
The Inventor of Another World

In the year 2501, an unemployed young man named Alex is kicked out by his father and inherits an old pub from his grandfather. Inside the pub's attic, he activates a mysterious system, granting him the power to enter a dimension of swords and magic. His mission: bring technology and science to this world.

cat_shit · ไซไฟ
9 Chs


As Alex continued his freefall through the dark void, he couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline. It was a sensation he hadn't expected, and the uncertainty of his situation only added to the thrill.

Moments later, a chime rang out in the darkness—a notification that seemed completely out of place in this surreal experience. Alex was momentarily taken aback.


The message that followed was even more bewildering: "Say yes if you want to bond with the system."

(System Note : If you reject the system, you will die of free falling)

The message had left Alex utterly bewildered, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Shit, this system isn't giving me much of a choice at all. It's like a total blackmail."


In a bizarre twist, the system seemed to respond to his thoughts directly, further perplexing him. "Please refrain from slandering the system, dear visitor from another world," it said. "The system isn't blackmailing you. As you can see, the system is offering you the choice of 'yes' and 'no problem.'"

The exchange between Alex and the enigmatic system continued to baffle him. He couldn't help but think to himself, "There must be something seriously wrong with this system's logic. In which universe are 'yes' and 'no problem' different?"


Once again, the system responded swiftly, its tone growing slightly more assertive. "This is your last warning. Please stop slandering the system," it chided. "*Cough It's for your own good, dear visitor from another world. And, just so you know, the system doesn't have a head."

Alex couldn't help but chuckle at the peculiar nature of his predicament. It seemed that this system was as unconventional as the situation he had found himself in. With a shake of his head, he decided to play it safe this time.

"Alright, alright," he replied with a good-natured grin, "no more slander. I'll cooperate, system. Just... don't drop me into any more surprises, okay?"


The system's response was a reassurance that sounded almost sincere, given the peculiar circumstances. "Wise choice, dear visitor from another world," it stated. "The system is a respectful being. I don't play tricks on anyone, dear visitor from another world."

As the system finished its peculiar exchange, the previously seamless void began to crack and shatter around Alex. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a breathtaking world beyond his imagination.

Alex's eyes widened in wonder as he took in the magnificent sight before him. This world was a pristine, unspoiled paradise, untouched by the ravages of pollution or industrialization. Lush forests stretched as far as the eye could see, their vibrant green canopies contrasting against crystal-clear rivers that wound through the landscape like shimmering ribbons. Majestic mountains loomed in the distance, crowned with snow, and the air was filled with the sweet scents of blooming wildflowers.

He yearned to savor the beauty of this untouched world, to immerse himself in its natural wonders. However, there was one rather significant issue at hand.

As the awe-inspiring scenery unfolded below him, Alex realized that he was still plummeting from the sky, and the ground was rapidly approaching.

"AAAAAAAAA!" he yelled once more, this time with a dramatic flair that was impossible to ignore. Panic gripped him as the earth drew closer, and he braced himself for what seemed like an inevitable impact.

Alex's panic intensified as he continued his rapid descent, desperately trying to locate the system that had thrust him into this comically perilous situation.

Amid his frantic descent, Alex's panic reached new heights. He desperately cried out, "System, system, system! Where are you? I'm going to die!" His voice carried a mix of hysteria and exasperation.


A message appeared, and Alex clung to it like a lifeline. "Please be patient. System undergoing bonding with the host," it read, sounding almost too calm for the situation. Then came a progress update.

"Progress: 19%... 20%... 21%..."

Alex's face darkened as he watched the agonizingly slow progress bar inch forward. He muttered to himself, "Shit, this system must have a grudge with me. Even Microsoft never updates at this crucial moment!"

As he continued his plummet towards the ground, Alex couldn't help but lament the absurdity of his predicament. Bound to a peculiar system, hurtling towards an unknown destination, and forced to wait for a software update mid-air—it was a comedic calamity of errors that seemed straight out of a slapstick comedy.









"AAAA... System, you can't even count properly! After 59 comes 60! AAAA!"





Frustration bubbled up within him, and after what felt like an eternity, Alex couldn't resist venting his frustration. He began to yell and curse at the system, his colorful vocabulary echoing through the open air.

