
The Introvert's vengeance

caution: R-18 substance) *NO MAJOR Misconception* *Solid FEMALE LEAD "Consider it, you do not have anything to lose after you marry me. I'm appealing, awesome in bed. I can cook, handle errands and in specific I'm committed." Yan Mei brought down her head and her eyes were some way or another void. "You're a not too bad person, you justify a not too bad life partner, not Satan restore." Yan Mei said as she smiled. Lei Zhao mumbled and raised her jawline so she can investigate his eyes. "Okay, I'm not joking. I have to be marry you with the objective that I can ruin you. I got to see you smile like that day at the club, I realize you do not review me however since I saw you that day, I ensure myself to fulfill this woman. I got to protect you and defend you from the storm. Moreover, I would or maybe not see that irritation in your eyes. Permit me to fulfill you Alright?" Yan Mei's heart suddenly avoided a pound, no one at any point said that he will over-indulge her and defend her not to specify protect her from the deluge. She has been hurt and all she needs is to develop her control with the objective that she can major ranges of quality for be revenge be that as it may directly some person said he will defend her. In spite of the reality that she realized it was imposter, she had a inspiration to assent to this suggestion. She chuckled at herself when she caught on she was considering almost his suggestion. Men will allure you with words and by the day's conclusion, drop you into the pit of wretchedness. Yan Mei realized this the foremost troublesome way conceivable, no she won't confront this challenge once more. ** Lei Zhao took a gander at the youthful woman who was crying and his heart harmed. His principal reason for being in this relationship is to fulfill her in any case by and by he has failed. He felt like some person has dropped a major stone on his heart, he was incapable to unwind. He steadily walked towards Yan Mei and maneuvered her into his arms. "Meimei, If you don't mind acknowledge my statements of regret," he communicated gently as in spite of the fact that he was on edge almost the plausibility that that the basic sound of his voice will alert her. Seeing that the woman in his arms was hyperventilating from crying Lei Zhao got startled. He raised her head and caught her lips. he continuously kissed her as in spite of the fact that he required to etch her want for his soul. Yan Mei expanded her eyes when she caught on that Lei Zhao was kissing her. She lifted her hand and endeavored to drive him absent in any case Lei Zhao held her hand and created the kiss. Yan Mei who was contradicting out of no place turned out to be sensitive and stopped fighting. Lei Zhao was misplaced in excitement, basically a single bit of this woman causes him to let totally go. he taken after the kiss to her neck as he sucked to some degree. Yan Mei moaned inenchant, "mmhmm...." Lei Zhao groaned when he listened her. He scooped her into his arms and walked towards the room. ***** Yan Mei has reliably acknowledged that reverence may be a trap within the wake of getting harmed by the individual she cherished the foremost. From that point forward her heart has changed into ice. She trusts that as long as she doesn't drop head over heels she will not get harmed within the future. Lei Zhao is the Chief of Interstellar corps the most arrive organization in the nation. He misplaced his kin in a disaster and his way better half cleared out him that exceptionally day. From that point forward he became apathetic with respect to everything around him.

48 Chs

He is hers.

Yan Mei woke up and was invited by Lei Zhao's closed ones. She smiled at his napping confront. She is always enchanted by how unadulterated and sensitive he looks at whatever point he is resting. She missed napping on his chest whereas paying consideration to his beat.

This rest is likely the foremost consistent rest she has had in days. She doesn't got to be stressed approximately the plausibility that that he will take off her like each other individual or push over his condition. Fortunately, the pro said everything appeared great with him.

He is here following to her. Yan Mei's eyes smooth.

He is hers. She gave him a small kiss on the cheeks and got up relaxed and cautiously to not stir him.

After she wrapped up washing up, she chose to shock Lei Zhao. All things considered, it's been three days since he returned from the clinic she really hasn't had the opportunity to say much appreciated to him.

Lei Zhao stirred feeling the sunshine hitting his confront. He groaned as he turned over and sat up. He checked out the room and recognized Yan Mei wasn't anyplace close. He hadn't caught on how he has gotten to be usual to snoozing on a comparable bed with her. He was disappointed to not have stirred with her near by, giving her a conventional morning kiss.

He got up, washed up, and came to begin with floor. Yan Mei rotated when she listened strides behind her.

Lei Zhao came to locate and she about slobbered at seeing him. For what reason didn't she see that he was this alluring? She realized he was appealing be that as it may she genuinely didn't center on his looks.

