
The King Elementalist: The Sun

Two worlds trying to protect themselves from invaders but turned out to be invading themselves. How can they fight the super villain?

Yan_Pauls · แฟนตาซี
73 Chs

Path To A Bigger World

Adam is the son of Khan, which is why he abducted Lara. The Shadow attuned beings were already exposed as Adam released his prime attunement on Gaia. Lara remained as the Shadow beings prisoner until Khan's decision whether he will let her live or kill her. Adam couldn't return to Gaia because he already exposed his prime attunement upon abducting Lara.

"Will Eros go back here with us, Mercure?" Adam asked Mercure.

"We'll just have to wait. It doesn't matter if he goes back or not. We should find Lilith as soon as possible but we'll just have to pretend ourselves with other attunements to go out from this world. You need to return to Gaia, Adam." Mercure said.

"But why? I already fulfilled my mission, we would be discovered by Zeo's force if I go back there." Adam replied.

"You need to secure everything there. The Stanforce might discover us first before Zeo's allies if you stay here. We need Lara to be alive before Lord Khan returns." Mercure explained.

"Okay, I'll try." Adam said.

Lara is sleeping on her room and a small shadow child went to her. She is the daughter of Mercure. She was born in the Wasteland and never experienced a life outside.

"Who are you?" Lara asked.

"My name is Himori. Papa never allowed me to stay outside. I want to be free and enjoy life but how can we enjoy if we are exiles? I'm curious about your world and want to ask you about it. Can you please tell me how it is? I don't know the feeling of being free. I want to be happy. Would you help me?" Himori shyly said to Lara.

Lara felt lonely for Himori and said "How can I help you if your Papa still keeps me as his prisoner? I really want to help all of you to regain your freedom but it's not easy to persuade them."

"I will help you persuade them. I know Papa and the others are not bad." Himori said.

Lara thought for a way out by using Himori. "Well, thank you, my dear. You're really sweet. My world is Chrono and it is so wonderful. We live happily and free. I really want you to see it for yourself. Would you sneak me out first? I will be glad to guide you outside."

"Okay, promise me, okay?" Himori said.

Lara sneaked out with Himori by using her shadow. They passed through the corridor with a lot of shadow attuned beings are coming through.

"Where are you going, Himori?" One of the shadow attuned beings asked her.

"Ahmmm. I'm going to the toilet." Himori answered.

"Oh, okay, see you around then." The man said.

Himori saw Mercure on their way down and they hid on the toilet. "I guess Papa is guarding downstairs. We need a decoy to keep him busy." Himori said.

"I've got an idea, I will use my Lunar Clone Spell to keep him busy." Lara casted the Lunar Clone spell to create a clone copy of Himori. "Papa, can you make cookies? I'm hungry." The fake Himori said.

"Okay, dear. Can you help me make those cookies?". Mercure is not aware that Lara and Himori are sneaking out. When Mercure and the fake Himori went to the kitchen, they passed quickly and they were successful upon getting out. It is the first time for Himori to step outside of their palace.

"So how are you feeling now that we are outside, Himori?" Lara asked.

"I feel nervous but happy. I really wanted to see the outside world." Himori answered.

As they continue to travel around the Forbes Wasteland, Lara and Himori spotted the spaceship of Drexmar and Death. They hid under the hill of trash and observed them.

"I can't believe Death is here, and he's got allies. I need to find James and the others first." Lara thought.

"What's the matter Miss? Why are we hiding? and who are they? Are they bad guys?" Himori asked.

"Yes, Himori, they are all bad guys. We need to find the good guys first." Lara replied.

"Okay miss, but where do we find them?" Himori asked. "I don't know, Himori but no matter what happens, just stick with me, okay?" Lara answered.

"Okay miss." Himori answered.

Lara observed and followed them. Thalos appeared on the hologram and another spaceship are approaching them. "Are you on the Forbes Wasteland now?" Thalos asked Death. "We just arrived here my Lord. We are just waiting for your special team to arrive. Are they really capable to beat Kratos and Draco?" Death asked. "They are the strongest team Zeo gathered to eradicate all of the Shadow attuned beings. They have spotted shadow magic in that wasteland so they are going to destroy all of them." Thalos answered. "Just leave James Stanford to me, my Lord." Death requested. "He's all yours, Death. Don't disappoint me this time." Thalos said. Death is planning to kill Drexmar first after he gets the Grand Soul Gem and Drexmar has no idea about the plan. Lara and Himori overheard the conversation and the other spaceship landed near them. The door of the spaceship opened and a group of five beings came out. "We're glad we'll be battling together Nexus Team. It's my dream to fight alongside you." Drexmar said to the Nexus. The leader of the Nexus approached Drexmar and said "Just don't come across our way or we will eliminate you." Drexmar nod while smiling. "I can sense that there is a shadow attuned nearby." The leader of the Nexus said. He then turned to the place where Lara and Himori was hiding. He smirked and all of a sudden, he captured Himori with his right hand. He slapped Lara and became unconscious. Death saw Lara and by the time the leader of the Nexus is about to kill Lara, Death shouted "Don't touch her! I will take care of her." They captured Himori and Lara. "We can use this child to lure those shadows. Haha." The leader of the Nexus said.

Can Lara and Himori survive Death and the Nexus? Will James and Ian save them? Or will this be the end of the shadow attuned beings?