
The King's Death

The spirit king has died and Ichigo is the heir. Ichigo must marry and events unfold forcing people to conclusions and decisions but also forcing them together...

angelhalad · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 8:The 6th Squad Barracks

My feet are barely over the threshold of the Rokubantai barracks when I hear Renji and Byakuya going at it. "What do you mean they got hurt Renji? Why didn't you tell me when I first came in" I hear footsteps pacing and then something shatters against the floor. I walk in slowly and notice Byakuya standing by a vase that is shattered on the floor and Renji is kneeling on the ground his head bowed slightly. "What happened to them, Renji?"

His voice is dark and shakes violently promising punishment for this situation. Something settles in the pit of my stomach and I get the feeling that I should listen as closely as possible to find out what happened

"They said they attacked human beings with masks, they weren't arrancars but they weren't human souls either. They were like shinigami…" Renji says coldly. I stiffen, they were Vaizado. I know that almost as well as I know my own name and it sends chills down my spine. I should be able to protect them but the feeling of dread in my stomach is telling me otherwise.

"Where were they found? Did they attack first?" Byakuya fires off questions in a manner I had never seen from the normally stoic taicho.

"They were found in an abandoned warehouse outside of Karakura. They tried to run from the shinigami so the squad attacked. There is a meeting in a few minutes about it…Kurosaki-dono you are to be there also." I'm already at the door when he speaks and I pause for a moment before walking brusquely from the room.

"Kurosaki, where are you going?" Byakuya shouts at me while he and his fukutaicho stick their heads comically out the door.

"Whatever you do Kuchiki, do not attack them again!" I shout before taking off toward the taicho's meeting room. I arrive as everyone else does and I sit down. Byakuya rushes in right as the doors open and the Sotaicho walks forward through them. Everyone bows to me and then to the Sotaicho before the elderly shinigami begins to speak.

"These creatures are creating a problem they are too strong for our officers. Our officers, before their death, said that they had reiatsu as high as taicho without their masks and that is surpassed that when they wore their masks. One girl took out the entire group." Yamamoto-sotaicho says his voice loud and powerful but also laced with anger and slight guilt. The girl definitely sounds like Hiyori but I'll be damned if anyone takes any action toward my family.

"What shall we do? They are too powerful." Ukitake-taicho says looking at me. I stand slowly and all eyes follow my movements as I walk down from my seat at the front of the entire group. I continue my journey toward the doors shocking some of the shinigami into silence.

"We shall do nothing." My answer was blunt and startled shocked gasps from nearly everyone in the room.

"What are you say Kurosaki-dono we can't do nothing, they are a threat to us." Tōshirō says his voice heavily lace with anger and fury. I feel my mask twitch at my features and a low growl forms in my throat. I brush away Hichigo and feel a frown replace my hard lined grimace easily.

"If the men would not have attacked them first they would not have lost their life. It is simple if the soul society leaves them be they will not attack us, is that clear?" I say turning and feeling my mask calm down. Everyone stares at me in shock. Is that all they can feel…they know me and have fought beside me can they not understand that I am clearly one to know my allies as well as I know my enemy at the end of a battle.

"How have you come upon this knowledge? How do you know its right?" Sui-Fon growls her eyes dark and livid. Her gaze is critical as well as analytical.

Wipe that stupidly fierce look off of her fucking face Kingy I can't handle her god damn cockiness.

"Please explain to us how you have this knowledge?" Yamamoto-sotaicho says softly trying to calm everyone in the room. His action seems to clam most of the people but some still stare at me with halfhearted glares.

"It's simple would any of you hurt someone unless they hurt one of your own or posed a deadly threat to your people, no. Those men threated her family, and for that they died, I would do the same. So I will state this loud and clear if I get word that any one of you take action against them with your squad you will directly deal with me." I say turning again. Ukitake-taicho speaks slowly with words that pierce my heart. Had I not given them my complete alliance in many situations and yet they do not trust me as subjects should a king. I'm not dense nor am I stupid enough not to know who is against me.

