
The King's Death

The spirit king has died and Ichigo is the heir. Ichigo must marry and events unfold forcing people to conclusions and decisions but also forcing them together...

angelhalad · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 7:Main Meeting Room

Okay so maybe I don't exactly like all this attention anymore. After that occurrence earlier this week, Haruto has barely spoken a word to me and a meeting of the Taicho has been called with the strong possibility that the only reason it was called was to annoy the hell out of me. At least I get an amazingly comfortable seat to sit in…they are horrible with sake and have short tempers but they known how to make chairs!

"Tōshirō, do you know why we're here?" Suì-Fēng says impatiently while picking at her nails. Tōshirō shrugs while trying to get the piece of his hair out of his face. Zaraki is standing near me speaking quietly; yes for once he is quiet, to Captains Kyoraku and Ukitake. Byakuya is standing beside me impatiently. His fingers, shockingly, are twitching as his eyes are closed. His lips curl up almost like Rukia's do when she gets frustrated.

"Kurosaki please tell me you are half as bored and annoyed as I am." He mutters darkly. I chuckle and shake my head at him before nodding my agreement.

"Yeah, do you have any idea why I was called here?" He shoots me a look meaning it's about either my duties or my wedding I've been hearing that a lot lately. I sigh and slump in my chair most likely looking like a pouting two year old that had his toys taken away for being bad. Apparently it is inappropriate for a king to stand among his subjects, bull shit.

"So I'm guessing it's either about the wedding, crowning, or my duties among you all." He looks at me and holds up two fingers signaling that he votes the second one. Over the past week we've gotten along more…mostly because of our annoyance with Renji and our bond to Rukia. Plus I've spent the better part of this week with him hammering out details of the wedding. I'm pretty sure I've spent so much time with him that one would think I'm marrying him and not his sister. We're handing out invites in a few days and my mind seems to be keeping track of how much longer I must wait to be able to be with Rukia in any way I possibly want without worry about someone finding us.

"How long do you think it will take to go over plans tonight, I was thinking of taking Rukia out tonight?" He turns his head to me as his eyes open again to look at me. He frowns and twists his lip in thought showing a blatant display of emotion that I'm not used to seeing yet.

"It should only take a few moments we're only picking out invitations before we send the order out to get them created. You and Rukia just need to pick your favorite card and saying. Then you're free to do as you please." I look around the room of taicho for a few moments watching as some eyes dart to us in wonder before returning to their conversation. Our unique and budding friendship has brought about a bit too much gossip in the Seireitei for my taste.

"Hey Byakuya, my family is coming over this Saturday for the day to just visit, you and Rukia are more than welcome to come…it would be nice if our families met before the wedding. Plus my dad wants to meet the man that is the famous Nii-sama." I chuckle with him on that one and then the doors open. He bows softly to me when he realizes that we are no longer allowed to be informal and returns to his spot. I sit up straighter and Yamamoto-sotaicho walks in.

"Good afternoon taicho, fukutaicho, and Kurosaki-dono." We reply almost in unison with varying greetings to the elder man before he takes his spot before us. "As you all know the wedding of Kurosaki-dono and Kuchiki Rukia is soon upon us. Have we created invitations?" Byakuya bows softly and begins to speak in a voice devoid of any emotion. The famous Kuchiki mask is settled into place and weighs down the playful nature of the man I had grown to call a friend in this short amount of time.

"We are deciding tonight, and sending for them after that. The colors and dress have also been picked out." The Sotaicho nods and rubs his beard for a moment. I had never seen him carry out such an action and found it humorous that he acted like any normal older man in the world of the living would.

"We all know that after the wedding there will be a crowning ceremony in the week following that or directly afterward, it has not been decided, however, all Captains and ranked officers are to attend along with unranked officers. The punishment force alongside the Royal guard will be on high alert. During the wedding only Taicho and Fukutaicho are permitted to come unless the person is invited by the royal couple, in that case they must show the invitations to their Taicho and are permitted the day off. After the crowning the King and Queen will play a crucial role in our day to day life. Both will be working with me to improve our way of life. The Queen will speak at the academy graduation and the King will visit to see the new recruits. In both times the Royal Couple will both be there under strict protection of the punishment force and their own personal body guards. I presume your guards are with you Kurosaki-dono?" I look up and nod snapping out of my states of conversation with Hichigo and Zangetsu.

