

Ryo [Okay, Lord El Melloi, you'll be tasked with staying here and making sure Babylon's army is in full preparation, Wallachia might try something if they know about our journey, Merlin and Agmond, you two will take care of the kingdom, Da Vinci just keep doing what you do, Qiness will work with you and maintain balance in the cities' financial side, mom, dad, I supposes you just do you ?]

Arkhan [Sure, but who's going with you ?]

Merlin [You have to take powerful people with you, not only for protection, but for display as well, you're about to meet the continent's strongest group so we have to show them that their title is lost]

Ryo [Oh, Don't worry about that, Fuahahaha, I might not be the King of Heroes, But when it comes to pride, I'm the same King, Fuahahaha]

Scáthach [so who's going?]

Ryo smiled as he told everyone of his plans…

Ryo summoned Vimana in the Sky as he placed a teleportation gate in his castle yard, the gate will teleport people to Vimana, since it's too large to drop down here, he watched as everyone got on his Fortress

Achilles [This is a big Ship Master, but is it as fast as my Chariot ? hahahaha]

Ryo [If speed was everything I wouldn't have won, Achilles]

Achilles [That's.... fair I guess, ce ya inside Master]

Achilles said as he entered the gate

The people whom Ryo decided would go with him were all in groups that consisted of

Ryo's Fiancées, Which were Lita, Aria, Artoria and Semiramis, of course Semiramis wasn't here as she was punished by Ryo to only join them once she finished her work, but she was part of the travelers

Then comes Ryo's concubines, although he didn't like the name, Qiness forced him to use some title for them, for formality, this included, Okita, Enkidu, Rin, Sakura, Medusa, Ushiwakamaru and Vritra

The funny part is that only Okita was a true lover of Ryo while all the others are simply potential lovers, but he just allowed it, it was already obvious that they all will be with him at some point

The third group was his family which included Aeron and Neia with Ray and Tiana tagging along and Illya, who decided to be in this group

The last group consisted of his Bodyguards, Alter obviously led the group, which had Honda and Achilles with Heracles, Rama and Sita who also tagged along her husband and lastly Scáthach which was his hidden Bodyguard, and although she's supposed to be in the Concubine group, she is Scáthach she can be where ever she wants

Of course the true last group was the biggest and Ryo's favorite, it was the fifty two Battle maids that he brought from Nasu-Verse, they were responsible for the cleaning of and protection of Vimana and all its Rooms

Ryo was quite happy with the rooster that was coming, and although he was a bit disappointed that Qiness refused to join him due to work, he still accepted it

Ryo sat down on his throne as he said

Ryo [Well then, Let us depart to Luna blue]

As soon as Ryo said that, Six Cyan Wings emerged from Vimana as they glowed and the ship started to move, this time Ryo made sure to make it go in a slow pace, since he wanted to visit Eden first, His aunt was against his marriage with Lina the Elf princess, and he wanted to convince her that Eden should join Babylon

As soon as the ship started moving, Ryo breathed a Sigh and then said

Ryo [Well then, you all know your rooms, please welcome to Vimana]

Ryo then looked at Scáthach as she nodded her head, he too nodded his, as everyone went to their rooms

Vimana was Divided into Five floors, the top Floor belonged to Ryo and his Harem, all the girls on the ship were to stay there except the maids, his sisters and Sita, the second floor was his family's floor, while the third was His bodyguard's room, of course both Alter and Scáthach stayed in the first one with Ryo, while the fourth floor was for the Maids as for the last floor, its where Ryo's life sized to exist, Quite literally as it was his training Room, and he could swear that if not for his regeneration he would have died a million times while training with Scáthach

And to add to his pain Vritra is now a teacher as well


Ryo grabbed the Spear in his hands as he tried to Pierce Scáthach's Abdomen, of course this was a distraction, as His true aim was for his Grimoires to hit her back, however ever since Scáthach started to use her Wisdom Skill Ryo simply didn't have a winning chance, she could predict every move he makes and knows all the plans he had, his goal was to one day, be unpredictable to her, as if that were to happen, he truly would have no Rival

Vritra [Use The thing Master, You can do this!]

Achilles [With that much beating I highly doubt that]

Honda [Lady Scáthach is very skilled]

Rama [Just say it Honda, she's scary, I feel bad for Ryouto]

Ryo hearing Vritra's shout, Activated his Dragon Core, as his body started to emit heat, he merged with a flame Giant and a Dragon Queen so his affinity to water and fire increase so much, Ryo summoned a magical circles behind him, And released a Large explosion of Flame and water, this was to create steam and distract Scáthach

He then went full dragon Mode and activated his Illusion, with steam, Illusion, he was truly unpredictable, so he went behind her And tried to cut her, this would have been a fatal error due to her immediately turning around and slamming him, but it was not him that did it, it was an Illusion, He was actually above her as she was pinning his illusion, and from his Mouth a large white circle formed and released a laser beam of magic towards her

Ryo [★Anu★]

This was a miniature version of his magical gate that replicated its explosion in a small degree, from the circle in his mouth a White Laser went straight towards Scáthach

However even with him implementing all those skills to beat her, she still only was scratched by the beam in the shoulder as she turned around and grabbed her spear to threw it at Ryo who was on the sky and couldn't dodge, she then manifested Multiple spears to pierce him, as he was impaled there like a statue all bloodied up


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