
Depths of The Tunlan Forest

After the Day he got his ass beat by Scáthach Ryo has been spending his days in Vimana playing around with his girls while falling in his Carnal Desires and Training every morning, Of course he didn't forget to visit Da Vinci Everyday to supply her facility with mana

Da Vinci [Anything new?]

Ryo was now in the White room that took mana from him, Da Vinci always had a free hour to hangout with him, she thought that if he keeps supplying her with mana, she would at least take an Hour everyday to talk with him so he wouldn't get bored

Ryo [Nothing Really, I purposely delayed the trip just so Semiramis would Join us]

Da Vinci [What about your progress?]

Ryo [Nothing much, I can control my instinct for a bit, but that's it, adapting to being a Dragon, is tough]

Da Vinci [I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the girls, have you made any moves on Enkidu? Ushi? The Tohsaka Sisters?]

Ryo [No, Nothing much, I have been hanging out with Enkidu and Ushi quite a bit though…WAIT WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME THIS?]

Da Vinci [What? I'm just trying to advice you!]

Ryo [YOU? You haven't left this place since you came here, you only come out when I order you too! You think I would take relationship advice from a Nerd!]

Da Vinci [Hey, I have plenty of experience, I've read so many books about that stuff!]

Ryo [*sigh* Books wouldn't teach you much compared to real experience, I suppose even I have low experience, well anyway, I'm done for today, lets talk again tomorrow]

Da Vinci "What an Idiot*sigh* I wonder if he will ever make a move on me ?"

Da Vinci [Sure, see you tomorrow]

Ryo went back to Vimana and spent another night with his girls

And in the morning they would reach the depths of the Tunlan forest, Ryo had promised someone to let him hunt so he had Vimana Stop as they took a day to hangout in the forest

The maids were left in the Ship along with Neia, Ryo's sister, who didn't want to tag alone, Ryo has already started to see that she is a complete Neet, and as if to prove his point she was hanging out with Medusa, who also stayed in the Ship, they both rather read books then do anything else, of course Ryo didn't know this but they both had him in their first priority than comes books

In the forest Ryo gathered everyone and said

Ryo [All right listen up everyone, Stay within a 15km Radius from Vimana, Make sure to Only Kill beasts, and not animals, also if you see any adventurers, don't antagonize them, I don't want you all to hurt them, lastly, Vritra, I trust you]

Ryo looked at Vritra and nodded his head as she did the same, Ryo has Placed his two siblings with her, she doesn't know this, but Ryo loves his family a lot, and the fact that he could trust her with two of them, means a lot

Ray [Don't worry Brother, I'm gonna take down All the beast ! I shall show you how strong have I become]

Tiana [Well then, Let's get going Shishou Vritra]

Ryo [Take care you two, and don't annoy Vritra too much Okay ?]

Ray/Tiana [Of course!]

Ryo then turned to the group as he saw them split

The groups consisted of

Vritra, Ray, Tiana/ Rama and Sita/Achilles, Aeron and Honda/Illya and Berserker/Artoria, Rin and Sakura/Alter, Okita, Scáthach and lastly was Ryo's group which was the largest and it included both his fiancés Lita and Aria, and with them Ushi and Enkidu

After the group split Ryo could be seen walking with Lita who was holding his left arm and surprisingly Ushi was holding his right arm, both Aria and Enkidu were behind them talking

Enkidu [This place is wonderful Gil, I can feel it, this place has a great connection to Nature]

Aria [Of Course, although the Tunlan forest is considered an independent area, it is technically the land of the elves]

Ryo [Nhn, even I, A part elf, can sense my connection to this place, it's rather intriguing, I want to protect this place]

Lita [Well, we will, as soon as we talk with the elves.... I missed Lina]

Ryo [Indeed, I missed her too]

Ushi [My Lord, I sense something, Right there]

Enkidu [Humans ?]

Ryo [Are you sure? Adventures don't usually come this deep]

Enkidu [Nhn, I'm Sure, we have to hurry]

Ryo [No, You stay here Enkidu, protect Aria and Lita, Ushi come with me]

Ryo rushed to the location where they sensed Adventurers

Ryo "If Enkidu is worried about the humans, than they must be in danger... or?"

Rushing to the place Ryo found Four people, Three man and a woman, they however Unfortunately weren't in danger, yes Unfortunately, because with them were the bodies of a Lioness and two of her cubs

????? 1 [Hurry up, don't kill more of the cubs, Golden Lions are precious, we can sell those cubs for a good Price]

????? 2 [This fucking Lioness Bit my Arm, Hurry up and heal me you elven Bitch!]

The elven girl that was with them hurried up to the man and she started to use healing magic to heal him, as soon as she was done, she was punched by the man she healed

????? 2 [Took you long enough, you brainless Whore]

Ryo walked to group as the girl fell at his feet, Ushi, was about to draw her sword, before she did however Ryo gestured for her to stop, From behind him Enkidu and Lita with Aria arrived, Of course Enkidu was about to attack as well before she too was stopped by Ryo's gesture

Ryo then looked at the elven girl, and kneeled to heal her, the girl was frightened, she had chains all around her body, in her neck, hands, and feet, Ryo looked at the girl's dead eyes, as she couldn't even speak, her tongue was gone, she was blue all around her body, clearly she was abused by these men

Ryo healed all her injuries and even healed her tongue, than he said

Ryo [Are you alright?]

The people that abused her weren't paying attention at first, but hearing his words they looked to see him and his entourage

(A/N Ramadan just started so writing is going to be tough XD, But RAMADAN KARIM ANYWAY!)


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