In fact, indeed with his bed messed hair, he looked beguiling. He checked out at her with a bewildered enunciation.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I required to astound you with breakfast in bed to thank you, in any case you destroyed it." She made sense of.

'Was she getting to be flushed?' Lei Zhao thought with a self important grin.

Yan Mei made a sound as on the off chance that to talk and chomped her lips embarrassingly.

"Be that because it may, it sort of finished up being shocking."

Lei Zhao took a gander at her and he a bafflingly slant to crush her cheeks. She looked so charming.

He took a gander at the plate of mutilated eggs and the devoured toasted bread with a steaming container of tea and didn't know whether he have to be cry or snicker.

"Much obliged to you wifey." "Lei Zhao pecked her lips and plunked down on the white situate some time recently the kitchen counter. He got a fork, took a bit, and put it in his mouth. He bit steadily.

"How is it?" Lei Zhao signaled positively and raised his thumb at her as he endeavored to swallow the egg.

He couldn't say whether she poured all the salt or eggshells within the egg while blending. Typically the foremost troublesome nourishment he has at any point eaten. In any case, considering it is the most nourishment organized by his way better half and she did it to fulfill him he chose to swallow it and envision making her feel appalling is awesome not.

"Genuinely?" Yan Mei inquired unconvincedly as she raised her sanctuaries. She picked a fork and took a chunk and set it in her mouth. She expanded her eyes and spluttered out the egg.

She quickly put coffee to clean the loathsome taste from her mouth.

"How might you eat this!" Yan Mei shouted at him and expelled the plate from him.

"Since it's the most nourishment you've cook for me, and I realize you despise cooking in any case you did it for me. It doesn't truly matter to me how it tastes, for in any case long it was prepared by you."

Yan Mei let out a groan, "Stupid, so on the off chance that I get prepared poison will you drink it as well?"

Lei Zhao motioned. "Anything my wifey gives me, I will eat. Notwithstanding of what my wifey prompts me to do I will make it happen."

Yan Mei looked at him. An unforeseen surge of sentiments overwhelmed her. It made her depleted, cautious and defenseless.

This individual, how is he treating her. Reliably he stuns her, softening her chilled heart.

Lei Zhao looked at her, seeing the bewildered sentiments in her eyes, his heart evaded a heart. The final thing he expected he would have been was a life partner slave.

In any case, he has never felt so total in his life. He had a life partner and he was incapable to be more happy. His superior half was the foremost exquisite woman he had at any point seen. Everything almost her makes him crazy. The way in which she gets to be flushed, the way in which she snacked her lips or wraps her tongue up her cheeks when she is mulling over something the effortlessly neglected subtle elements she does makes him adore her more.

She was a enigma that was feeling the misfortune of a few of pieces, in any case he wouldn't worry being her unaccounted for parts. He required to have a future with this woman, he required to have children, a family with her. He looked as she scowled. For what reason did she looked reluctant? Favoring having a dialog with herself.

Yan Mei grabbed his confront, "How are you treating me Lei Zhao?"

Caution filled her chest, settling her it. She felt choked.

"What?" Lei Zhao asked.

"I ought to be in charge, I can't encounter energetic sentiments for once more."

His hands held her confront causing her to feel displayed and defenseless against his see.

"Why?" Yan Mei turned absent.

"Since veneration could be a trap!" Yan Mei hollered.

Lei Zhao opened his mouth and closed it once more.

They looked at one another, the two of them misplaced in their claim contemplations.

Lei Zhao killed his hands from her confront. "Is that why, you'd or maybe not permit me an opportunity? Since a few snap harmed you?"

Lei Zhao said tragically, scouring his temples.

"When are you progressing to see that I'm not him. I cherish you and I would favor to harmed myself at that point I harmed you!

Yan Mei jaw dropped, her beat rapidly as she looked at him. His confront was, bent with wretchedness and disappointment as he scowled at her and said, "stopped being a weakling and grasp what you're feeling."

His eyes unwind and in a troublesome murmur he inquired, "Let me know you are feeling something for me, to some degree it would be ideal if you."

Lei Zhao by and large thought people who inquire others to revere them were crazy or stupid. He never figured one day he will inquire some person to worship him as well. Carelessness was really delight.

'I do, moronic!' Yan Mei thought.

She pulled the neck area of his shirt and kissed him. She was falling significantly charmed with him and she couldn't stand that slant. She dreaded saying those three words. Instead of letting him know what she feels for him she would lean toward to appear it.