
The Interwoven Fates

Alqatil, a kind but poor young man, is stabbed to death while trying to defend a woman from her violent ex-boyfriend. However, instead of going to heaven or hell, he is reborn in an unknown world, where he will have to discover his purpose and destiny. In his new life, he will face dangers, mysteries and secrets that will test his will and character. Will Alqatil be able to take advantage of his second chance and find happiness? Or will he repeat the same mistakes that led to his death.

Leo_Rexar · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


Two weeks later

"System how is the organization going"

[Host for now the organization you made is showing its fruits in one way or another the wanderers went from normal people to full fledged adventurers the incentive initiative you put in place and the ranking list made the competitiveness rise to gigantic levels right now the first rank currently has 1 B mission done and from what I see teams have formed which are doing missions much faster right now many people are stopping sending missions to the guild and sending them to our organization so I see teams have formed which are doing missions much faster. I can see that teams have been formed which are doing missions much faster and right now many people are stopping sending missions to the guild and send them to our organization so we work very well the problem is that we are spreading so much that the police are becoming suspicious and this organization is illegal, because we don't pay taxes or anything so we will have to solve that problem].

"Ok, Lyra, send an order to Orion to have the lab moved to the forest in the central zone, take the first 20 ranks as escort, also get me Sirius to come".

In that a much more nourished and slender girl with white face and black hair, deep blue eyes and a fairly normal clothing counting with a lycra under clothing and wears a kind of shirt and modern pants, well Alqatil not only put them on missions but with the people who joined he found all kinds among them some tailors so he ordered them to make that kind of clothes also some blacksmiths to make more modern and more lethal weapons and lastly some cooks who sewed food with more spices and other things right now the organization has bought 20 houses in which they went from uninhabited to very nice houses where these people live some higher ranks rented some houses, but they are still working and finally Alqatil reached 70% of the body tempering so now their stats look like this

[Name: Alqatil Zolenos. Age: 8 years old

-Level: 4 Xp = 200/400


Hp = 150/400. ?? = 1


20 gold, 140 silver, 6306 copper

Intelligence: 40 Durability: 30

Vitality: 50 Resistance: 45

Strength: 30 Charm: 22

Luck: 20 Fate: 1000


Status (level 2){max 3}]

"System could you help me with a few things?"

[What you need Host]

"Set me a goal of getting me to infiltrate the state."


**Secondary mission 2:**




The host wants to infiltrate the state.


The host must get someone into or control someone in political positions.


The host's power will increase.


Your organization could fall

**Time: **

10 weeks.

"Well we begin."

Alqatil gets up and decides to go to a very special place, to the laboratory.

Arriving at a very normal house where you could live a very normal person is not so, because at the entrance are 2 ranks C guarded the lose in that seeing Alqatil move away and let him in, because when someone reaches rank C is revealed the true owner of the organization, upon entering observes that everything is very normal until you reach a metal door with a thickness of almost 10 cm hidden by a wooden wall by removing the wooden wall opens the door with a password safe and opening enters while closing the door and someone covers it with wood.

Upon entering, he begins to descend the stairs slowly, where you can observe many C-ranks guarding a stone door. As he enters, he is observed by a giant white room with tubes everywhere and funnel with rare liquids; a person is also seen moving boxes with materials.

"Nova, you seem to be pretty full of work, aren't you."

"Funny Alqatil what do you need".

"Could you do me a favor, do you know any alchemists, out there half crazy that would be interested in working with me."

"An alchemist, mmm, actually, if his name is Daniel, he's usually found in the pink district, in the hot pink whorehouse, maybe you'll find him there."

"Thanks I'll leave you to your work."

"By the way, one thing, on Monday we will start the alqavic treatment I hope it works."


At that, Alqatil leaves and doctor nova stands still and as he gets ready to continue transporting the boxes, he hears a scream from a little girl looking for her mom.

"Shit what a stress, I hope the next one the oratory has soundproof walls".

Alqatil goes to the organization, as the houses have been joined by subway doors and ducts and takes 2 C-ranks to accompany him.

After a journey of almost 60 minutes he arrives in a hot zone full of whores around the streets calling him and people taking others.

Businesses open and with lights in every place and people getting Blue cristal, a made up drug that combines some plants from this world where you see how the smoke thickens forming a pretty deep layer.

"Tsk gross, you go and ask where that hot rose is."

At that, the C rank goes to find one of the whores where they start talking and she points him to a place.

"Sir it is currently in three blocks, one on the left, one on the right and you go straight, it has a red sign with a rose on it."


As he starts walking he sees some filthy humans chasing a girl.

Seeing that, Alqatil frowns and starts following them, where after about 5 minutes they corner her and when they are about to rape her, she appears.

"Gentlemen, it seems to me that this lady does not require those services, would you be so kind as to leave."

"Looks like someone wants some cock too."

