

"DId he decline?" Su Mucheng asked, after seeing Ye Xiu sigh and close his QQ chat window.

"Yeah." Ye Xiu nodded his head. His tone was filled with regret.

Among the current Qi Master pros, the first person Ye Xiu looked for was Guo Yang, who was originally part of Excellent Era. After Excellent Era had been relegated from the Alliance, Guo Yang had joined Team Wind Howl.

There was no need to question the skill of a player that had been part of Excellent Era's main roster. Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng used to be his teammates. They already had good synergy with each other, so Guo Yang would have a much easier time assimilating into Team Demeter compared to any other candidate. As a result, even though Chen Guo wasn't too pleased with it, she had to admit that in theory, Guo Yang was their best choice.