
The Invincible Young Master

"You either Die a Villain or Live long enough to see yourself as a Hero." ~Probably Spark --------------------------------------- Spark, the lofty young master of the Dwight family, had always been a mystery. His true abilities were never known until the day he stepped onto the frontlines. In one awe-inspiring exhibition of power, Spark shocked the world and sent the coalition army of the five emperors into a chaotic retreat. Now, with the eyes of the world on him, each faction lusted to uncover the secrets behind his unparalleled strength. Still, in spite of the rampant curiosity and greed, nobody had the guts to confront him directly. And with every rumor spread of his feats, a question burned in every mind: was Spark this powerful all this time, or was he casting an illusion of strength before everybody's eyes?

Lucky_duck · แฟนตาซี
147 Chs

Chapter 139 - Queen's Chamber

The dim glow from the stone platform flickered like a dying flame as figures began to appear, emerging from the swirling golden whirlpool.

Their whispered voices echoed through the vast, shadowy chamber, bouncing off the cold stone walls.

"Where are we?" someone whispered, their voice shaky with worry.

"I can't find the tunnels... is this a trap?" another voice added, fear creeping into their words.

Nervous murmurs spread among the survivors. The platform beneath their feet was the only light source, casting strange, eerie shadows in the darkness.

Spark, Bronn, and Amelia stepped forward, scanning the room with watchful eyes.

Unlike the others, they remained calm. Spark's face showed no concern, just calm indifference, while Bronn's excitement bubbled beneath the surface, even in this strange and ominous place.

"Looks like we've arrived," Spark said casually, as if this strange chamber was just another stop.