
The Invisible Sister (Mlb Adrien x Oc ff)

Macy Dupain Cheng was the sister of Marinette. But the thing is that she was pretty invisible. Not literally, but more practically. She wasn't noticed by anyone in her life. Even her parents forget her existence very often. She was very lonely growing up. She went to a different school than Marinette, where she was bullied often and was once almost killed. Since that day she changed. Macy had a Talent for singing that no one knew of. She secretly hid her identity and is now a world-famous singer, with more money than anyone. She had her private anything and everything. But she never used them unless it was for something important. She led a simple life with her parents, donating her riches to needy people under the name 'M'. She is now going to start college with her sister, for which she paid for herself since her parents forgot. She will be living in a huge bungalow with another male roommate who she doesn't know yet. But what happens when she is put in the same house as a model boy and an Alien baby who came out of nowhere with his pet animal. Watch as Macy goes on a thrilling adventure filled with danger, excitement, and love. /// (in my AU all of this happens in college instead of school. So they go to college instead of school. but the rest of the story is similar to the series) (all pictures used in the series are not mine) This is a Daa Daa Daa x Miraculous, series but that doesn't mean you have to know Daa Daa Daa to understand. The theme is mostly around Miraculous so don't worry. Also, the main ship here is Adrien x, Macy, so you have been warned. Might be cringy but I am cringy so...

NatashaD2967 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
1 Chs

The Origins - part 1

Macy POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off.

"Just another day of being invisible", I sighed as I got up and walked over to the mirror.

"It's just you and me", I spoke to my reflection, "nobody else can come in-between".

I walk over to my walk-in closet and wore a stylish yet comfortable and warm. It was September but for the past week, it was abnormally cold. You can't step outside without a sweater to keep you warm. Sometimes it would even snow. Nobody knows why it's like this.

I sigh at the thought

This is what she is wearing

I go out of my room to hear my mom screaming for Marinette to wake up. I sigh again. I am as visible as bacteria in this house. I quietly go down to see Marinette complain about Chloe being in her class again. Honestly, she needs to stand up for herself. And Chloe is not the worst bully out there. I would know...

I quickly shake those bad thoughts away and walk out the door. I wasn't even greeted. I sigh. As I walk out I see Marinette help an old man cross the road. She really is kind. But then she seemed to have remembered something she needs to do and she just leaves him there. He wasn't wearing any sweater or scarf to keep him from the cold.


I immediately walk up to him, to see him shivering. I remove my coat and drape it over his shoulders then remove my scarf and wrap it around his neck. I swear at least finish the task Marinette!

He looks up at me surprised and I give him one of my rare smiles.

"Here you go, you might freeze to death in this cold without a sweater", I spoke kindly.

"Thank you, young Lady, you're very kind!", The old man says. I smile.

"It's no problem, Stay safe! I have to go now!", I exclaim as I walk away toward college.

Master Fu POV

I was helped by a young girl to cross the road, but she seemed to be in a hurry, so she left. I have found the owner of the Ladybug miraculous...

I was then hit by the cool air. I only now realized it was cold, and I wasn't wearing a sweater. I shivered under the cold breeze when suddenly I felt warm again. I was wrapped around by a scarf and sweater. I looked up to see a young lady, who looked pretty alike the other one, except she didn't have the same light in her eyes. She must have been hurt pretty bad for her to look like that. she then smiled, which surprised me as she looked beautiful when she smiled. I smiled back.

"You'll freeze to death without a sweater," she said.

I smiled and thanked her and she walked away. I was going to turn away and walk but something caught my eye. The young lady's legs were shivering so much, but she didn't show it on her face and kept on walking. My eyes widened at the scene. She truly is kind, and worthy of being the miraculous holder.

Macy POV

I walked to class as quickly as I could before I froze in the cold. I reached just in time before the bell rang. I sighed in relief as I walked to my seat which was right behind Marinette. I always sit alone so I didn't really have to leave some space for a friend. I was dead tired and cold so I thought I could get some sleep. I laid my head on the desk and was trying to sleep when I started hearing some high-pitched yapping. I frowned in annoyance.

The only day I try to get rest I am interrupted.

I slightly open my eyes to see Marinette being bullied. I sigh again.

"Chloe can you please shut up, I am trying to get some rest here", I coldly glanced at her.

"Oh look Sabrina, miss invisible finally spoke up!", Chloe said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Just shut the hell up and sit your ass down!", I grumbled, annoyed.

Suddenly a new girl came to Mari's rescue, helping her out of that situation. They seemed to have become friends now. good for her.

I then slowly drift off to sleep. I was dreaming about finally going to my new house today.

Yeah, that's right! I live alone starting today! well not completely alone, I have a roommate, but just away from my family. I was going to be living in a bungalow. Yay!!!! I was supposed to live with some other guy who is my age.

