
Luna Blu 2

Everyone in the city square gasped for air as they heard the woman's announcement, it wasn't who she announced that surprised them, but with what she called him

{The Demon God}

A title only granted to those that can shape reality with magic, an equal post to their Goddess, The God-Hero

Most the people in the area felt insulted but opted to stay quite, it was clear that two of the strongest in their nation are already there, and if the King is being compared to their goddess abruptly that surly they will interfere

However nothing happened, only few seconds of wait the sound of footsteps coming out of Vimana, then a tall man with a healthy dark skin and golden hair, he was wearing a beautiful blue and red customary clothes, beside him were four women, two on his right and two on his left

To his immediate right was a blond woman that wore a beautiful white dress endowed with blue markings that complemented her blue eyes, and to her right was another blond…

She wore a full white dress and those two looked like twins!

As for his left there was once again another blond! This one however wore a perfect blue dress with a nice crown, and unlike the other two she had green eyes that complemented her looks

As for the last one on his left, she was a dark haired beauty that wore a dark dress which made her look more intimidating yet charming in the eyes of its viewers

Behind the King and His wives was a Blond woman that had a large blue tail on her back, she had markings on her face and a beautiful smile that made everyone that see her fall in love but also to be instantly afraid of her, she was hand holding two kids, a boy with white hair and a red haired tomboy,

and behind them was a man that resembled the King but he was a bit taller and with white hair instead, beside him was a girl that resembled them both with her healthy dark skin, however she had golden eyes and a purple hair with a beautiful purple dress

and finally ending the King's entourage was a pair of two girl wearing clothes that clearly were not from this world and a green haired girl with a full white robe and a child that had white hair and purple dress

With Honda, Hercules, Rama, Sita, Alter and Achilles knealing, Ryo walked with his four fiancés, on his right was Lita and Aria and on his left was Artoria and Semiramis, following closely behind him was Vritra holding his brother Ray and his sister Tiana, and behind them were his two elder siblings, Aeron and Neia, and lastly were Rin and Sakura followed by Enkidu and Illya

The only one that stayed in the ship was Medusa, while Scáthach roamed the Shadows of Ryo as his Shadow bodyguard

Looking Ahead Ryo could see two beautiful man waiting for him at the end of the maid line, one was a young man with brown hair and eyes and a staff in his hand "I see, He's a Demon King, Nature is his primary mana source, Interesting" while the other man, was too a young man with white hair and white robe, he was a elf "Hmmm He gives off Merlin Vibes, a Demon Emperor huh, and…. He's clearly older than what he looks, his mana is about 600 years old"

The first one to step up was the young human who said

Seth [Welcome to Luna Blu Demon God Ryouto, My Name is Seth, I am the Lord of The Nature Gate, and a retainer of Goddess Kara]

Then the white haired elf stepped close and said

Namekaze [Welcome to Luna Blue Demon God Ryouto, My Name is Namekaze, I'm the Lord of The Sky gate, it is a pleasure to finally meet you and your entourage of interesting people, please follow me I Shall guide you to the castle, please feel free to bring anyone who you like to come]

Ryo [Well, Nice to meet you as well Seth Demon King of Nature and Namekaze Demon Emperor of the Sky, As you know I'm Ryouto the Demon God of Babylon, these are my fiancés, to my right is Lita, and Aria as for my left this is Artoria and this one is Semiramis, now then All the maids will go back to the Ship and maintain it, so the ones that will be coming are my Family and King's Guards, twenty three is the number if you're wondering]

Hearing Ryo mention their ranks immediately and then inform them that the number is one higher than they could see put Seth on tense mode, however Namekaze handled the pressure professionally as he guided Ryo and his Entourage to the castle

Few moments earlier

Mist [Huh ? is he trying to put on a show to me ? does he already love me !]

Synthia [Not only does he not care about you, he clearly has never seen you, why would he put a show for you, you idiot]

The God-Hero Kara was with Mist and Synthia watching the line forming by the maids, they were clearly putting on a show, to her

Then from the ship two large man followed by the Twin couple came out, behind them were the Hero she knew and the Dark Swordswoman and last was the samurai duo

Kara looked at the King's Guards and said

Kara [They are all powerful, fighting only them alone could bring doom to us!]

Mist [Hey Synthia, you only said there was on Red haired tom girl, not two!]

Synthia [I… I Don't recognize half the people there, most of them are new, in only six months he collected this much support, Kara what can you see ?]

Kara [well, we Already know that the golden armored guy is a God-hero, the red haired however must have grown, because he is on your level now Synthia, he's a Supreme Hero, the man with the Lance, is almost a God-hero as for the small samurai duo, the one with dark hair is a Hero who's close to being a Great hero as for the other the pink haired one than she already is a great hero, the twin of the tom boy is a hero while the Dark swordswoman she's a supreme Hero, as for the large bronze Skinned man than he's also a supreme Hero…]

Mist [How's this possible ! four Supreme heroes, a Great hero and Two heroes and lastly a God Hero! Where did they come from and Why]

Kara [Perhaps we underestimated him too much, look that's him]

Seeing Ryo come out Kara said

Kara [absolute nonsense, not only is he truly a Demon God but the one to his left is a Supreme hero too!]

Mist [Aghhhhhhhhhhhh Kara !!! That woman ! She's *Shivers* Noo This cant be!!]

Synthia [What's wrong Mist]

Kara [Mist ?]

Mist [Kara, the woman holding the children is a Dragon, She's *Shivers in fear* She's a World Dragon, there is only one World Dragon I Know, He's The Primordial Dragon Ouroboros, yet, she is Eaqual to him, Kara, that woman is a Dragon God!!!]