
The Introvert's vengeance

caution: R-18 substance) *NO MAJOR Misconception* *Solid FEMALE LEAD "Consider it, you do not have anything to lose after you marry me. I'm appealing, awesome in bed. I can cook, handle errands and in specific I'm committed." Yan Mei brought down her head and her eyes were some way or another void. "You're a not too bad person, you justify a not too bad life partner, not Satan restore." Yan Mei said as she smiled. Lei Zhao mumbled and raised her jawline so she can investigate his eyes. "Okay, I'm not joking. I have to be marry you with the objective that I can ruin you. I got to see you smile like that day at the club, I realize you do not review me however since I saw you that day, I ensure myself to fulfill this woman. I got to protect you and defend you from the storm. Moreover, I would or maybe not see that irritation in your eyes. Permit me to fulfill you Alright?" Yan Mei's heart suddenly avoided a pound, no one at any point said that he will over-indulge her and defend her not to specify protect her from the deluge. She has been hurt and all she needs is to develop her control with the objective that she can major ranges of quality for be revenge be that as it may directly some person said he will defend her. In spite of the reality that she realized it was imposter, she had a inspiration to assent to this suggestion. She chuckled at herself when she caught on she was considering almost his suggestion. Men will allure you with words and by the day's conclusion, drop you into the pit of wretchedness. Yan Mei realized this the foremost troublesome way conceivable, no she won't confront this challenge once more. ** Lei Zhao took a gander at the youthful woman who was crying and his heart harmed. His principal reason for being in this relationship is to fulfill her in any case by and by he has failed. He felt like some person has dropped a major stone on his heart, he was incapable to unwind. He steadily walked towards Yan Mei and maneuvered her into his arms. "Meimei, If you don't mind acknowledge my statements of regret," he communicated gently as in spite of the fact that he was on edge almost the plausibility that that the basic sound of his voice will alert her. Seeing that the woman in his arms was hyperventilating from crying Lei Zhao got startled. He raised her head and caught her lips. he continuously kissed her as in spite of the fact that he required to etch her want for his soul. Yan Mei expanded her eyes when she caught on that Lei Zhao was kissing her. She lifted her hand and endeavored to drive him absent in any case Lei Zhao held her hand and created the kiss. Yan Mei who was contradicting out of no place turned out to be sensitive and stopped fighting. Lei Zhao was misplaced in excitement, basically a single bit of this woman causes him to let totally go. he taken after the kiss to her neck as he sucked to some degree. Yan Mei moaned inenchant, "mmhmm...." Lei Zhao groaned when he listened her. He scooped her into his arms and walked towards the room. ***** Yan Mei has reliably acknowledged that reverence may be a trap within the wake of getting harmed by the individual she cherished the foremost. From that point forward her heart has changed into ice. She trusts that as long as she doesn't drop head over heels she will not get harmed within the future. Lei Zhao is the Chief of Interstellar corps the most arrive organization in the nation. He misplaced his kin in a disaster and his way better half cleared out him that exceptionally day. From that point forward he became apathetic with respect to everything around him.

48 Chs

Meeting the Mother-in-Law

After ten minutes, after Lei Zhao dropped off Yan Mei to the organization his mother called him. Lei Zhao sat on the work range, holding the phone in one hand and the write in another, looking through reports put together by Ye Xing.

Taking a gander at the guest's ID on the phone screen, he flashed and smiled to some degree.

"Hello there, mother is there something off-base?"

Lei Xiao Tong smiled and said, "Lei Zhao, I'm at the organization of Yan Mei, did she come to work nowadays? I have been hanging tight for about 60 minutes for her in any case I do not see her."Lei Xiao tong's sweet voice flooding with fulfillment and energy undisguisedly went through Lei Zhao's ears.

Lei Zhao listened the expressions of his mother and scoured his asylums. "Mother, for what reason did you go to the organization to see as her? Didn't I let you know that I seem get her mother for dinner three days? Within the occasion merely out of the blue appear this way, she will be startled" Lei Zhao said feebly.

He realized his small be a tease was anxious around gathering his mother from her non-verbal communication at whatever point he talks about assembly his mother her appearance changes. Expecting that she sees her mother by marriage nowadays he doesn't have the foggiest thought how she will react.

"No, no!" Lei Xiao tong replied right absent.

"Your mother, I'm not a awful mother by marriage. I fair came to see my young lady in-regulation. I wandered within the shopping center recently for very a whereas endeavoring to track down the perfect blessing to supply for her. I didn't have any thought what to buy, all things considered, my young lady in-regulation doesn't require cash. Hence, I have chosen to provide her our family treasure. Your grandmother said it have to be be given to your critical other, what is your take? Moreover, I have been having fretful nights mulling over my small young lady in-regulation. The internet is stacked with irritating calling her a wide range of names. Who considers for even a moment to call my young lady in-regulation, a lowlife! Since she could be a woman within the trade shopping center, they ought to danger her. I keep up that she ought to realize she includes a mother directly supporting her."

Lei Zhao raised his brows feebly, he realizes his mother is fretful to see her young lady in-regulation and when his mother keeps up that ought to take after through with something, no one can modify her point of view.