You might be wondering how I can afford a bungalow. Well...I'm rich. Like crazy rich. I am actually the world-famous mysterious singer, Princess magic! Princess magic is known all over the world as a singer who doesn't show her face. Every time I am on stage I wear a mask. So I am well known for being mysterious. I have my own brand known as Vision. It is pretty popular. It sells clothing, accessories, and makeup as its main theme. But it also sells other stuff such as Princess Magic merch, and other things. Our market is wide and we are at least as popular as the Agreste brand. We are actually pretty close. But even Gabriel doesn't know my actual identity.

I never knew I had such great talent in business, hey! I didn't even know I could become a famous singer!

Just as I was thinking of this, I heard a loud yell from Ivan. I turned to see him glaring daggers at Kim. Damn, I wonder what the hell he did to piss him off. The teacher yelled at them and told Ivan to go to the office, which in my opinion was totally unfair, considering how Kim was the one who got him angry. But me being me, didn't want to get involved in this shit. The bell rang and it was time for the library so I grabbed my things and walked out of the room. I was going to get more sleep in the library when a loud bang was heard and the ground shook, causing me to fall over.

"Okay, WHO THE HELL DISTURBED MY BEAUTY SLEEP AGAIN!!", I yelled in my brain annoyed as I got up and headed towards the TVs to see what was going on. What I saw surprised me.

There was a huge rock monster yelling and searching for Kim. He sounded like Ivan. WTH!!!!!


I bolted out the door and ran towards the Bungalow. I didn't even have time to explore as I sat on the sofa and turned the TV on to see how things were now.

"Ugh, First days of class are always terrible...", I sighed as I looked down. Then something caught my eye. It was a small maroon box that had some weird red design on it.

"Wth is this?", I opened the box. Suddenly there was a huge blinding light and a small flying creature came out of it. Me being me, I screamed in horror and ran away.

"Calm down Macy, I won't hurt you", the flying mouse said.

"AHHHH THE THING TALKS!!!", I yelled again, but this time I stayed in the same place.


"I am a kwami, my name is Mullo! I grant powers! yours is the power of multiplication!", the thing spoke. It sounded like a girl's voice. (okay so in my story there are three important ones, creation, destruction, and multiplication okay? just go with it...)

"Okay... what?", I was totally confused. I mean it's not every day that a magical mouse that talks tell you you can have powers...

"Let me explain... As I said before I grant powers, my power is the power of multiplication. You can multiply into well...more you and defeat the bad guys, and in this case...stone heart.

"Alright, but why me?", I asked.

"because you're the chosen one, and you have the heart to help.

"no I don't and you should go see someone else, I have enough to worry about as it is y'know", I rejected. I mean I already got enough secret identities.

"what?", she looked shocked, as if she was never rejected before, "no, I mean don't you want to help him go back to normal?".

"it's none of my business what he does", I say nonchalantly while she looks flabbergasted.

We continue to argue for 15 minutes until something on the TV caught my eye.


I shot out of my seat.

"Alright fine... I'll do it this once just to help a friend out, but that's it!", I looked at mullo who was grinning from ear to ear.

"yay!! now all you have to say is Mullo, GET SQUEAKY!", she explained and I nodded.

"Mullo, GET SQUEAKY!", I yelled and the next thing I knew, I was wearing a mouse-like onesie. Just great... a onesie to fight a rock monster... could this get any better?

I ran up to the roof and checked what I got.

"Okay so I have this magical whip thing that is supposed to help how?", I sighed again. "all alright here goes nothing...", I swing my whip to a statue far away and pull, resulting in me flying all the way there.

"AHHHHH!!!", I yell as I see another boy in a catsuit walking on a stick. I land right on him. We end up tangled together around my whip.

"whoops, sorry", I say as we get out of the whip.

"it's fine, not everybody can resist falling for me", he winked and I laughed. Suddenly we heard another yell and see a girl in a spotted onesie falling exactly how I fell except this time, she fell on both of us.

"Dejavu huh?", I grumble and the cat boy seemed to have heard me as he laughed.

"I'm really sorry I didn't mean to do it on purpose...", her voice trailed off.

"it's alright", Cat boy said and I nodded in agreement.

"so I bet you guys are the partners my kwami told me about...", Cat boy started, "I'm... Chat Noir, yeah Chat Noir!".

"I'm ma-ma- madly clumsy... I'm so clumsy...", the spotted girl said as her yoyo thingy landed right on Chat's head. I laughed.

"no sweat clumsy girl, I'm new too", he smiled kindly. Suddenly we heard a loud bang. We turned to see a building falling. Chat Noir grabbed his stick and I grabbed my whip. Chat went first.

"hey where are you going?", the bug girl asked.

"to save Paris right?", he answered before jumping away. I was going to follow when I saw bug girl seem unsure of this.

"hey, it's going to be alright... trust your self", I put my hand on her shoulder as reassurance. She seemed to have really needed to hear that as she beamed and smiled gratefully at me. I smiled back and grabbed my whip, swinging it and wrapping it on a building, and pulling myself to reach the area where the attack is happening. Bug girl followed except she was yelling in fear. I didn't feel scared anymore because I felt kind of free, jumping at such a high altitude.