"How do you have relations with these people?" I growl softly and my mask falls onto my face. The power of the mask rushes through my system and blows a steady wind against them. They fall to their knees a few nearly passing out as the power washes over them.

"How do you think I defeated Aizen? They are calm people; they are intent on being neither friend nor foe. Calm your minds, it was never their choice to be what they are but they learned to control themselves did they not, as I did." I turn to them and their eyes widen in shock at the mask adorning my face. "None of you would give me a sideways glance upon killing me if my inner hallow took over so I took control and got their help. I didn't choose this but with their help I saved all of your asses so thank them. I am one of them and if you threaten their lives I will do anything in my power to save them am I understood. I would even go as far as killing you with my own blade." They all nod and fall under the power of my energy. I had never forced someone to bow to my command until that moment and it felt nice while it also felt wrong.

"We understand Kurosaki-dono. Please forgive our nature." Yamamoto-sotaicho says bowing his head. I stare at each one of them and push my mask from my face the guilt eating at my heart already. They all stare at me and soon I lesson my power and dull it to the normal state that it usually is. Byakuya has something in his eyes and I can't quite put my finger on it yet.

"I am not a liar, if one of you sends his or her men I will kill them and ultimately it will be your death as well. Do not push my lines or it will be your fault. Believe me when I say that they are just as close to me as my own family because they are like me." Byakuya does not blink an eye so I begin to understand that Rukia told him about my inner hallow. He stands and bows his head to me softly.

"Kurosaki-dono my men will not attack your charges." He murmurs looking at me with pure honesty. His eyes hold a type of compassion that had slowly been growing in his gaze for the long amount of time we've been becoming closer.

"As I assumed Kuchiki-taicho, Rukia has told you of me." He nods and the Sotaicho turns to me. His gaze flickers open and I can see the hostility underlining his frustrated gaze. Acceptance lingers around the edges and I am fine with that. He trusts me of that I am sure other however do not trust me or simply do not intend to listen.

"Could you at least tell me their names?" His voice is hard and rough but also not dangerous.

"You should know most of them; they were after all some of your ranking officers. Also I promised that I would never tell their names. Sotaicho they are my family and I promised that I would protect them; it's not up to me to tell you their names. I must admit though that I know some of you will go after them. Also Suì-Fēng may I ask you what you would do if say Yoruichi tried to protect them seeing as they were once in the Gotei 13 with her. Plus it's hard to say that Kisuke Urahara won't come out of hiding to protect his former Gotei 13 members. I'd venture to guess that he would consider he's close to one of them. Plus their leader is pretty strong and he has a lot more knowledge than most of you do. He's not one you'd suspect to me their leader." I turn from all of them and Suì-Fēng growls lunging at me. I grip her wrist in my hand and turn to her. Her petite wrist bends easily as I flex my figners around it threatening to break it but not actually doing so. She ignores it and begins shouting at me forgetting my position so to say.

"Why are you protecting them; they killed our men!" She shouts her eyes narrowed into slits and her mouth set in a thin line. She protects her men as I protect the vaizado.

"Can I ask you something, would you defy any of these people and go against them if they attack Yoruichi?" She looks around and nods quickly. I watch has her eyes light with realization and then pure and honest trust which I have never seen from the nibantai taicho.

"Yes but she was my ruler. I could never go against her again!" I drop her hand and she looks at me in shock.

"Suì-Fēng, each of them knew a side of me that no one could understand. They are like me in heart and soul, they all lost something that was important them and could never go back. Their leader was attacked and made into what he was by his own Fukutaicho!" I feel my emotions taking over.

"What did you lose?" She murmurs softly her voice barely carrying around the room. Her eyes bore into mine in both sympathy and sadness.

"I lost the safety I felt around my family. Before I gained the control of this I couldn't protect my family, hell I couldn't even go Bankai. I couldn't save my family, or protect Rukia. I was useless you tell me how grateful I would have felt when they taught me to control this monster inside of me. Aside from the fact that one of them calls me a dumbass all the time I owe them everything. When the arrancars attacked I couldn't save Rukia because of this thing and I will never let her get hurt again." Byakuya stares at me his mouth set and before I can move his hand lands on my shoulder. Hichigo is currently sulking after being called a monster but I'll go cheer him up with a bunny or something later.