"Mother, she came to work, however she didn't go through the section. I think she utilized her lift or she has her passage. In this way, go to the front work region to ask her. Attempt not to startle her mother."

"I know, bye." Lei Xiao tong hung up the call.

Lei Xiao tong walked to the lift with her pillage, she was anxious to meet her small young lady in-regulation. The more her child endeavors to defend her, the more curious he is. Taking the lift to the fifteenth floor, she came to meet Su Bei sitting outside Yan Mei's office.

Since Lei Xiao tong was interested almost her small young lady in-regulation she did her examinations around her. Deplorably, she was incapable to track down anything almost her past. As a famous however calm analyst and the young lady of the Ying family, one of the three best families in S city, on the off chance that she was incapable to discover the past of her young lady in-regulation that suggests her small young lady in-regulation is an amazingly solid person or she didn't exist such an greatly long time.

She couldn't say whether she could be a adversary or companion, to that conclusion she is interested to meet her.

Su Bei was working mindfully on records and out of the blue a powerless fragrance hit her. She recalled the scent, it was the foremost recent smell conveyed by Reddening fragrance. The most smell organization within the nation. She by and large required one however she wouldn't indeed play with the plausibility of getting one since of how expensive it is.

She lifted her head and the delightful and refined confront of Lei Xiao tong appeared up. Su Bei checked out at the lady some time recently her in stun. In spite of the truth that she was incapable to see the brands of the articles of clothing she was wearing, Su Bei realized this woman was not a standard person. She was dazzling from the way in which she held herself and she appeared as in spite of the fact that someone in her thirties be that as it may Su Bei realized she was more prepared than that.

"Hello there, how may I assist you," Su Bei inquired courteously

"I ought to see president Yan, would she say she is available?"

"Do you have got an course of action woman?" Lei Xiao tong was to some degree mortified. How might she come up short to keep in mind something like this? Additionally as Lei Xiao tong was getting to answer, Yan Mei developed from her office.

"President Yan." Su Bei invited respectfully. Since there was someone here she would have or maybe not neglected Yan Mei. Yan Mei signaled.

"How are you?" Yan Mei inquired carefully.

Su Bei smiled, "I'm fine."

Yan Mei turned when she felt her see on her. She saw a woman looking at her, her eyes contain different sentiments. Stun, love, intrigued, and delight. Seeing the flawed completely look within the lady's eyes Yan Mei felt strangely impossible to miss.

"Woman, are you Alright?" Yan Mei would have frequently neglected such an person, be that as it may nowadays, her faculties told her not to. Lei Xiao tong took a gander at Yan Mei and she was satisfied right presently, she as of late smiled however didn't answer and moved forward. Yan Mei wandered back, a infection light went through her eyes. "What is it that you simply got to do?"

Right presently, Lei Xiao tong took a gander at Yan Mei's chilly mien and she felt more satisfied. To be with her child, she ought to genuine ranges of quality for be know how to defend herself or she will drag her child behind and most loathsome drop for others' plans. A woman ought to know how to fight for her man, and she was certain her young lady in-regulation won't disappoint her.

She took Yan Mei's hands and said, "Xiaomei, I'm Lei Zhao's mother. I learned you work here so I remained with you."

Yan Mei's out of no place opened her mouth and her whole body fell into a condition of stun. Until she felt something on her wrist did she stir from her trance? She saw an emerald green glass-type jade arm band on her wrist. From the see, it appears to be a family treasure.

"It looked so exquisite and it fits completely on your wrist. This suggests you're bound to be my small young lady in-regulation." Lei Xiao tong said excitedly,

"Close relative, I can't recognize this." Yan Mei didn't figure she will meet her mother by marriage like this. Aren't mother-parents in law anticipated to be underhanded? For what reason is she so happy to see her in any occasion, giving her their family bequest. Might it be said that she was pulling tricks on her? Since of her encounter, Yan Mei was finding it challenging to recognize this.

Lei Xiao tong easily held Yan Mei's hands, "Xiaomei, do not you like your mother by marriage? I ought to sit tight for you nearly an hour at the passage and you'd attempt and recognize my blessing?"

Yan Mei gulped and felt a small mortified, "No Close relative, it basically this is often a parcel for me to recognize."

"On the off chance that you simply do not recognize I'm not clearing out here. It suggests you do not keep in mind me as your mother by marriage. Where will you discover such dazzling mother by marriage like me? Moreover, isn't my child extraordinary to you? Let me know in the event that that stinky kid isn't treating you right."

Yan Mei rapidly shook her head, "No, No Lei Zhao is awesome."

Lei Xiao tong smiled, "At that point, it's settled. You'll take this. I have a assembly with someone near to your organization, when I wrap up I will welcome you for lunch. Passage thee well."

Lei Xiao tong rapidly cleared out as in spite of the fact that she is uncertain Yan Mei will change her point of view and donate the arm band back to her. Yan Mei flashed, regardless the arm band on her hand that fills in as a sign of all that happened, she would have envisioned that everything was a double dealing.

"Su Bei, what basically happened?" Yan Mei muttered.

"You basically meet the famous mother by marriage, as it were that instead of her being underhanded, she is cool."

Yan Mei checked out at the arm band in a shock.
