
Chapter 22

Reyna wondered I her whole life would be spent running away. She knew that whatever was making Miran and Serena go back home was important. They wouldn't waste their time finding her. She regreted missing her one opportunity to visit a new realm but it was better that way. No need for the Guardians to suffer because of her. The demons were after her alone, she needed to get as far from them as possible.

Fatigue weighed down on her shoulders and the fact that she had not had any food in a while only made it worse. She couldn't stop though, they would catch up if she did. Dawn was approaching fast, with it came a darkness so dense that she could feel it all around her. It thrummed along with the steady beat of her heart just waiting for her command. Reyna didn't dare, her movements where already sluggish as it was. Using any powers would drain whatever little will she had left.

The exhaustion was getting to her, she needed rest before she could move on. With no other house in the vicinity, the trees were the safest place she could think of. She found one with thick branches hanging and a slight hollow shaped dent could be seen on one of them. It would have to do. The dark jeans and sweatshirt she had on provided better cover than the clothes she when she left the Magi. The boots on her feet were also comfortable to climb in.

The soft light of early morning made it's way through the forest cover. Reyna closed her eyes and let the sounds of the creatures waking lull her to rest.

Reyna followed the sound of the rushing waters to the waterfall and looked around for Miran. She wanted to see the colors again just once more before they left.

"If you don't smile then I cannot find you."

A girl was by Reyna's side, she was writing something in the mud on the riverbank using a stick. She didn't look up until she was done. Even with mud on her hands and the small bits that had found their way to her face she didn't seem to mind.

"Isn't that what mama used to say? Whenever she saw us frowning, she would pretend to look for us and say that she couldn't see her baby. That her baby had the prettiest smile in the world and if she didn't smile the she wouldn't know which baby was hers."

The smaller version of Reyna moved closer but didn't touch her. Her copper hair was in pigtails and her eyes were a stormy ocean green that changed as she walked around.

"I forgot how to smile a long time ago."

"Silly, you can't forget how to smile, it is just not possible."

The little girl laughed, her eyes turning emerald green.

"The bad people just made you think that. If I can smile then you can too, right? because we are one and the same. The nasty people made you unhappy, so how can you smile truly when you are not happy?"

Reyna stared at the girl as she danced barefoot on the sodden ground, hoping she didn't slide and hurt herself.

"The handsome boy is not asleep yet so I can't bring him to us but I know what will cheer you up, follow me."

Little Reyna dipped her feet into the water and held out her hand for her to take. The water had to be cold but the young girl just smiled as she reached out.

"This is our dream we can make it whatever we like."

Reyna took the young girl's hand and step into the water. It wasn't cold as she had thought but nicely warm. The girl pulled her towards the waterfall and only stop once they were at an arm's length from it. She let go of Reyna's hand and stretched both of her arms up in the air.

The beautiful colors that Miran had made for her shimmered all around them. Young Reyna turned and held both of Reyna's hands in hers. Her eyes lit up and her smile grew as she started moving around.

"I know you wished you could dance with the beautiful colors the boy made, so I made them for you. Come, dance with me."

" I don't know how to dance."

The girl started moving around, splashing in the waters and the colors danced along with her. Her laughter was the music they flowed with and Reyna just watched not sure what to do. Little Reyna splashed all the way around before coming back to her.

"I have to go now. The nasty person is here and I can't let them find me. Don't worry though, Izzy will protect us. The bad guy won't hurt you again."

Reyna didn't understand what the young her was talking about. She still held her hand and the girl didn't let go. Reyna felt something cold near her feet and her attention was drawn to the water. Red slowly seeped into the river turning the clear waters pink. The irony tang of blood wafted to Reyna's nose and sent chills to her bones. The river became a gory stream of crimson blood that came from nowhere.

Red spots formed on the white dress she couldn't remember wearing and it's hem was dipped in the bloody river. The warmth from the girl's hand receded and it became icy cold. Ghostly pale eyes were watching her from behind a curtain of black hair. The girl was gone and in her place stood the one person Reyna hated with all her being. The in born fear that accompanied her hate threatened to choke her.

Reyna tried to get her hand back but it was useless, his stone like grip did not move despite her struggles.

"Leaving so soon? But I just got here. I told you I would find you, didn't I?"

Reyna tried to speak but her voice failed her. She was back to what the Magi had created, a weapon that had no will of it's own. She remembered the last thing she saw as she left the camp.

"Don't worry, I am here to make sure you go as far away as possible. We don't want anything to happen to you, right?"

"Who gave you permission to come here?"

The demon smiled as her stared at Reyna, not bothering to acknowledge the person behind him. Even though his eyes made him appear blind, Reyna knew he could see almost as well as she did, if not better.

"Someone told me that you are back so I came to see it for myself. Is that a crime?"

Izzy stepped in front of Reyna blocking her view of the demon's face.

"Just because I promised to come to your aid does not give you the right to follow Reyna. I don't break my word, I hope remember that."

"Know I wonder who gave you the idea that I need your help? Aren't you the one who put me in this hell, in the first place? I am just here to warn you like the good demon I am. You know what you are dealing with so I suggest you get the mortal child as far away as possible."

He vanished and so did the blood. Izzy's shoulders were trembling as she turned to face Reyna. Her dark eyes were shining with unshed tears and her lips quivered as she spoke.

"Reyna, I'm sorry you had to go through that. He is clearly not what he used to be but he is right. I need to get you away fro this realm. It's not safe anymore."

"What about saving him and my mother?"

Reyna was yet to decipher what her trainer was talking about but it seemed as if he didn't want Izzy's help.

"They have been holding up for two decades, it may seem like a long time to you but for us it is really short. Right know your safety is the most important."

She paused before frown a bit while staring into the waters that were clear again. Izzy's purple outfit shimmered in the light casting glowing spots on her face.

"If he was able to enter your mind then chances are he is not in this realm anymore. In the case that he is, then his body has not been conscious for a while.

Finding your mother was the only other way I could think of having enough power to storm down that infernal camp but it turns out he already has her. For now I think it's best if you go to the Isle. I assure you that no demons are able to enter there and the Guardians will be sure to protect you."

"Miran and Serena must be gone at this time."

Izzy laughed and placed her hand on Reyna's shoulder. Her eyes twinkled with something Reyna couldn't describe. A little smile on her lips remained and Reyna couldn't help the confusion, had she said anything funny?

"Please, as if the handsome Light boy could leave you. It is obvious that he is going to to show you of to the other Guardians as his dark bride."


Reyna felt her ears heat up at the spirit's words.

"What, it's true? Holy Master in heaven, you are blushing and here I thought you had no emotions. Okay fine, I'll stop. Hurry up and get to the big house, they must be tired of looking for you."

Even awake, Reyna could still feeling her warm ears, with that much blood going to them she had no doubt that they were red. Climbing down the tall trees was harder than going up and she got a few scratches and bruises as a result. It was decided, she was going back to the residence and would make sure she told the Guardians everything just to confirm if what Izzy said was true.

With the fitful sleep and lack of food her movements were slower and she found herself stumbling and tripping on the rocks and roots. Her spine tingled and she could sense that someone was watching her. A sound came from behind her and she swung out her hand to hit whoever was there. Her reaction was too slow and the person caught her arm instead. Reyna was pulled until her back landed on something, another arm held her waist.

"You are coming with me."