
The Journey of the Soul Slasher

2007_TK_189 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter - 2 Eternal Attachment

In the timeless depths of the dark sea, the Soul Slasher stirred after eons of slumber. A malevolent force, it sensed the cosmic currents aligning, signaling the moment to seek out its chosen controller.

Meanwhile, in a village shrouded in the mundane and extraordinary, a 17-year-old named Henry, burdened by the shadows of a tragic past, navigated the twists of destiny.

Henry, a boy marked by loss, found solace in the guardianship of an uncle who became a godfather in his moment of need. Together, they etched a tale of resilience within the quiet tapestry of Eldoria. Little did Henry know that destiny, like the sea, held secrets that would soon wash ashore.

Emerging from the abyssal depths, the Soul Slasher surfaced, a harbinger of doom and salvation, floating ominously in the sea. A keen-eyed fisherman, witness to this spectral emergence, claimed the sword that gleamed with dark promise.

Carrying the weapon to Eldoria, the fisherman unknowingly brought with him a torrent of cosmic forces set to unravel the tranquil village's equilibrium.

In the heart of this serenity, where the dance of shadows concealed untold mysteries, Henry's impoverished existence took a fateful turn. As a fisherman selling his catch to the sword-bearing fisherman, their destinies collided.

The fisherman, driven by desperation, traded the rich sword to Henry instead of payment. Unbeknownst to them, the sword's malevolence and the echoes of ancient slumber now bound them together in a sinister dance.

The Soul Slasher, a relic of unthinkable power, had found its controller after a cosmic siesta spanning millions and billions of years. The controller, unwittingly entangled in the enigma of fate, held the key to a narrative that would unfold with terrible interest in the days to come.

The tranquil facade of Eldoria stood on the precipice of terror and adventure, its destiny forever altered by the emergence of a weapon that could either save or damn them all.