
WAR 1.1

"after the journey they have gone through Don learned that it was a bad idea to send out Cleon to hunt without his pressence so he decided to not cleon go on the hunt, instead he let him stay at the camp site to train and so by the time passed by cleon grow tremendously. every day ge goes sparring with the guardians that has above level of him without holding back"

"After 1 years of training Don decided to let cleon back to the capital together with the cordon and guardians"

"in the meantime in hell"

Demon King "* How's the preparation..?

Prodigies "* Everything according to your plan. my lord..!

Demon King "* Good..!!! I shall let them know my wrath..! now no more God of Creation..! nobody can interfere my plan on abducting The human Realm for us Demons live. sooner or later we will be no longer living in this place..!

"while the Heaven, hell and netherland are preparing for the upcoming war the human Realm begun to wage a war against each other without knowing the big upcoming event and the disaster that they will suffer."

( the Human Realm consist of 10 big country

the 'Zhu Kingdom', 'Zhao Kingdom', 'Moontage Empire', 'Elves Kingdom', 'Dwarf Kingdom', 'Dragon Empire', 'Red Sun Empire', 'Black-Mob Association', 'Black market Association', 'Drake Academy though these 3 cannot considered as country but they owned a big slice of a land in the Human Realm Black-Mob&Black market are alike but they don't collaborate each other because that place where the trading takes place and nobody won't dare to touch the Drake Academy because it has too many expert the 'guru' in Drake Academys strenght is equivalent to a Grand master Level as well as the Emperor of Each country.)

"As they begun to make some alliance and the Zhu, Zhao and Moontage country begun to wage a war to Elves&Dwarf while the Black-Mob&Black market start to trade their People for a big sum of penny to whom country offer the best deal will get the protection of the association and so the Drake and the Dragon remained Calm and preparing for the Defense mechanism and execute the lock down rule in the country that to those people will approach the country shall execute without hesitations"

"As the human begun to clash the Demon, Angels and the warsoul in the netherland are also preparing waiting for the Seal of their Realm to weaken so that Demon can destroyed the 3 Realm including Human Realm"

Demon King "* 7 Prodigies it's time..! my fellow Demon prepare for the battle bring out the Guardian.

( Guardian signify the protector of their Realm only the ruler of its Realm can control their protector in hell it's an Ceberus three headed dog and for the Heaven Realm it's an 9 headed white jaded dragon i have called him jaded dragon because his armor or scale is like a jade dragon his color is green but it has 9 heads and for the nether Realm they have the 2 headed Soul Snake )

" And as the 3 Realm begun to destroy the Seal the human is stunned to what they have seen they did not expected that the 3 Realm are true and the Human conflict begun to cease and they focused on what will happen"

Demon King "* Run wild my baby Guardian destroy all the living creatures that who will oppose us from taking the land...!!!

"and so the Ceberus unleashed the attack that cause millions of people at the battle ground died "


Zhao people "* we can't defeat it...!

Moontage people "* even if we run we can't run something as terrifying as that

Elves&Dwarf "* let us stop the war and reunite this time it's better for nothing

Zhu commander "* let's stop this war and protect humanity everyone lets group and execute the deffensive formation Zhao people, Moontage people, Elves and Dwarf let's give us our whole to protect humanity. ..!

"As ceberus begun to unleashed an attack suddenly the Heavenly Realm came at a time"

Kaizel "*Demons How Bold.! How dare you demons..!!! attacking human in a day broadlight..!? Let's go my fellow angels & Guardians let execute this entire Demons and so that our God Father will feel at ease.

" And so they begun to clash and When Kaizel released the 9 headed jade dragon the 7 Prodigies begun to move as well and the Grim remained smart they are in a stealth mode. inorder to unleash a sneak attack and to finish up the 2 realm in their weakest state and find the best opportunity to strike."

Soldier#1 "* Look *pointing at the sky* they are fighting at the demon let's help them out

Soldier#2 "* but we don't have even the strenght to defend ourself let alone to aid them

Soldier#3 "* look a dragon is fighting at the ceberus

( the ceberus unleashed the hells breathe while the the jade dragon unleashed the white fire breathe )

"And both of the Dragon begun to use their taunt enhancing the ability of their Soldiers."

*9 Headed Dragon Roaring*

*Ceberus Roaring*

"And again they begun to clash each other."

Human#1 "* what an terrifying being what's happening to our world what will happen to us in the future???

Human#2 "* we can only pray to seek help in our God Father it is to say that the God of creation create an seal to maintain the balance of the 3 Realm but sadly it is now broken and it is now too late for us human to prepare we thought that was only a myth a stories to scare the children *sight* this is the end..!

"And so the Demon feel that they begun to lose the battle. Demon king Instruct the 7 Prodigies to exrcute the plan and then."

Demon King "* Go subdue their 9 headed dragon for us to make some opening..!

7 Prodigies "* *Chanting*

( 7 prodigies is a witch that their cultivation is focused only at sealing and or to subdue or manipulating person they can only manipulate 1 person and then as they start the chant on where the jade dragon at suddenly a circle appeared in its head and feet and then suddenly the circle chant begun to release some chain to bind the dragon )

"While the dragon is bind at the chain the ceberus begun to attack the dragon leaving the dragon helpless and so the dragon can't take it anymore, the dragon retrieve it's spell that has given by the people of Heavely Realm the enchanted armor leaving the Guardians&Angels to weaking their defense"