When I arrived there I saw Chat fighting the supervillain.

"where are you partners", he yelled to no one in particular. Suddenly I saw the rock monster throw a goal post at Alya who was trying to film what was going on. I immediately ran and stood in front of her, catching the post with my whip and swinging it back at the monster dude.

"Right here!", I smirked. Chat seemed to have been distracted as he was suddenly caught by the rock monster. Stupid Chat, pay attention.

I immediately ran towards Stone-heart, wrapping my whip around his legs. I can faintly hear Alya shouting for the bug girl to take action. As I wrap my whip around his legs, I see a yoyo do the same. I look up to see bug girl finally take action. It seems she finally decided. I smiled to myself.

"Animal cruelty?", I started.

"How shameful", Bug girl finished. We pulled our whip/yoyo, causing him to fall and free Chat, who rolled away, stopping at a goal post. Me and bug girl run towards him.

"Sorry I took so long", bug girl apologized. Before I could say anything, Chat spoke up.

"no problem wonder-bug, now it's time to knock that rock down.", he got ready to run but I grabbed him by his tail to stop him.

"Wait! haven't you noticed he gets bigger and stronger with every attack?", I ask, while Bug girl nods.

"We have to do something different...", her voice trailed off while I let go of the tail.

"ooh, how about we use our powers?", Chat exclaimed before immediately activating his power called cataclysm.

"Chat no!", I and Bug girl yelled at the same time.

"apparently I destroy everything I touch", He said flexing.

"I don't need to destroy anything", Bug girl sighed. Chat suddenly reached out and touched the goal post, causing it to rot.

"NO DON'T DO THAT!", I yelled, but it was too late. He started running towards the rock monster trying to destroy it, but nothing happened and instead, he got his ass kicked and was sent flying back towards us.

"looks like it was only a one-time thing...", he rubbed his head, "oops".

"and you only have 5 minutes before you change back!", I yelled.

"Honestly, didn't your kwami tell you anything...", Bug girl sighed in defeat.

"I guess I was a bit excited about my new life", he chuckled nervously.

"well, up to us", I said as Bug girl activated her power called Lucky charm. It gave her a weird swimsuit kind of thing.

"my kwami told me I have to break the object where the Akuma is hiding", She said.

"his hand! It's always closed!", I pointed out.

"Ah your right that must be where it is!", she exclaimed.

"Well I guess I'll activate my power too", I said.

"Multitude!", I yelled and suddenly there were at least 3 of me standing.

"Whoa", Chat said and I laughed. I looked at Bug girl and knew we both had the same idea, I nodded at her, and 2 of me ran towards the hose, throwing it towards us. I grabbed the swimsuit thingy and filled it with water as Bug girl swung Chat towards the Rock monster. Poor cat.

"These girls are crazy!!", he yelled, and I laughed. Damn, right we are.

I then ran towards the rock thingy.

"Hey! catch me if you can!", I taunted. it worked and he dropped the object. The other me grabbed it and gave it to bug girl.

"The tap!", I yell as another me opened it and filled the suit with water, giving me space to escape. Then Bug girl broke the object and Ivan turned back to normal. I smiled, relieved it was over.

"You girls were incredible!", Chat Noir walked over.

"No, we all were great!", Bug girl said.

"Pound it!", we all yelled, fist-bumping. Suddenly my necklace started to beep, and so did Chat's ring.

"Well we must be off", Chat said, "I hope we can do this again soon!".

"Not too soon I hope", I mumbled. I saw Bug girl talk with Ivan for a bit before walking next to me. We grabbed our whip/yoyo and were ready to leave when I heard Alya.

She started pouring us with questions.

"Oh, I've got a lot more to ask you, uh, miss, uh..", Alya rambled.

"Ladybug", the Bug girl said.

"And Multi-mouse! call me Multi-mouse!", I finished. We both left the premises.


I was back at home, and the next thing I knew, the news was blaring with talks about the 3 of us.

"This might not be so bad after all...", I mumbled as mullo laughed and hugged my cheek.

"What a tsundere", she said.

"hey! I am not-", I was cut off when suddenly I heard aloud grumble. I laughed as mullo blushed.

"Looks like someone's hungry! what do you want to eat?", I asked.

"Mozerella please!", she smiled.

"ooh, nice taste!", I complimented as I walked over to the fridge, grabbing some and giving it to the flying mouse.

I was going to take some rest when suddenly the news showed a bunch of people turning into Rock monsters.

"Wth is happening?", I asked.

"did you capture the Akuma?", she asked and I finally realized our mistake, "but I thought you said I can't capture them?".

"yeah you can't only Ladybug can!", The kwami replied.

"Damn it!", I cursed as I got off the couch. "Ugh, I just hope Ladybug doesn't give up after this failure".