
The Journey of a New Progenitor

When the vampire king was close to his ascension, he was planning to hand over the throne to a worthy heir,  And he will find the chosen one to carry the weight of a race after him. This is the journey of a new progenitor, who will create his own destiny.  the cover is generated by Ai

Mallu_sage · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

4 Ruler of night

Upon meeting her eyes, I was compelled to follow her without uttering a word. As I strolled down the street, I noticed numerous intriguing things, all of which captured my attention. Many people stopped to greet us as we walked through the city. And we came to the end of the road, where there stood a magnificent castle, and at the castle's entrance, he saw the words he had heard the most in his life. Praeesset noctis.I followed Scarlet to the castle, feeling as if I were on a college field trip to a museum.Numerous antiques are arranged throughout the hallway. and there were several things that horrified me, such as my anxiety about meeting one of the strongest people on the planet. I took a step back when we suddenly came to a stop in front of a stately door. There was something dangerous waiting on the other side.

"Scarlet, can we come back tomorrow?"

"No, we can't let my father wait any longer; we have to meet him today; it's really important for us.Father, we are here."

"You may enter."

The magnificent door swing opened in front of us, and all I could see on the other side was darkness. Scarlet was the first one to enter the room, and I followed her.

"Praeesset noctis, father."

"Praeesset noctis, your highness."

"Praeesset noctis,you may rise."

In front of us, I heard a magnificent voice. I peered in front of me, but all I saw was utter darkness, and the voice seemed otherworldly.

"Luther I need your son here today, so please call him here while I speak with this young man and my daughter."

"Yes, your highness."

As they were finishing up their talk, the room brightened up, and I could make out two men. An elderly man stood behind the young man, who was seated on the throne.The young man could make any male shy away from him because he was so handsome. Looking into his crimson eyes was like gazing into a deep abyss.

"Ah, my daughter, we have a weird one here. You delivered a jewel to me. Not many people made it out alive after staring into my eyes, so things are becoming quite fascinating."

"Thank you, Father. I just did what I had to do."

"What's your name, young man?"

"It's Alaric nox highness."

"Alaric, I am Aamon nox, the king and the progenitor of the vampire race. Do you know why I summoned you here?"

"No, your highness, but we grew up hearing that when our Lord calls us, we must answer the call, so I just came here."

"So they continued to follow the family customs even after all these years. Hearing that my family is still there makes me joyful. I have called you here because I intend to make you my heir, young man, so pay close attention to what I have to say. You and I are the same by blood but distinct by race."

"Your heir? Why me?"

"Young man, do you know why I'm the strongest?"

"I don't know, Lord."

"Because I possessed the strongest bloodline ever to exist in this world, and the same blood flowed through your veins as well.The vampire race can only be ruled by a man possessing my entire lineage."

"Lord, can I ask you something? Why are you looking for a hier? You are immortal, right?"

"Although I may never die, it is time for me to ascend, and I won't say anything more about it now since the world will inform you of it when you are strong, Alaric. Do you know about Adam and Eve?"

"Yes, Lord, they were the first humans that were created by God."

"Do you think they are real?"

"If you asked me this yesterday, I'd say it was a myth, but today I know that every myth that exists in human society is real."

"Yes, Alaric, they are genuine, and they gave birth to both my brother Tristan Fernier and me.They were banished from the garden, and that's when we were both born. My brother and I were thrilled when we formed our clan and grew up together, but soon after, we became enraged at the idea that our parents were immortal while we were only mortal. As a result, we began searching for a means to become immortal.Our journey toward immortality was a torturous one. Our greed caused many deaths, which further saddened our parents. Despite their immortality, they considered it a curse. and they attempted to persuade us that immortality was a curse that would only result in more anguish and sorrow.However, we persisted in our search, and eventually the devil appeared before us and offered us immortality in exchange for ceasing to be humans. I rejected the offer because I didn't want the devil to control my life and I didn't care about being human, but my brother, who was more greedy than I was, accepted it. This made me angry with him since the devil gave him a veil to drink, which signaled the birth of the first werewolf and increased his power. When he transformed using his newfound strength, he was still weaker than our father but stronger than I was.Upon learning of this, our father immediately killed the devil and exiled him from our household.He didn't want to kill his own son. Some of the clan members followed him and changed the clan name to Fernier, and every clan member was converted to a werewolf; thus, the first werewolf tribe came into existence.Tristan was the only member of his tribe to possess the gift of immortality; the wolves he transformed were not, and they only lived for 300 years.and I never gave up on my quest for immortality. I spent a hundred years of my life trying to figure out the ideal means of becoming eternal myself and making others everlasting as well. At some point, I gave thought to the devil's remnants that my father had destroyed. I killed a devil and took its heart and blood. Together with my father's blood and some blood from a camazotz that I had taken from his weapon from a previous combat years ago, I combined the heart and blood to make a potion. and I took a few minutes to prepare before downing the entire potion in one go.It was terrible, and I thought I was going to pass away. That bit broke the skin off my bones. After a while, a magical cone encircled me, and I dozed off completely. New bones and flesh began to grow on me gradually. I had become an abomination, a monster driven by lust and darkness, during my process of rebirth. I emerged from the cocoon five years later, stronger and younger than before, but I was far from flawless. Because I was driven by bloodlust, I went on the rampage and exterminated half of humanity.My father stopped me from going on a rampage and brought me back to the clan, giving me an opportunity to explain myself. After I told my father everything, all he said was that I could go and never return. That was the start of my journey to the top."


Hello guys, the author here. 

Sorry for keeping you guys waiting. I've been really busy these days, and I'll be updating continuously. Hope you all will understand 

Thank you for your support and care
