
Hero's Rage

Achilles griped his spear as he stared in the sky, looking at the Devil that has done all of this, his aura surged as he instantly flew to his

Achilles {Dromeus Komētēs}

A Green blue flew towards Beelzebub piercing his heart and taking him on a ride to the skies


Hearing the devils' taunts Achilles started to increase his speed and energy output taking Beelzebub towards the sky, going upwards until he reached near space level

Achilles {★Spear-tip of the Star Traversing the Skies★}

From the tip of Achilles' spear a green blast of energy released tarring apart the flesh of Beelzebub's core and insides, sending him flying further in the sky

But Achilles wasn't done, griping his spear his aura all emerged and engulfed the spear, grabbing his spear Achilles threw it in the speed of Sound, directly towards Beelzebub's Head

Achilles {★Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē★}

the throw itself was enough to cause a blast of wind but the hit was even more destructive, the sky above the entire continent of Diavola turned green, it was like thunder, engulfing the continent with a blast that erased all the clouds that were there, Beelzebub's body completely was decimated but that wasn't the scary part, it was the aftermath

The Sky broke as reality itself had an opening in it, and green aura was surging breaking it apart more and more

Devil princes are known to be the monsters that rule hell, once every millennia, someone manages to summon one, as the devil rampages and kills hundreds of thousands of people, eventually it will be stopped and killed, however it will be sent back to hell, due to the Princes of hell being immortal, even when they die in the human world, they revive down in hell

However Achilles completely ignored that fact, his spear Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē, has the special ability to slay heroes, and due to his rage, the spear developed the ability to kill "Devil sin of Gluttony, Beelzebub"

Breaking the rules of the world itself Achilles managed for the first time in this world's history to kill a true Prince of Hell

Ryo watched as Achilles' blast of energy kept surging throughout the gate to hell, forcing it apart more and more, realizing that Achilles has lost control and that he is forcing the gate of hell to open, Ryo decided to stop him

Rushing towards the area he was in Ryo found Achilles as his Energy surged and his Berserker self was out, holding his spear waiting for the gate to open

Ryo [Achilles, Stop! Now, it's enough]

Achilles didn't even pay attention to Ryo as he kept looking at the gate with hateful gaze

Ryo seeing that Achilles isn't listening summoned his Grimoire and said

Ryo [Ark, Take it all, don't let him open it]

Ark [Black Hole, Mana drain]

The Area they were in was very rich with Achilles' Aura and mana and since he was attempting to open a gate to the Devil world, Ryo decided to drain all of it, forcing Achilles to pay attention

Achilles [STOP! Don't Intervene! What are you doing! It's closing, I need to eradicate all of them! Stop !]

Ryo [Enough, Achilles, you are opening the gates to hell, even if we win and eradicate of of them, the losses will out weight the gains, many will die, So I won't allow it]


Ryo [Do I Not? have you not come, by my own order ? to serve me ? have you not made a Hero's pledge to me ?]

Achilles' sense of reason started coming back after hearing Ryo's words as he adopted a sad expression on his face and looked down while saying

Achilles [That is not fair…. I have to avenge them, they died because of me… I could won earlier and ended it all but because of me, they died, I could have saved them yet… yet I-]

Ryo [Yet you failed! So what of it! If you succumb to loss right now the Devil will win, you are a hero, Achilles, you redeem yourself by learning and saving others in the future, but let me remind you that you are my retainer first than a hero second, I might have promised you with a free life in here and I will deliver on it, but you will serve me in exchange, and I don't want a broken fool to serve me, Today you mourn and tomorrow you learn, and after words you become better, that is an Order]

Without waiting for a response from Achilles Ryo, erased all the energy in the atmosphere without Achilles giving him any resistance, he then dropped down to the battlefield

Seeing that Ryo has left Achilles dropped to his knees, eve n though he was in the air, he still managed to create a stepping stone spell for himself, the energy it takes to kill an Immortal being and break reality is immense and he was feeling the drawback from it, so before he could pass out, a shadow gate opened up and teleported him away

Seeing the situation that the people were in Ryo decided to use his magic and healed all the civilians and soldiers that survived this war

Ryo [Good job everyone, you have honored me and Babylon greatly]

In front of Ryo all the servants that participated in the war were kneeling

Ryo smiled and started to per Ushi's head as a genuine smile adopted her face while deep down she was smirking at Okita and Alter for being the one to get the head pat

Rama [My Lord, I'm sorry, I killed an Angel Eye user, one of the princesses of Divola was one, and I got mad, which resulted in me killing her… I apologize, she could have been a great use for you]

Ryo [Nonsense, if you decided to kill her than it means she was too evil to use, now then let's talk with the leader of the rebellion, he seems like a better person than his brother, Oh and Okita, go and tell Lord El Melloi to bring the soldiers of Babylon here]

Okita [Affirmative, umm, what about the young prince?]

Ryo [I'll think about him later, come everyone, let's visit the former Kingdom of Divola]


{A/N No explanation to why i was away, I cant even write anymore, but I have some Chapters drafted, so I'll release them as A goodbye, This may not be over as a Story, because i do hope to be able to continue writing, Life isn't helping me at the moment, So maybe in the Future.

With Love ·Riad·}