
The King of Fairies(Discontinued, will reboot with OC protagonist)

Noctis Lucis Caelum, the chosen King was supposed to die, but he awakens in a new world, one not unlike his own filled with magic, demons, and dragons.

XOmni · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Ch 6 Lullaby

Noctis lays on the ground, his jacket completely destroyed and his shirt severely ripped. He groans as he returns to his feet.

Noctis: " Man that guy was tough."

A Magic Four-Wheeler pulls up next to Noctis with Erza in the driver seat. Her and the others get out and walk over to Noctis, leaving the wounded Kageyama in the car.

Erza: " Are you alright?"

Noctis: " I'm good, just tired."

Lucy: " But your bleeding everywhere!"

Noctis looks down at all the large cuts littering across his body, blood leaking from them.

Noctis: " This? I've had worse."

Noctis looks back at Gray and notices that he has taken off his shirt and cast it aside.

Noctis: " Uh Gray, where's your shirt?"

Gray looks down at his bare torso with a surprised look on his face.

Gray: " Huh? When did that happen?"

Noctis: " How did you not know that you took your shirt off?"

Happy: " That's Gray for ya!"

Lucy: " Uh guys, where did Kageyama go?"

Natsu: " And where's our car?"

Erza: " He's getting away!" She yells, pointing at the retreating Magic Four-Wheeler with Kagayama at the wheel.

Noctis: " I thought that guy was dead!?"

Gray: " We managed to save him, somehow."

Erza: " We have to catch him before he can use Lullaby!"

Noctis: " Ugh, more running."

The 5 run after Kageyama with Happy flying alongside them.

Noctis: " How did you guys get out of that barrier anyway?"

Lucy: " We dug under it."


The 5 continue running until they come to a large open clearing, some distance away is Kageyama with Lullaby. With him is a short old man, he had no hair except a tuff on each side of his head, he has a white mustache and is wearing a blue and orange striped jester hat on his head. He is wearing an orange jacket over a white shirt with a pair of brown boots.

Gray: " What's the master doing?"

Natsu: " We need to get him out of there."

Erza: " Wait. I believe the master can handle this."

Noctis: " So, that old guy is the guild master of Fairy Tail?"

Natsu: " Yep, that's the old man. He's pretty tough."

Lucy: " Are you sure the master can stop Kageyama?"

Erza: " I do."

Noctis, Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Gray, and Happy all watch as the scene unfolds. Master Makarov simply talks Kageyama down. He drops the flute, losing his will to play it.

The 6 run over to the aging guild master and the dark mage.

Erza: " Master!"

Natsu: " Old man!"

Makarov: " What are you all doing here?"

Gray: " We're here to stop Kageyama."

Makarov: " Well, it seems I've already taken care of that."

Makarov: " And who is this?" He says gesturing towards Noctis.

Erza: " This is Noctis. If it wasn't for him, we may not have stopped Erigor in time."

Makarov: " Oh? So you managed to defeat the 'Grim Reaper'? You must be very strong indeed."

Makarov: " How would you like to join Fairy Tail?"

Lucy: " Uh guys! Somethings happening with the flute!"

The group look over at the once in-animate Lullaby as it floats into the air and starts to grow and grow and grow, until it's the size of a mountain. It grows a pair of arms and a pair of legs, it has 3 red eyes and a hole in it's stomach. The hulking creature slams it's fist into a nearby mountain, destroying it. It roars at the top of it's lungs, frightening away the encroaching army.

Lullaby: " I will devour all of your souls!"

Noctis: " What is that!?"

Erza: " Lullaby's true form! We have to stop it!"

Thirteen different weapons fly out of Noctis and begin to spin around him. All 13 weapons taking on a blue spectral form. Erza re-quips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor.

Noctis, Erza, Gray, and Natsu dash towards the awakened Lullaby. Erza uses her two swords to attack the behemoth's leg, causing it to stumble. Natsu quickly climbs up one of Lullaby's arms, reaching it's face where he slams a flaming kick into it's jaw. Lullaby fires several magic orbs at Natsu, but he manages to dodge them all.

The magic orbs begin flying towards Makarov and the other guild masters who showed up. But Gray uses Ice-Make: Sheild to block the projectiles. He then fires an Ice-Make: Lance at Lullaby, hitting it directly in the chest.

Noctis uses the power of the Armiger to fly through the air and behind the creatures head, where he pelts it in the back of the head with several different weapons, switching from the Trident of the Oracle to the Sword of the Father and through all 13 weapons circling him.

Erza re-quips into her Black Wing armor and flies up towards Lullaby's head with her sword drawn. Natsu brings the flames from his left hand and combines them with the flames in his right hand to make Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame. Gray fires off another Ice-Make: Lance, this one aimed at it's head. Noctis flies further into the air and throws his arm forward, sending all 13 weapons flying at the creature.

All 3 attacks hit at the same time, resulting in a large explosion that rocks the area and kicks up dust. Once the dust settles, it is revealed that Lullaby has reverted back to it's flute form and was destroyed. Standing over it's remains is Erza in her Black Wing Armor, Natsu who's shirt was destroyed in the battle, Gray who stripped his shirt earlier, and Noctis who's shirt was in tatters.

Bystander 1: " Whoah, they must be Fairy Tail's strongest team if they defeated Lullaby!"

Bystander 2: " Yeah, we really owe Fairy Tail big time!"

The bystanders continue congratulating Fairy Tail, until the Guild Master's meeting hall collapses. They turn towards the Fairy Tail mages and Noctis, but see they are already running away.