
The King's Inherited Bride

Being second in line to the throne Leonidas Kristakos was never burdened with the great kingdom's duties and decisions.He was free to live his own life while his older brother had a more strict upbringing as first in line to the throne. He never envied his brother for anything but one- his bride-to-be. He fell in love with Diana De León when he first led his eyes on her when she was 4 to his 6. What happens when his brother's untimely death makes Leonidas the new king? What about the bride-to-be?!?!??.

Kams_Wishin · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs


Diana de león.

Fuck, finally she was here in my territory at my terms. Nothing thrilled me more than knowing that she was at my mercy.

"Sir?" My secretary,Lily,was waiting on the other line for my approval.

"Send her up on my private elevator".

"Ok sir".

I'd called security to focus several cams on her.Within seconds,the angel's face and body filled every single one of the screens projected on the frosted glass wall of my office.

She entered the private elevator that would take her straight to my floor. And as she waited she leaned on the glass wall looking like a fragile ballerina with the body of a seductress.A very dangerous combination that could bring a strong man to his knees. And I knew I was unmistakenly heading there.


No I wasn't going down that road again.

He came out of his musings as she lifted her face to look at the camera inside .

I touched the tablet screen to zoom a came on her face.

Now she'd captured my eyes,held it,and I couldn't look away.She seemed to know I was watching her. What was that look in her eyes?Anger? Defiance?A challenge ? I studied her mesmerizing face as the seconds ticked by.Fucking shit,she was too beautiful for her own good but I was going to make sure that that beauty was bounded to me and only me from now on.

Forever .

Suddenly the air around me seemed to drastically lessen and I loosened my tie a bit. My throat had gone dry.Fuck why was I feeling hot when the temperature in my office was cool.

A tension was developing at the pit of my belly.

She exited the elevator.

I went to stand in front of the panoramic windows of my office to compose myself.

I stared harder into the distance as the door of my office opened .

I knew the moment she stepped into the room. Her faint scent wafted toward me,and everything in me cried out in desperation to touch her but no I wasn't giving into my traitor body's wishes.

Fuck no,I wasn't ever showing her my that vulnerable part of me.

I wasn't interested in being made a fool.Again.

Masking my thoughts I donned a blank expression and slowly turned and faced her.

"Hello, Leonidas".

I continued to stare at her for a beat and cooly stated,

"Been a while hasn't it,Diana".

"Yeah,just 10 years to be precise", she quipped.

I gave a cool smile that didn't reach my eyes and replied," Well when somethings just doesn't matter you don't even remember,my bad. My,where are my manners have a seat".

Calmly walking and taking a seat across me with false sweetness she mentions,"We can't help when some worthless maggots don't know how to value precious things right. It's ok I understand".

I smirked at that,"Maggots huh".

"Well you gotta call them for what it is. You know how I hate useless sugar coatings".

"I don't know ".

"What can I even expect from an asshole like you".

"Developed quite a sharp time over the years haven't you but mark my words address me again with such manners and I will spank you so hard you wouldn't be able to seat for a week".

She looked at me disbelivingly,"Are you threatening me?".

"That's a promise,my dear".

"I'm no dear of yours".

"You are whatever I want you to be".

"Dream on buddy".She rolled her eyes at me.

"Now now,let's not get sidetracked from the real reason why you're here".

"Yeah,let's discuss how you actually threatened my family of our home if I didn't come to look at your assholery face".

"Is that even a word? What did I tell you about swearing in front of me".

"You don't control me stinking pig ".

I looked at her coldly and softly said," Test me one more time and you will see".

It might have been years since we saw each other but even she knew I meant business when I gave people the look and silently piped down.

"Sorry I was out of line".

"All's forgiven".

"Mighty gracious of you".

I just gave her the look.

"Sorry", she begrudgingly added.

"So as I was saying I sent your father a message asking him to make sure you came to meet me-".

She suddenly stood up and pointing at me said,

"I can't take this any longer that's not asking bastard that's a threat. You threatened to strip my father of his position in the military.Maybe you should really check what asking actually means ".She got louder with every word and was breathing heavily in anger at the end.

I looked at her sternly and said,

"Sit down Diana. Interrupt me again and you would not like what I'll do to you understood?".

Flailing her arms out she started shouting at me again.

"No arsehole I don't understand and I don't wanna understand what goes on in that twisted brain of yours. I mean what do we even have to discuss about now and now that Seb's gone we have nothing in common but no, you don't want me to live in peace do you. You had to come interfering my life without my permission. I hate you, you...slimy, manipulative, unconscionable piece of rotten shit".

I didn't even bat a lash at her.In fact I preferred seeing her like this,wild an untamed not afraid to speak her thoughts out.

"Got everything off your chest Diana?" I knew my calm voice and relaxed pose as I leaned back in my chair would piss her off further,and I do love pissing her off . She's so easily rattled,my little wi-.

I'm not completing that thought.

Fuck what's wrong with me. And she's not my anything.Not yet atleast.

"- festering sore on humanity's ass.Are you even listening to me ?".

I gave a disinterested look and replied,"Nothing interesting to capture my attention".

"It's time like this I just can't believe you were both brothers.He is such a good,considerate man and you...you are just a poor excuse of a man".

"I'm man enough I assure you",I dryly added.

Inside I was fuming and my mood had soured at her mention of my brother.

Did she think throwing his name at my face was going to win her battles against me? Well that does just the opposite and makes me want to fight harder .

I didn't fucking need reminders that she that belonged to him for 10 goddamn years.

Hell no.

Well I didn't want to show my hand too soon but she's asking for it . She better be prepared to handle me.

All gloves are now off.

"W-what are you doing?",she questioned when I suddenly stood up in between her ongoing tirade of how my brother's so-called qualities surpassed mine.

As I wordlessly came around my desk I decided she might as well get a taste of what's in store if she kept up this kind of behaviour, and dragged her little ass over my office couch that was a few steps away .

Sitting in the middle of it,I pulled her over my knee and pulled up the skirt of her dress and spanked her panty covered bottom.She wailed and cussed a blue streak.

"Well now Diana,you ready to settle down?".

"I hate you.....you ugly primate".

I gave her ten more sounding smacks until tears were streaming down her face.

"I'm gonna let you up but if you misbehave again,I'll tan your ass but good, you hear me?".

I sat her up and she immediately crawled and placed herself to the furthest corner of the couch and silently glared at me with accusing eyes.

Well,she asked for it .

"Now,tell me you understand everything the lawyer said.If not,I'll explain it again ".

Hearing this she relaxed a bit from her defensive posture .

"It doesn't make any sense;why would your brother keep something like that from me?".

"Maybe because he wasn't expecting to die so soon.He probably thought it was a non issue as two of you were still very young and already planning to marry the next year".

My ass,there is no way I was going to let that shit happen,but that's another story for another time.

"Come sit here next to me",I patted the spot right next to me. I knew I should give her some time to come to terms with my brother's sudden death and get used to this archaic family tradition of the royal family of our kingdom.But, I couldn't find it in me to care.I was barely hanging on to my civility at this point.

She looked at the spot I patted and shook her head instead while getting more comfortable in her seat. I smirked knowingly and let it slide for now.

"So I'll ask again, is there any confusion you want me to clear. I hope you are now fully aware that you belong to me ".

Hearing my declaration she drew in her breath sharply and glared at me. "I don't belong to anyone but myself.And this is not the stone age . You can't seriously believe that you can hold me to some archaic traditions I knew nothing about".

"You think so Diana?Would you like me to convince you otherwise?". I got up from my position and walked over to hers.

"W-what are you doing Leo?".

"Claiming what's mine".
