luck or any outside help can interfere in our battle, in this Field there is only us and our strength, and only one of us can leave this place Alive, So tell me Demon King Ryouto !

Do you accept this DUEL?]

Ryo Smiled as he said

Ryo [Of Course I do! Let the Battle between the Demon King and The Hero starts, and let our lives be the witness!]

Summoning {Golden Longinus} Ryo too spun his spear as the two looked at each other and prepared for their battle

Using his extraordinary speed Achilles went on the full attack as he tried to place his spear on Ryo's chest and ending the battle, but of course Ryo wasn't going to let that happen, using his own spear Ryo deflected the attack with his own, attempting to attack Achilles himself Ryo couldn't hit the man, as each time he tried to pierce him Achilles would either dodge or deflect the attack, this of course led to Ryo getting hit multiple times, as even if he can't attack directly, in the terms of counter attack Achilles was far superior, this was further proven when Ryo tried to attack Achilles' head but backing down Achilles jumped in the Sky behind Ryo before attacking Ryo's right leg purposely pinning him to the ground, then turning around he kicked Ryo away and got his spear back

Unable to get up due to his body not being able to regenerate faster, Ryo had to lean on his Spear, balancing himself on it Ryo looked at Achilles and tired to find a way to defeat him, His Greed and Gluttony form won't work here, as his body is already at its limit, Wrath was another option but he won't be able to think straight, so the Only Option left was to copy Achilles' Battle continuation Skill using his Imperial Privilege, that would make his body more durable and increase his regeneration rate, but even then he still is weaker than him

Deciding to think about this while fighting Ryo summoned a large amount of Grimoires and tasked them with chasing Achilles as he tried to catch Achilles in a trap, and Impale him with Spears from the ground

This would have been a brilliant plan if his opponent wasn't Achilles!

Running around avoiding the Grimoires Achilles tried to find a way back into Ryo's close range when he noticed the latter trying to summoned Spears in the ground like last time, this time However Achilles won't fly away, but instead decided to show his true speed

Achilles [Watch me Stomp all of your Spears! as I Pierce your Heart Ryouto

{★Dromeus Komētēs★} ]

A Green aura surrounded Achilles as he entered his Comet form, his Agility stat increased to EX due to the activation of this Noble Phantasm, Going with a speed faster than sound Achilles did exactly as he said, and stomped on all the spears that grew on the ground trying to impale him, and even the magic of the Grimoires was ineffective on him, he was so fast that no Grimoire could catch up with him, he then directed himself towards Ryo and he went directly to him, trying to Penetrate him again like he did last time, but using his {Presence Detection A++} Ryo was cable of knowing when Achilles is going to hit him, Ryo can't see Achilles due to his speed, but he can tell when he was going to be attacked, this actually granted him an Advantage

Infusing his hand with as much magical energy as he can, Ryo created a strong attack as he waited, and waited for Achilles to mess up for one second, and of course, due to him not being able to run forever, Achilles tried to Pierce Ryo one last time but this time instead of running again he stopped to deliver another stab, this worked in Ryo's favor, as even though he was penetrated in the neck, he delivered a devastating Punch to Achilles' guts, as He crushed his organs !

Both man backed down, as Blood dropped from Ryo's neck and Achilles falling to his knees as he spat out a mouthful of blood as well

The Greek Hero, and The Demon King Kept staring at each other for few seconds, trying to find the best way to win this, not even for a second did they think to give up or that their opponent gave up, they in their minds wanted to fight like this forever, but both were at their limit, both were about to lose, yet, no matter what, the only thing on their minds was how can they win, looking at each other's weak points, and acting on it

Grabbing his spear Achilles went full on attack, and Of course Ryo responded with the same, their spears clashed, and they both screamed each other's names, who will be the Strongest, Who will win? it wasn't a matter of winning the grail war, or anything, it was simple power contest between them, nothing more and nothing less, but their Prides won't allow defeat !

Achilles [Ryoutooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!]

Ryouto [Achilleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!]

For More than an Hour thier fight kept on, Two battered man, with nothing but Pride and Power lust driving them, A battle of Two True Warriors, the spears clashed and blood was spilled, but thier only witness was non other than themselves

In a brief moment of weakness, Achilles saw an opening and of course he toke it, Piercing Ryo's heart, and even though he managed to inflict a mortal wound, it was Achilles the one that received the worse damage, because as soon as Achilles Pierced his heart Ryo did the same to him

And of course the winner was clear, Ryo, although toke so much damage, and was pierced first, can still regenerate, it was simply unfair since the start, but no matter what, Achilles wanted to finish him, and even though he might never know this, he was actually close to winning, that was in fact, the last time Ryo's body would regenerate all day, as his body has reached its limit, if and only if he got up and tried again Achilles would have probably won, but alas, he fell on his back, while Ryo did the same, both looking at the sky as the Dome created by Achilles started to dissipate and time was about to resume

Achilles [Looks like this is it, Ain't that Right Ryouto?]

Ryo [Achilles, you are by far the strongest enemy I have ever faced, well your not Enemy anymore so I suppose, this is wrong]

Achilles [What the hell does that *coughs* mean?]

Ryo [I told you didn't I? I will make you submit! Don't think that this is your way out, I will summon you again! In my own world, where countless people stronger than me await! A World where no God can interfere in your life, True freedom!]

Achilles opened his eyes wide and thought about the possibility of a world like that, it was truly his wish coming true, to be able to continue his heroic works without any interference from the Greek gods, a World where people as strong as Ryo existed !

Achilles [Won't I be under you?]

Ryo [Of course you will! I'm a King, But, I'm a King that loves his subjects! And I will never restrict my servants, once you accept and come to my World, you will understand, but for now Goodbye, Achilles,

It was a pleasure to face you, my friend!]

Achilles [Friends huh? Well *Coughs* I always wanted to make Friends through battle, But well History showed otherwise *Coughs* Goodbye, My King!]

Ryo got up as he looked at The Greek Hero's body dissipating, and becoming Particles of mana and as if the battle they just fought never happened time resumed as he looked at Artoria, Who was shocked at the fact that the battle ended !

Title : Achilles VS Ryouto

(A/N Hope you enjoyed that, I worked super hard on that fight, Please tell me what you think of this battle, And Plz More power stones, We are lacking in Rankings !)


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