
The King Elementalist: The Sun

Two worlds trying to protect themselves from invaders but turned out to be invading themselves. How can they fight the super villain?

Yan_Pauls · แฟนตาซี
73 Chs

The Third Titan - The Titan Of Light Mindrax

Ian and Bavery continued their journey on the Forbes Wasteland. They arrived at Mindrax's lair with a lot of multi-colored lights. Ian got curious of the strength of Mindrax so he ask Draven, "what kind of Titan is Mindrax, Draven?"

"She is the Titan of Light, she belongs to the 10 strongest Titans living in this place. I haven't seen her fighting so I don't know what beast is her true form. We Titans have beasts inside of us. Zexerav got the purple dragon, I have the red phoenix, Draco has the dark panther and Kratos got the golden lion. Draco and Kratos are top Titans among us twelve. They fought alongside each other for a long time and no other being can withstand them in battle even the supreme beings, the Gods. They have killed millions of Gods in the past so that's why they are considered to be the strongest beings in our universe but there is two biggest threats. The owner of the Grand Soul Gem and Armageddon. That's all I know about them. I have no idea about the rest of the Titans. We will find them out once we defeated Mindrax." Draven answered.

"All I know about Mindrax is she can annihilate her enemy in just a flash. Her beam attacks are the fastest beams in this universe. No one has ever dodged them. The only way to counter her is to predict her moves and attacks." Zexerav added.

"That would be a very useful advice you two. I'm glad you're still with us but I don't wish for your power. All I want is for you to continue living, however, that doesn't apply here so the only way for you to be spared is to accept your power. Don't worry, I will use your powers for a good cause." Ian said to the two Titans.

"Master, I'm very happy you already casted my three super spells. 9 more to go, you have already activated Limit Break Mode but just use it as your trump card. You can already cast that spell anytime you want, however, there's an effect to your body. After 30 minutes of maintaining that mode, you'll overstress yourself and your energy will be drained out, you need to rejuvenate again to use another Super spell. I'll let you use my 4th super solar spell now and this is very useful for you but too risky too just like the Limit Break. It is called Pyroclast, this super solar spell supports my 2nd spell, the Super Dragon Mode, and 3rd spell, the Limit Break. You can use Max Out and Limit Break Super spells whenever you want without rejuvinating. Max Out is when you are using Super Dragon Mode. Max Out spells are 100 times stronger than the ordinary spell but Limit Break is 1000 times stronger. Please minimize the use of Limit Break as you can." Heat gave Ian a tip upon using Limit Break and Pyroclast.

"Thanks a lot Heat. You are truly a great help to me. You make me feel like I'm unbeatable." Ian said.

"You will be unbeatable if you acquire the souls of the 12 Titans Ian." Draven added.

"Yeah, aside from your Djinn, we can make you more powerful that you can't imagine. Our souls are very difficult to acquire as you have to beat us first before getting it. You really deserve to be called as the Master of Titans. 10 more Titans to go. We could be unbeatable now that Draven is here with us." Zexerav said.

"Don't be overconfident Zexerav, we are still not aware of the skills of Mindrax. Don't forget she is the Top 10 Titan ahead of us. Let's go meet her now." Draven warned them.

Ian and Bavery met Mindrax. She offered some cup of tea for them.

"Welcome to my place Ian, I'm glad I already have a visitor here. I haven't got one for a very long time, they are all vanished on Zexerav's place. Isn't that right Zexerav? Hehe." Mindrax said to Ian.

"I haven't known you Mindrax, your scent is not that greedy for power. You are just like us." Zexerav said to Mindrax.

"Hehe. You've got a strong sense of smell Zexerav. Yeah, I don't aim for power and supremacy, that's why I'm the most mysterious Titan here. Do you wish to here my story before you challenge me Ian?"

"I would be honored to hear it Mindrax." Ian replied.

"I am also a mortal a long time ago living on planet Nexus, I don't know how to fight and all I just wanted is peace and prosperity. I travelled with my big brother Mandry from one place to another because we were homeless. Our planet was attacked by our mortal nemesis the Baron who is the first and only Master of Titans in the past. Zexerav and Draven don't know about the Baron because they are the recruited by Kratos way before the presence of the Baron. He is the father of Thalos. He is your great great grandfather Ian. Mina, the wife of Thalos, is my friend who became my older sister, she is the one who gave us home together with her." Mindrax sadly dropped a tear while telling her story.

"My brother fought the Baron and got killed. I don't know what to do and promised myself to avenge my brother, that's why I dedicated and pursued to acquire the mastery of light and become one with the light to be a Titan. Mina on the other hand was offered by Thalos to the dark Almighty, Zeo. I was left alone in this universe and the only thing I wanted is to kill those two bastards who killed my family.

Kratos found me wandering, he saw my true potential that I'm the being of light and he adopted me because I was still young that time. He presented me to the King of Titans, King Hamelgard, he is a wise King. He turned me into a Titan to have my vengeance. Me, Kratos and the rest of the Titans fought the Baron and we were able to beat him. We can't kill him because he is an immortal just like us so we have decided to create a gem that can seal his soul and we call it the Grand Soul Gem. Kratos is protecting that gem. After the sealing of the Baron, we aimed to seal Thalos as well but we failed. Thalos created a weapon with the soul essence implanted on the mortal's body in order for him to counter the sealing process. The effect of the sealing process turned into a curse for us 10 Titans. We will be killed once we face each other, we will die if we don't follow the curse's condition that's why we are here on this Wasteland regardless of our own will. Draven and Zexerav are the latest recruits, that's why they only knew few things about us. They are also exiles who are turned into Titans because of their powers. The effect of the curse is also applicable to the one who will defeat us one by one and I can sense that you have the highest potential to be that one. We chose to kill the Titan who lost for the sake of our Titan's pride." Mindrax told Ian some untold truth about the 12 Titans.

Ian felt sad for Mindrax's story and said "I will do whatever it takes to help you all Mindrax. I promise!" Ian said while transforming into God Mode and became James.

"We will beat you for us to be one again Mindrax." Draven said.

"It would be cool if we all have one body with different souls! We will be one and avenge our race together." Zexerav said.

"Hehe. Show me what you have. I will show you what I've got with the best of my ability. I'm not going to be generous in this battle. Whoever wins between us will be graced with power." Mindrax said.

Mindrax showed her silver aura. She is still not on her true form but her energy is overflowing.

"This is unreal. Even I couldn't believe this is just the half of the power of Mindrax. It already matches my Sacred Phoenix Mode." Draven said.

"This is going to be difficult again." Zexerav said.

"Be careful James, she is way stronger than Draven and Zexerav combined." Bavery warned James.

"Don't worry Bavery, I've got Heat and myself too." James replied to Bavery.

James powered up and used the insignia of Draven and Zexerav combined to activate the new mode known as the Sacred Phoenix Dragon Mode. Mindrax is amazed of what she's seeing.

"Let's begin Mindrax." James said.

The battle between Mindrax and James heated up and started. Can James withstand the power of the Top 10 Titan? Or will the other Titans become proud of Mindrax? On the other hand, Death is approaching Forbes Wasteland to get the Grand Soul Gem. Will they have their second clash that would turn the tides up?