Awe you're getting me a bunny? I shall name him Zanny after my favorite little Zanpakuto!

You will name him no such thing you brat!

I can name my god damn bunny whatever the hell I want right Ichigo?

Tell him that he cannot name that bunny after me Ichigo!

(Both) Ichigo tell him? *tears in eyes*

"Ichigo you're stronger now, you can protect her, calm down." I turn form them all and walk to the door. My hand rests on the knob softly. My body pauses while my mind continues moving and planning.

"Byakuya please tell your sister that I will see her tomorrow evening and that Haruto will be there with her for the night. It's only for my peace of mind. I need to do something and I will be taking Kenshin with me. Please understand that you are all important to me but they gave me the one thing I could never forget. I need to be able to protect the people I love. They will not die." I push open the door and feel my eyes glaze over in rage and anger. My mind flashes to my mother's death face and her cold lifeless body. Zangetsu and Hichigo fall in silence as rain starts to drip into my inner world before I shake away the thoughts of my mother.

"Ichigo-dono are you alright sir we felt your reiatsu spike quite a few times but we figured you were not in critical danger so we remained outside?" Haruto says appearing beside me.

"Yes I'm fine. Haruto I'd like you to go over to Rukia's for the night to protect her I don't want anything happening to her while I'm in the world of the living. Kenshin I want you to go to the palace, and have the maids open the gate for me to go to the world of the living. I will return tomorrow afternoon please protect her. I can't have her being hurt." He nods and moves off toward Rukia. I run toward the palace entrance following behind Kenshin. I move through it and run toward my room to change into something lighter. I walk toward the gate and we move through the gate trying to go as quickly as possible. We enter through the basement training center and Urahara is standing there. His fan is, as always, open and in front of his face.

"We'd figure you'd come at some point would you like your gigai or not?" I frown and look to him. My thoughts race around my mind apparently making Zangetsu and Hichigo a bit dizzy as they try to pick up on them and help calm me. They give up after a while and continue with their arguing about the bunny although at a slightly lower level.

"No I won't be here long. I'd like you to help me though; do you know where they are hiding?" He nods softly and opens his fan. I feel something stir behind the rocks and they all step out. Hiyori has a long narrow cut on her face most likely from a released zanpakuto. My eyes narrow on it and my entire mind goes silent as well as the two inhabiting my soul. My fingers clench tightly into fists and I am for once grateful for the long sleeves of my robes.

"She let them cut her." Shinji says crossing his arms. His figners clench around his arms and I can see the worry written across his features despite his best attempts at hiding it. After learning to read Byakuya anyone else is simply and without a doubt easy to read.

"I hate them all." She mutters plopping onto the ground. Her eyes hold pure sadness and guilt and I can tell she's beating herself up for exposing everyone like she did.

"I've done what I can; they won't attack you anymore." I murmur softly. My mind although still silent is taking in the looks on everyone's faces and it's hard not to feel the despair settling around them as well as the hatred.

"How can you promise that you dumb ass!" She shouts reverting back to her old self and going to hit me with her sandal. I catch it in midair my anger getting the best of me. I release my grip a bit feeling my anger slowly dissipate. It would not do well to lose my temper with them because the Gotei 13 is being foolish.

"Hiyori please step away from him he's more powerful than before." Shinji says calmly. His voice is soft and holds an unusual amount of pain and lingering sadness.

"What do you mean you dumb ass how'd he get stronger?" She shouts going after him. He side steps while grabbing her by the shirt and holding her up to face him. She reaches forward struggling to hurt him as he holds her away from himself. Shinji's usual playfulness returns to his gaze as he sticks his pierced tongue out at the short blond.

"Hiyori please clam yourself." Urahara says waving his face over his face. She stiffens and Shinji places her back on her feet.