"Hai Yamamoto-sotaicho, Haruto and Kenshin are within a reasonable distance that they cannot hear this meeting but they will hear me if I am in trouble." I reply easily while controlling my voice with great skill. I have actually been taught a few things by Byakuya that have allowed me to be better equipped for being seen as royalty.

"Arigato Kurosaki-dono, every taicho will receive an order describing what they are to be doing until the two ceremonies, and then during said ceremonies. For now you are all dismissed." We all bow and Byakuya walks over to me. We walk side by side with Renji follow a half step behind us still afraid of Byakuya's anger even if the man at my side has gotten over his annoyance with the pineapple headed punk.

"That is still odd..." Kyoraku-taicho mutters to Ukitake-taicho as they walk out of the large double doors of the ichibantai barracks. Ukitake-taicho laughs softly and waves his hand at his friend.

"Sometimes the love one feels for someone will bring them friendships they never wanted nor dreamed of. Kuchiki-taicho and Kurosaki-dono must get along or one would be dead by now considering they have to plan the entire wedding together. I can only hope the peace lasts. If not one can only pray that the place they are staying will be left standing." I chuckle and he turns to me his eyes portraying the amusement at their conversation.

"Yeah I hope our peace lasts too I don't feel like dodging your sword anytime soon." He nods softly and I nudge him with my arm he lets a small smile pass through his lips at my jab and then the mask is back up. "So taicho what do you say about this weekend?"

"Rukia and I will attend and stay as long as your father doesn't try to kick me." I snort and hold the hilt of my sword. Everyone watches in amazement as we pass their eyes following our path until we can no longer be seen. If one was to be completely honest it is slightly disturbing.

"No he'll still probably do that to me. It's not like Kenshin and Haruto will do anything about it he's still part of my family." As if hearing their names; Haruto and Kenshin appear out of thin air directly behind us. "Speak of the devil and so he shall come."

"We apologize for not coming sooner Kurosaki-dono." Haruto says bowing deeply. I feel my eyebrow twitch and I come to a stop. They stop too and Byakuya just stares at me. Renji stands behind him in silence and I turn sharply only to hit Haruto who is bowing beside Kenshin. He looks up startled and I feel my anger spike.

"Would you knock it the hell off Haruto?" I shout gripping my sword while trying to calm down.

"Knock what off Kurosaki-dono I am simply being respectful of my King." I growl under my breath and grab him by the collar before pulling him along behind me toward a secluded ally where no one can see us.

"No what you are doing is disrespecting me by not obeying my wishes to be treated like a human being. Just because you feel that you messed up with that vile slut of a woman doesn't mean that you need to act like an ass hole. Get your head out of your ass and knock it the hell off. My name is Ichigo, use it!" I growl lowly to him before shoving him against the wall. He stares at me in shock and I turn and walk away. I had never gotten angry with the pair of guards and Haruto felt just a small amount of my reiatsu that had escaped in my anger.

"Kurasoki-dono…" Haruto starts caught off guard. I hold up a hand and frown at him before turning my back on him.

"No…Haruto do not return to me until you have you head out of your ass do I make myself clear and that is an order from your King." He nods once and disappears without saying a word. Kenshin shakes his head and begins to follow me. I fall into step with Byakuya and he sighs.

"Sometimes it takes an attitude like yours to get someone to do what they should; I figured that out the hard way." He murmurs trying to calm me down. It works to a certain extent and I feel my reiatsu cease its pushing against the barrier keeping it at bay.

"I know but I feel like the bad guy, ne?" He nods and looks to the sky for a moment.

"Ichigo may I say something?" I nod giving him permission although I doubt he needed it to speak his mind to me it hasn't stopped him before. "When Rukia was set for execution it took your harsh words to bring me to the right mind set. You told me how it was without walking on eggshells like everyone else was. You weren't afraid and you didn't care. Yes that could be bad but when dealing with situations such as the one you just did that is exactly the type of thing you should have said. There will come a time when your child will be just as hard headed as you and my sister are and you'll have to do something like that do not feel like the bad guy for steering someone in the correct path." I stare at him in shock realizing that that was the most he's actually said at one time since I've known him. Aside from the length of his statement I had never heard him praise me in any way as of yet although he got damn close last night but that's beside the point.

