
Izuku's Training

The question that I asked Izuku stuned Inko.

The source of her and Izuku's depression was the word 'quirkless'. And it had tormented them for a very long time. More so for Izuku, who not only have to accept the fact that he can never be a hero due to him being quirkless, and the physical pain he suffered at the hands of his former best friend, Katsuki Bakugo. And I must say, Bakuhoe is quite a hoe in my opinion. Not only his ego is inflated to the point that it might burst any moment, his dreams of being the NO.1 Hero make it much worse, saying that he is the best and no one can ever reach his place and beat him.

That is until Izuku gets OFA.

Bakugo's ego, pride and everything else between was smashed into a pulp ever since the day that Izuku pulled a Smash on him in the mock city in the Hero Training Session. Even then, Bakuhoe being a hoe, still thinks himself as the best while trying to beat Izuku into submission, which he couldn't.

Now that I'm in the mix, Bakugo's fall is gonna be a lot worse, 1000 times the effect I believe.

Oh dear, I'm getting off track again. Back to the story.

Inko was standing there rooted to the ground when she heard me asking Izuku about his Chakra training. Stiffly, but surely, she turned around to both of us, with tears streaming down from her eyes.

Flustered, Izuku went over to his mother to console her, while I just give a smile to her.

Inko then said, "A-am I hearing thing r-right? Did you say Izuku h-has a quirk?"

To anyone else, that question might stump them a bit, but to me, I know how to answer this.

"Technically, it can be said as a quirk," I replied, "One that can be trained to be powerful."

Izuku already know this, but Inko was still skeptical about the matter. And so she said, "But, I thought that once one is quirkless since 4, he or she will be still quirkless."

"Like I've said," I replied, while using Chakra to walk up the wall to show my point, "This can be trained."

My little stunt shocked Inko once more, finally making her believe that her baby boy has gotten a quirk. The tears that were pouring from her eyes took a tone more serious, as they're now gushing like a waterfall. A waterfall of tears falling from happiness none the less.

(A/N:Do forgive me for making Reima call Inko, Inko, despite being younger than her. Then again, Reima has live 2 lifetimes so, meh.)

While I expected this kind of reaction from Inko, the scene made me cringe a bit. I'm happy for her, truly. After all the things she go through for Izuku, she at least deserved this. And she will get much more, now that Izuku has become my friend.


After Inko's emotional scene, she formally invites me to the apartment that she and Izuku lives in. And I must say, it looks comfy. If I were to retire and wish to live in solitary, I might live in a apartment like this. Siduri will profusely disagree about this and tries to accompany me wherever I go. In my world, I mean.

Thinking about Siduri, did I ever told her that I'll be going out? I think I left a note in my room. Yeah, I did.

Anyways, now that the formalities are done, let us get down to business shall we?

"Can you tell me more about the 'Chakra' thing that you said earlier?" Inko asked, wanting to know more about it and was thinking about practicing herself? Yeah, that's what is rolling out of her mind. Don't ask me how I can read minds. Goetia and Solomon have the means to do it and so do I. Izuku is surely and Otaku, so why is Miss Inko asking about Chakra? Is it about the practicality?

'Most likely it is, Master,' Geotia replied. Thank you.

"Chakra is a form of energy, formed between the fusion of physical energy and spiritual energy. It's usefulness is diverse in many ways possible. Like that time when I walked up the wall with support, Miss Midoriya. Not only that, you can also walk on water if you have sufficient control on it. I suppose that you're interested in learning, Miss Midoriya?" I replied.

Inko only gave an awkward chuckle on my question. Not that I would blame her on this. Back in the world of Naruto, Chakra is so common that every ruling personnel of every Hidden Village has it. The only difference is that the capacity they hold. Not to mention the way they use it.

One thing that I'm happy to point out is that Miss Midoriya is a fellow otaku like me and Izuku. In fact, she and Izuku became otakus at the same time. Anime, mangas and game being a therapy to depressed people is true, a sentiment that I hold in my heart. The reason why she still asked about Chakra is that she does not fully understand it other than a mysterious power to do anything possible.

"Well, I don't mind you joining Izuku on that part. What do you think about it Izuku?" I asked, wanting to know his take on the matter.

"I-I won't mind," he replied, "Maybe get some sort of protection for her when needed."

Inko only gave a lovingly chuckle at her son's answer, but I took it in another way.

What Izuku said it true after all. While Izuku looks the same as canon Izuku, the fact that he knew his future did offset it a little bit. In what way? Izuku worries that the villains would use his mother as a hostage to blackmail him. And both Izuku and me don't want it at all.

Well, we'll deal with it when the time comes. Now, I need to get Izuku's training on the go, in preparation for him receiving OFA.

After sharing some more pleasantries with Inko, I bring Izuku along with me to the Dagoba Beach with her permission.

Arriving there, I said, "Izuku, before you face the Sludge Villain and get OFA, I need you to train your body to withstand the power of OFA once you get it."

Izuku nodded, and replied, "Un, Reima-san. Aside from the Chakra Control training, what else should I do?"

Looking at Izuku, a thought suddenly comes to mind from a certain bald head and his training. From the looks of the calendar, it's only a month away from the fateful day that started BNHA. So, that wouldn't made him bald right, right?

Another chapter have now come to your doorsteps. I hope you like it. More will be coming on the way. And as always,

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

EliasEinzwerthcreators' thoughts