"H-hai Urahara-sama…" She murmurs falling silent. I gaze at everyone before thinking on my words so not to expose too much at once and shock them all more than they already are. I can see the horror written in their eyes and they fear for their lives so shocking them may send them crashing and they may break ties with me. Hell they should have done that a long time ago.

"I died a few weeks ago, Hiyori." Her eyes widen in shock and then narrow in anger and she storms toward me her mouth open and ready to berate me.

"You let someone kill you. Wow you really are a dumb ass." I growl softly and shake my head as she nearly me. She stops in her tracks upon seeing the look and takes a small step back fear radiating through her form. I calm myself understanding that I let out a bit too much reiatsu. I would never intentionally hurt any of them it would be like hurting brothers and sisters.

"Someone did not kill him, rather, something did. His reiatsu became too great for his human body." Shinji says staring at me. His gaze is piercing and he is apparently the only vaizado aware of my change in position. I briefly wonder why he didn't inform the others but I suppose he wanted to allow me to do the honors and felt I would tell them when I could.

"You are correct Shinji however the greatest question of the day is why?" Urahara says jokingly. Every vaizado in the room turns to him with a glare and he shrinks back waving a fearful hand at us playfully.

"Would you shut up Urahara?" Both Yoruichi and Hiyori shout at him. He shrugs and sits on a rock fanning himself.

"Fine, fine guess on your own, you always ruin my fun." He says before falling silent. Yoruichi walks over to him and settles beside him her eyes watching me intently looking for any signs of the pain I had been in last time she saw me.

"The spirit king has died." Shinji says softly. I look up and Hiyori gasps and shakes her head.

"That doesn't explain anything Shinji." His eyes dart to her before he falls to his knees bowing to me. I feel my eyes widen before they narrow at the man begging him not to act in such a way.

"Yes it does Hiyori; Ichigo is the former spirit king's nephew, therefore Ichigo is the new spirit king. When the spirit king died all of the power that was passed down to him at his carination were therefore passed to Ichigo, meaning his human body was killed with the extent of his power fusing with the new power he received. I am curious if your masked stayed." I look to him and feel my mask take form it brings the rest of them to their knees with the power it lets free. I let it disappear and they stand on shaking legs.

"Well at least you can always make someone bow to you if you want." Shinji murmurs softly his eyes a mask of awe and shock. He tries reverting back to his normal playfulness and teases me but somehow it falls flat with the seriousness of the situation.

"You can't control your reiatsu can you Ichigo?" Yoruichi says softly.

"Not in that form. I've been trying but it's been alerting everyone around the palace of the Gotei 13 and they've been coming. Plus it's hard with Kenshin and Haruto." Kenshin moves as if hearing his name and looks around.

"Sir…" He murmurs as the ground shakes.

"I know I've felt them, I believe I might have attracted them." He nods and moves toward the ladder.

"Wait don't you dare move. I'm coming with you, and next you send one of your guards to look after me I will divorce you." Rukia shouts round house kicking me. I fall to the ground in a sitting position and blink up at the furious and red faced midget in front of me. She looks beautiful when she's angry and her face is red.

"Kuchiki-sama, please wait! Ichigo will not be happy with you!" Haruto shouts following after her through the open gate before stopping midstride to stare at me. I rub my jaw my eye twitching in anger. I stand and stare down at her steeping closer than I was.

"What the hell was that for Rukia?" I shout glaring at her.

"You were treating me like a china doll!" She shouts back glaring at me with her angry violet eyes. I feel something close to desire rolls through me. Everyone sort of steps away and wanders toward the ladder maybe sensing our emotions or thinking we're about to bicker. They disappear as I walk toward her slowly. Kenshin and Haruto go wide eyed and flashstep up the ladder before slamming the doors shut. I am two steps in front of her and stare at her with hard eyes.

"What Ichigo can't take me yelling at you anymore?" She murmurs darkly. I reach up and grip her chin. Her eyes widen expecting hard rough hand but finding soft tender ones instead.

"Rukia…stop talking." I mutter looking down at her and letting my reiatsu lick at her body. Her violet eyes gaze up at me as the shock in them melts into pure desire.