Unable to think of much of anything I settle for simply thanking him. "Thanks Byakuya." He nods and we stop at his barracks so Byakuya can give Renji his orders.

"Renji I'd like you to check on the remaining rokubantai groups deployed then give our regular orders to third seat before retiring for the night." He nods and bows before running in. We continue walking and make it to his mansion moments later.

Common room of the Kuchiki Mansion- Ichigo

"Do you think we should just go with the silver and black ones?" I murmur to Rukia. She nods and I point to the silver and black ones before standing. We bow respectfully and walk out to go to dinner. Upon arriving at the restaurant we sit down and I hear someone land beside where Kenshin is sitting. I'm glad Haruto came to the correct mindset I must admit I enjoy his conversations a little more since I've grown used to him…he reminds me of Keigo sometimes except I don't have to close line him.

"Ichigo how come Haruto wasn't with you today?" Rukia murmurs softly so he couldn't hear. Her voice brings me from my inner musings and I stare at her for a moment before releasing a long sigh sands leaning back in my seat.

"We had a little discussion and I told him that until he started acting normal around me I didn't want him to come back." Her eyes widen in disbelief and she looks to the window confused. Her small hands clasp around mine and her thumbs unconsciously run along the skin stretched on my hands as I make a fist.

"What did you two talk about?" She whispers her voice caressing each word with great care before allowing it to leave her lips. I squeeze her hand softly listening to the voices around me while trying to think of something to say.

"Well ever since that incident in my room the other week he's been different…in a bad way, and you know how I hate when people step around me on eggshells and do what they think I think is right. He started calling me my formal name, which I hate with a passion, and then I just freaked. I told him that until he got his head out of his ass he was not to return to me." Her eyes widen and her mouth sets in a frown. She pinches me softly before shooting me a disappointed look and then sighs and pats my hand trying to be sympathetic.

"Oh that sounded bad. Are you alright?" I nod softly and a group sitting at a table near us catches my attention. I nearly choke when I hear what they're talking about! How could it have spread so quickly?

"Yes…I heard that she snuck into his room while he was sleeping." One woman murmurs her eyes darting to our table quickly before returning to the occupants of her table.

"Why would she do that? Wasn't his chosen in the next room?" Another person nods along with the statement of the woman speaking and they turn to the woman who fist spoke.

"Yes she was and the woman was deathly sick when she came home with the guard. Apparently his chosen's reiatsu nearly choked her to death with its intensity." Another person nods quickly before continuing off of what the person who just spoke said…clearly they enjoy gossiping.

"Yes it's rumored that she has the reiatsu of a ranking officer but her brother wouldn't allow her to be seated." I feel my energy shift; I suppose they don't think I can hear them. Although that is true Byakuya also didn't want Rukia risking being killed because she was the Spirit King's intended.

"If that woman couldn't handle his chosen she would never be able to handle the vast power of his, its impossible. His reiatsu was higher than a taicho's when he was human, imagine it now." All four of the people look at each other wide eyed and then a woman giggles softly covering her mouth as she blushes.

"That Kuchiki-sama is one lucky girl though; Kurosaki-dono is very handsome." She fans herself with her hand as the other woman giggle and nod along with what she said. The other women around the table agree and the men continue to eat not caring who the women's new trend may be.

"Rukia are you alright?" I murmur after she squeezes my hand rather hard. I look up to find her face painted in a mask of false happiness. A woman walks over to us and bows softly; a man behind her does the same. This woman is in a silky blue kimono with gold accents and her honey colored locks are tied back her head in intricate knots. Her eyes are set in a false joy but inside them you could see a sneer at me…how she dares look at me in such a way I do not understand…does she not know who I am?

That bitch better wipe that look off her face right now.

I must agree, I do not care for it either.

"Hello Kuchiki-sama may I ask who this handsome piece of male anatomy is?" She says in a sugary sweet voice. I scoff at her words and feel Rukia stiffen. Her eyes narrow slightly, mostly unnoticeable, and her mouth pulls into a false smile a bit tighter than the first one. I tighten my hand around hers and she glances at me her face softening as her eyes meet and hold mine.

