
The King and the Sorcerer

Sorcerers are rare and closely guarded by their keepers, uaually granted their own towers where they can practice their skills. Aelfric was an apprentice when he was taken from the castle by an evil Earl who wanted to use his gifts to take over the kingdom. After years go by, Aelfric forgets everything so he can endure being held captive by the earl. Until the Prince comes to save him...

Monday_Child · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter II, The Tower

Helaina was a mercenary witch. She was commissioned to help the Prince re-claim a kidnapped scorer's apprentice just before the siege on the Earl's keep. Her dark skin and silvery hair made her striking and alluring, but her eyes had a danger about them that warned people to keep their distance, this flower is poisonous.

Helaina brought Aelfric to Prince Nicolaus' camp in an iron wagon. "Here he is, one red hot sorcerer. "

Nicolaus had just cleaned up from lopping the Earl's head off when Helaina entered. He smiled, pleased with this. Today had gone perfectly. "Wonderful. You were truly worth every piece." A hefty bag of coins was dropping into her awaiting hand by one of his servants. He didn't dismiss her yet as this was only the first part of her contract. The second part was making sure that Aelfric didn't kill him. Nicolaus knew that Aelfric wouldn't be the same. He had seen that with his own eyes during the battle. The earl had changed him, but he wouldn't accept that Aelfric was too far gone.

"Release him." He ordered one of the guards, hoping that without orders, Aelfric would be more docile, perhaps accept food. Aelfric was hardly conscious. He couldn't even stand on his own, and once released dropped to his knees. His robes had been torn to shreds during the battle, and his long, blond hair caked with dirt and blood. It was obvious that he had exhausted himself. The battle had been long and terrible. But regardless of this feral state Nicolaus would not treat him like a tool or possesion.

"I can bind his magic with a new set of fetters, your highness. They would only allow him to do magic at your command." Helaina offered.

"Blood magic..." Aelfric hissed between his teeth, but it was the same sort the earl had used.

"That won't be necessary. Someone bath, feed and clothe him." He didn't like seeing Aelfric in this state.

Aelfric chuckled and got to his feet, swaying. Static sparked at his tips as he attempted to do magic before Helaina quickly bound him in an enchanted iron chain. "I implore your majesty. Fetters, for his wrists, they wont have a connecting chain. It would make my task easier." Aelfric let out a low, mad chuckle again. He was a little delirious.

"Fetters for now." Though it pained him to make that order. He would reconsider them if Aelfric was behaving. For now he was just too wild. The magical fetters were far better than iron chains. There was a hint of sadness in the prince. "And afterwards see to his accomodations. I want him comfortable."

Helaina placed the silver fetters on Aelfric's wrists. He was hauled off and cleaned per the Prince's orders and taken to the sorcerer's tower back at the palace. It was the highest tower at the castle and it had 3 floors and roof access. The first floor was a sort of receiving room, the second was a work room, a study and a library for the sorcerer's use. The 3rd was living quarters. Roof access was for astrology. The old sorcerer had died not long ago, and now his tower would be occupied by Aelfric. Aelfric had grown up in these rooms, and upon seeing them again, he knew they were familiar. There, a window seat in the sitting room on the 3rd floor. It was long and piled with cushions. That had been where he's slept as a boy. After he was washed in the bathing room, he was left alone in the sitting room with a tray of food, that he ignored only to sit in this window seat. There was a stuffed cat toy hidden in the cushions. He held this in his hands. He didn't remember his master, but... someone care enough for him to keep his space as it was.