"Why?" I lock my lips to her mouth and she returns the kiss in a few moments. Her hands wrap around my neck and knot in my hair pulling me closer to her. I hold her as close to my body as I can feel the desire pour into my soul begging for me to have her any way I please. Oddly she is very easily dominated…

I pull away and kiss her closed eyelids softly.

"Perhaps we should argue more often." A slow smile flutters unto her features kissing each one with a glow of joy.

"Let's go baka." She says gripping my hand.

"Alright." I return picking her up and flash stepping up the ladder using one hand to grip the side. I place her feet on the floor and we run toward the battle. I pull Zangetsu out and slice down a hallow with great ease. Rukia unsheathes her zanpakuto and cuts down one as well. We finish off the group of them and everyone turns to us.

"I see you didn't kill each other?" Yoruichi says walking toward us.

A blush colors our cheeks as we look at each other; I shrug and lace my fingers with hers. They stare at me in shock, well everyone except Kenshin and Haruto.

"Now I'm a bit lost." Yoruichi says softly.

"Yes I could have sworn he'd pick Miyako." I frown and shake my head. I feel anger rising around me as my eyes widen in pure horror. How could they even think I would pick such a woman?

"No, no, no! Do not even say that name; I don't even want to think about that crazy woman!" I shout covering my ear. A shiver moves up my spine as I think about her hands moving up my body. Rukia's hands run through my hair softly and her cheek touches mine softly. Her violet eyes gaze into mine and I feel a goofy grin stretch to my lips.

"I had my fun messing with her, plus if she can't handle my reiatsu she would never be able to handle his." Rukia mumbles while she works at removing my hands from my ears. "Plus I'd have to kill her if he picked her."

"I wouldn't have picked any one of them even if you weren't an option." I murmur in her ear softly so they can't hear. She blushes softly and turns from me. Everyone stares at me with obviously inquisitive eyes but I ignore them watching the dazzling red spread across Rukia's cheekbones.

"Awe Rukia blushed!" Shinji says smiling in his creepy way. He is a weirdo sometimes.

"Shut up Shinji!" Rukia shouts punching him in the face. He sighs and takes a tissue from Kensei to wipe the blood from his bleeding nose.

"Ouch that hurt Rukia!" He says bawling like a baby. Once again he is weird sometimes…he reminds me of my old man.

"It was supposed to dumb ass." Hiyori says crossing her arms. He turns to her and glares fiercely. It fall short seeing as he still has a tissue pressing to his nose and ends up just looking like an idiot.

"Shut up!" He shouts losing his control for once.

"No why don't you shut up!" She shouts back.

"Enough both of you, I swear you've done this for how many years? Hasn't it gotten boring by now?" Yoruichi says laughing. Her laughter seems to calm everyone who begins to chuckle as well.

"Yeah I suppose we should have tried to stop it when they were younger." Urahara says fanning himself. "But it was fun to watch her slap him all the time!" Urahara says looking at Hiyori. She stares at him with something close to awe. Does she look at him like a father or a brother or something?

"True that would make my day every day…honestly." Yoruichi says softly.

"Yeah it was always fun for me too." Shinji murmurs sarcastically.

I shake my head and pull Rukia away from them. We walk hand in hand away from the group who are saying their goodbyes as well.

"Where are we going?" Rukia murmurs softly looking up at me with her wide sparkling violet eyes, it's almost like she's staring into my soul and looking for every answer to her questions. Why is it that I always get lost in those eyes and lose my train of thought?

"You'll see just be patient for a little bit okay?" She nods and we fall into step beside each other. Doesn't this bring back memories; we walked to school like this all the time before she ran ahead so we weren't seen was so simple then and now it seems like things keep getting worse and worse. I miss the times when I didn't have to take lessons on being high class or I didn't have to deal with snobbish people talking about my personal life like they know me…but I know that my mother would be proud of the way I've been handling things. My mother always told me that family and friends came first and you came second. I always followed her lead so it's no surprise she was preparing me for everything that was going to happen to me. I don't think she planned on me going to the Gotei 13 before my uncle died but oh well. In the end it all brought me closer to Rukia.