
Chapter 1

We see a modern city bustling with life and people, there are pedestrians moving about throughout the city. The city is moving about all in its chaotic harmony when we see a bank explode.

"HAHA! Move! Move!" robber 1.

"Get out of the way!!" robber 2.

We hear gunshots and sirens ringing in the background as the car chase continues, the robber tear through the city as the truck they have robbed mows down civilians and buildings.

We then cut to a city square where there are dozens of people crossing, the truck comes crashing through and the people scramble to get away, all save but one small girl.

"Emmy!!" a woman shouts out.

She stands there frozen in fear as the truck inches closer to ending her short life, suddenly someone pushes her away in time as she is about to get crushed, thus saving her. The people turn to see a mother crying as she holds her child and a bleeding body of a man on the road dying.

Finally, someone snaps out of the shock and shouts "Someone call an ambulance! He's lost a lot of blood!!" man1.

"Quickly call an ambulance!!" woman1.

"Hello, this is 811 emergency line. How may we help you?" responder.

"Uhm, Hello!! Th-there's a man d-d-dying h-here, he's l-lost a lot and blood. C-can you please send an ambulance!!!" girl1.

"Mam, listen to me calmly, try keeping him conscious. Keep talking to him, do not under any circumstances let him lose consciousness. We are sending and emergency response vehicle your way!!" replies the responder.

The girl goes near the man and tries to keep him awake.

"Hey! Ok, listen to me, there is an ambulance coming. Ok, just hang in there a few minutes." Girl1

"Heh, *cough* its ok. I can feel*cough**cough*myself dying. It'll be too late" bleeding man.

"h-hey! D-don't be so depressing. Y-you'll make it. Ok? How about you tell me your name and hobbies, yeah?" Girl1

"haha *cough* ok. The name's K-Kai. C-Chisaki*cough*" rasps out Kai while coughing up blood.

"Ok, my name is Aoi Umi. I like candy and my friends. Since I we know each other now, you are my friend, ok? Don't die ok, just a few minutes!" Says Aoi.

"Haha, good *cough* name. I like manga and ramen, never really had any *cough*friends." Responds Kai

"T-then its even better. I-I can be your friend. Once you're all ok we can go grab some ramen together, just stay awake." Says Aoi in hopes of keeping him awake but he just coughs up blood and his condition worsens.

"haha*cough* it was nice knowing you Umi-San, I sorry I'm going to have to call a *cough* rain*cough*check on that ramen." Says Kai while throwing up more blood.

"Hey! HEY!! Just calm down, listen to my voice, and focus on me. It'll be ok you'll get through this, just stay awake!!" Panics Aoi seeing his condition.

"i-it w-was nice to m-meet you Umi-s-s*cough* San. Hope y-you l-live a good l-life." Coughs out Kai as his eyes lose their light and he goes limp.

Another life lost due to the greed of others, and another life saved due to the selflessness of a kind soul.

===Scene change===

We now see a sea of lights moving in perpetual darkness, moving towards what seems to be a revolving eye. Some time the eye would stop at the black side sometimes it would stop at the white side.

One thing was clear, the lights that got the black side screamed in such agony that even the worst demons of hell would shiver.

Among this judgement we see a light flicker, it seemed to flicker in and out as if it were a faulty lightbulb. Then the light reached the giant eye, the eye looked down at it as if to judge it. When suddenly the light jumped at eye, it seemed to have caught a ledge and started to run away.

Looking at this the eye shivered as if enraged and hands made of darkness shot out of the eye wanting to get the light back but, the light showing remarkable agility seemed to dodge nearly everything sent its way, But slowly but surely the scratches turned into gashes and the light got more and more desperate.

As it kept running one of the hands tore through the light making a big hole in it, but the light determined to escape the giant eye, grabbed the hand, and pulled at it with strength that seemed to come from within it as if for a last act before complete destruction. The light glowed brightly before tearing off the hand and falling into the infinite abyss.

The light glowed dimly as if drained of all its strength and was flickering as if about to disappear, the hand which it had torn out which was still sticking through the light seemed to get absorbed into the light and seemed to heal the light.

The gashes and scratches disappearing, and the glow of the light seemed to be brighter ever so slightly, before the light is swallowed by a rift that seems to have appeared out of thin air and closed a slit second later.

The giant eye glowing red looking enraged, launched a pulse of volatile energy in its rage, destroying millions of lights and nearly collapsing the space as rifts and wormholes appeared. The entities that lived in the space were alarmed. Some looked at the eye in fear, while some looked in intrigue, while some didn't care and continued their eternal slumber in the depths of darkness.

The light realizing its mistake and calmed down, but the damage was already done, and millions of lights were snuffed out of existence.

Out of all these entities only one seemed to notice the light falling into the rift but only looked at it in amusement before returning to slumber once again.

===POV Kai===

'Huh, where am I?' I thought waking up.

'I should be dead. Did I survive? Did the ambulance come in time?' I questioned myself as I looked around only to find everlasting darkness, with lights around me going towards what seemed to be a giant eye. Just looking at it made me shiver in fear, the lights screaming in agony did not help at all.

I looked around to see if anyone else was seeing it but when I turned around, I saw that I was surrounded with what looked like featureless humanoid dolls.

They moved towards the giant eye in a hypnotic state, shuffling along silently. I grabbed one of the lights and tried shaking it, my hand passed right through the thing and then I focused on my own self and saw myself. I looked exactly like them, but I had more definition to my form. I looked more muscular and solid. I looked around frantically trying to get the attention of the humanoids but no matter what I did I could not. No matter what I tried, I couldn't, I tried to shout, scream, shake them but they just kept moving along, dragging me along with them.

Before I knew I was in front of the eye, it seemed to look down on me as if judging me before going into what I felt was a contemplating state. Taking this chance, I jumped at the light as my instincts screamed that if I waited any longer would never get a chance again.

I jumped in the eye, catching what seemed to be a ledge, I pulled myself up and ran with all my strength. As I was running the eye seemed to realize what I was doing and shot out hands that seemed to be made of the darkness that surrounded me. Relying on my instincts I managed to dodge most of the hands, but a few got me tearing small parts of me away, little by little these wounds accumulated and there were deep gashes all over my body. In a moment of weariness, the hands pierced my chest where my heart would have been.

Agonizing Pain shot through my body" AHHHHHHH!!" A burning sensation wreaked my entire being, in that moment I realized that I would die, again, if I did not break the hand, would be sent to whatever torture those other lights, no, souls were damned to.

'But that thing can try!! I will make it out alive!! I will not be damned to what ever hell those souls were sent to!!!' Roaring out in outrage, strength seemed to erupt from my being. The pain subsided and the hand seemed to flinch as if wanting to return to the eye, but how could I let it?

'If I'm dying, I'm taking you with me!!' I tore of the arm 'AHHHHHHH!!' and an explosion took place I snapped out from my state of rage and all my strength left me.

I fell into the deep abyss cursing whatever god sentenced me to this fate closed my eyes falling deeper and deeper into the abyss. I felt an explosion take place. I looked up and saw that the giant eye looked thoroughly enraged and seemed to explode out with power.

That very power made my being crawl and want to cower, but I fought happy that at least I had made whatever thing that bought me here enraged. The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness was a space rift opening up and swallowing me whole, and after that was all black.


This is my first time writing a book like this and would really appreciate it if you would point out where I could make my writing more enjoyable and fun.

Please comment where you would like this story to go next.

Highschool DxD



Duoluo Dalu 1

Duoluo Dalu: Unrivaled Tang Sect

Comment on the universes which one you would want the story to go to. I will check back in In Five days.!!