For a full ten minutes, he unleashed a torrent of words that would make a sailor blush, berating the system for its perceived incompetence and for leading him into this bizarre predicament. It was as if he believed that his choice words might somehow speed up the update process.

But as he continued to descend, the ground drawing nearer with every passing second, a strange sense of calm began to wash over him. Memories of his past life started to flash before his eyes—a slideshow of moments both hilarious and heartwarming. It was as if his life was flashing before him, and amidst the chaos and uncertainty, he couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had led him to this improbable, comedic freefall.

"Dear mother," he thought, his tone somber, "I'm sorry, but it looks like your handsome son is going to meet his end in a rather unconventional way."

Then, a mischievous grin crossed his face as he continued, "Dear Father, I've always said I'd do something extraordinary one day. Well, here it is. I'll haunt you every night, Dad, just to make sure you're never bored. Hope to see you soon, in the afterlife or wherever I end up."



With a deafening crash, Alex collided with the ground, creating a chaotic spectacle. The impact was thunderous, sending shockwaves through the area and leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. Trees trembled, birds took flight in a panic, and the very earth seemed to shudder in response to the dramatic entrance.

And what about our intrepid protagonist? To the surprise of onlookers, if there were any, Alex emerged from the dust and debris unscathed, his appearance a stark contrast to the chaos around him. He dusted himself off and took a moment to survey his surroundings, which had been transformed into a scene of utter mayhem.

With a mix of disbelief and amusement, he couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Well, that was certainly one way to make an entrance."

As the dust settled from his dramatic landing, Alex's attention was once again drawn to the enigmatic system that had brought him to this peculiar world. A familiar chime rang out.


"Welcome to Veridoria, Host, the world of Magic and Steel," the system's voice echoed in his mind.

Alex, still brushing off dirt and leaves from his fall, couldn't help but mutter in exasperation, "Oh, now you decide to give me a proper welcome message? How about a warning before dropping me from the sky?"

He shot a wry glance skyward, as if expecting an answer from the heavens themselves. It seemed that his newfound companion, the system, had a way of keeping him on his toes with its surprises and mysterious ways.


The system's response was prompt, but it left Alex both intrigued and slightly annoyed. "You don't ask anything, Host."

Alex couldn't help but facepalm himself in frustration. "Well, you've got a point there," he mumbled, wondering if he had unwittingly stumbled into a cosmic comedy.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he decided to put his inquisitiveness to good use. "Alright, fine," he sighed. "Is there any particular reason you brought me to this world, oh mysterious system?"

He awaited the system's reply, hoping for some clarity amidst the whimsy and chaos that had become his life since that fateful wardrobe leap.


The system's response was solemn and carried a sense of urgency. "Yes, Host, we hope you can bring civilization to this world. It teeters on the brink of the beyond, plagued by famine, disease, wars, and countless other calamities. It is a world in dire need of change."

Alex took a moment to absorb the gravity of the situation. This world was in desperate need of help, and he had been chosen as the unlikely savior. It was a responsibility he had never anticipated.

Curiosity and self-interest gnawed at him, and he couldn't help but inquire, "What's in it for me, though?"


The system's reply was swift and offered a tantalizing prospect. "Of course, there will be benefits for you, Host. With me by your side, you can have as much power as you desire. I can teach you all the magic and martial art this world has to offer."

The system's offer was undoubtedly alluring, but a wave of uncertainty washed over Alex. While the prospect of acquiring incredible power and mastering magic was enticing, he couldn't help but acknowledge a glaring problem—he knew next to nothing about how to cure plagues or solve famine issues. After all, he had graduated from the history department, not medical school or agriculture.

As he mulled over these concerns, a voice from behind startled him. It was a voice filled with a mixture of fear and hope, and it posed a question that Alex hadn't quite expected.

"Are you a god's messenger?" the voice inquired.

Startled, Alex turned his head to find a group of people gathered not far from where he stood. Their faces were a mix of desperation and anticipation, as if they were seeking a beacon of hope in a world ravaged by troubles. Alex's heart skipped a beat as he realized that the people of this world were looking to him for answers.