"Oh didn't you hear Aimi, the spirit king died and this is the new spirit king. I suggest you pay your respects to Kurosaki-dono and call me Kuchiki-sama while you can, considering I'm going to be his wife in a few weeks." Rukia's eyes never once leave mine and they melt from the inside with adoration and true love. I had never seen her melt so drastically in front of anyone. The moment is shattered when the woman before us drops her mouth open like a dead fish and she turns to the man beside her obviously trying to show him off.

He's good looking but plain with brown hair and light blue eyes. He was tall but not nearly as muscular as I am. Needless to say Zaraki would tower over him and make him comparable to Hanatoru.

"Katzuki you remember Rukia don't you, she was at the last dinner with the nobles." The man nods and shakes Rukia's hand. He turns to me and bows his head respectfully. I return the gesture a bit weary and to be honest I was starving and we hadn't even ordered yet in the large amount of time we've been here.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Kurosaki-dono. I hope we did not interrupt your dinner?" I shake my head and smile softly at the man. However the smile quickly disappears when the bitch speaks again.

"No of course not dear they weren't even eating…in any case they were just sitting here showing off their love for one another." Aimi scoffs at us like we were rubbish beneath her feet. This woman is annoying to say in the nicest possible words available.

"Actually I think Rukia and I will be leaving I don't think I care for the service here. You may have our table it was a pleasure to meet you." They nod a bit stunned by my terse voice before I pull Rukia out of the restaurant with me. We walk hand in hand through the streets picking up small foods and paying for them as we went.

This was much better than going to a restaurant somewhere. It reminds me of the few dates we had in Karakura town. I'm brought from my mind as a little boy nudges past me and scrambles toward the wall as two older boys follow shouting threats. I watch as they beat him up both verbally and physically laughing the entire time. My figners itch with fire as I watch for a barely a second before acting upon my urges.

"Haruto, Kenshin can you do me a favor?" I murmur staring at two older kids picking on a smaller one. They appear before me and I feel a frown skitter across my face. "Watch Rukia and make sure nothing happens to her." They both nod and I walk toward the boys.

I stop before them and clear my throat trying to get their attention. They don't answer so I decide to embarrass them.

"Excuse me? Would you mind explaining to me why you are beating this kid up?" I growl picking them up by the collars if their shirts. They stare at me wide eyed before their eyes narrow and they smirk at me.

"Who are you?" One says egotistically.

"My name is Ichigo Kurosaki, I answered your question now answer mine, it's not polite nor is it well-mannered to fight someone smaller than you and less powerful. If you two ever plan on getting anywhere in the Gotei 13 you better knock that shit off. There is no honor is picking fights with someone weaker than you because it could come back to bite you in the ass. Now get out of here." I place them on the ground and they bow before running off toward their homes I presume. I kneel beside the boy who is barely breathing and wipe at his blood stained cheek. His right eye opens slowly as his left eyes swells shut form their punches.

"Hey kid, are you going to live?" I murmur checking his ribs and face for any breaks.

"Y-yes sir, thank-you for helping me…" I nod my head softly and help him sit up slowly.

"No problem but next time…fight back. Just stick up for yourself, okay, kids like us; we have to fight to stay alive. Believe me when I was little everyone picked a fight with me because of the color of my hair." His eyes widen in awe as a smile plays at his lips. He laughs softly and rolls his eyes at me even if I can only see one eyes.

"Really they tried to hurt you because of your hair?" I nod slowly and lean against the wall beside him. He laughs and it reminds me of the little kids that would play with Karin when she was little.

"Yeah I learned to fight that way. You've got to stick up for yourself or you'll never make it anywhere. Believe me when I say that I've learned this lesson. Not only did I power through most of the Seireitei but I also fought Captain Kuchiki and survived, so I guess you'll go places too kid. Just don't give up and when someone threatens you speak with your fits." He nods and I stand and pull him up too.

"Thanks for the help and the advice, I better go, my mother is probably looking for me." I nod and he runs off through the crowd. My mother's face flashes into my mind before I turn and walk back to Rukia. I feel sorry for kids like that but I envy them because they still have their mother.

"Ichigo that was sweet." She murmurs softly looking up at me.

"Yeah well don't tell anyone back home I did that, I might have to divorce you." Her eyes widen and she punches me in the chest. I gasp because it actually hurt.

"I take back my last comment, you're a jerk and you'll always be a jerk." She huffs and walks away from me. I chuckle and follow her trying to apologize; at least one thing never changes…I still love her no matter how she feels about me.