At that the man turns and shows his member, and Alqatil with absolute disgust snaps his fingers.

"Twist their arms and legs and take them to the cot tell Alex I want a 3 day torture and a total cleansing of both them and their family."

"Yes sir."

At that looks like the two bodyguards and the men get pissed and decide to grab some tubes over there and get ready for the fight, where it's going to be 3 vs. 2.

"Come on you damn girls ahhh"


The bodyguard waits for the guy to come up with the pipe, dodges it and with a pay to the knee bends it and takes it off again, as a pipe goes past him and elbows the second thug out of breath.

The other bodyguard goes for the last one, where he dodges the fist he was going to put in and with a single punch to the face knocks him out.

"Take them away."

"Yes sir."

They take them is their shoulders and another dragging him and take them away.

At that, the girl lying on the ground, naked, totally scared, starts to run to the dead end.

"Hey, hey easy" a smile appears.

Alqatil slowly approaches as the girl begins to perspire.

The silence and tension is palpable and footsteps echo throughout the alley. The girl's eyes begin to move to either side and, when Alqatil is a step away, she pounces.

And gives her a hug

"Calm down, breathe with me, no one will hurt you anymore, relax, I won't hurt you".

With that she starts breathing calmly and she starts crying on his shoulder screaming and venting her frustration by biting Alqatil's shoulder making it bleed, as the pressure of the human teeth is still gigantic, and after an endless time, but they enjoy it the little girl relaxes

"ya, vez there is nothing to be afraid of" Alqatil pats her head and takes off her jacket and puts it on.

"Tell me why they were chasing you?"

An angelic voice echoes throughout the alley.

"They, they, they killed my father for a debt and said they would collect it from me and my sister."

"Where is your sister?"

At that the girl starts crying again

"I don't know, they took her away huac."

"Ya, we'll get her back yes"


"Well do you have somewhere to stay"


Alqatil goes getting up and takes an apple out of his sleeves.

"Then you want to come with me to live"



"Well follow me" .

At that, these two characters walk away from the alley and while no one sees him, a smile spreads across Alqatil's face very happy and very content and they walk away while the darkness consumed this alley, as it gave beginning to the sub-first heroine found and with her in hand the plan would begin.

Arriving at the brothel he arrives with the receptionist.

"Miss, would you do me a favor and let me in."

The receptionist lifts her head and sees 2 children and looks strange, but who is she to judge, she can give them 5 cobres and let them in.

A very colorful place with people laughing and enjoying themselves, women dancing and men alike. There is beer in every lively bar place, but the more you look into the abyss, the more it stares back at you.

Look at the sadness people drowning in alcohol and hopelessness women dancing to earn money and try to get out of poverty people collecting debts and lots of violence towards men and women alike people peeling and lots of horrible smells like vomit semen sex and alcohol and lots of drugs.

"These places are always like this, girl, don't walk away."

The girl looking at every space, seeing how fun it is, but the more they walk, the uglier it gets.

"Hey, you know where Daniel is?"

Alqatil asks a fat man sitting with 2 women.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho a boy what fun, wouldn't you want some of these beauties".

He spanks one of the chichas while laughing, at that Alqatil gives him the copper 50 spraying all over the place.

"Where is it?"

"You're no fun, you know that, no, Daniel is on the 3rd floor, though I wouldn't recommend it for some kids."

"Thank you."

At that lo the 2 go to an elevator infested with bugs and semen. Alqatil frowns, grabs a person, pulls them into the elevator and forces them to press the 3rd floor.

Upon arrival everything is more organized, the light is even and there are 2 grown men covering a door.

When they see the child, they avoid him

"Kid you made a mistake or you have Vip".

Before they can react Alqatil blows the heads of the 2 bodyguards with a single blow and their beads are splattered all over the door.

Alqatil takes a rag from his shirt and wipes off the blood, opens the door and the terror begins for the girl.

Girls and boys everywhere covered in semen, girls dancing naked, people buying it and many more things including scat, acrotomophilia, cannibalism, zoophilia, clismaphilia among others, a lot of drugs that are scattered all over the floor and dead people all over the floor.

"This is very crude and disgusting."

The girl, totally disgusted and nauseated, hides behind Alqatil, as she remembers that she is still naked from the chest up and the only thing covering her is a jacket.

"Hey, those 2 kids don't want to enjoy this big cock because I want their asses and maybe I'll give them some candy."

A naked fat guy walks up to them, but before he can even touch the girl, his head flew off and Alqatil had an angry look on his face.

"How fucking gross, let's keep going."

They moved forward all over this disgusting place, stepping in feces and many things I didn't even know what they were, and they came to where there was a person in a naked robe, with a girl fucking.

"Tsk I hate pedophiles and I have to work with one I hate in my life, I hope he doesn't do anything to her."

"You're Daniel."

The skinny man turns to look at 2 children and despite being a pedophile, he is still an alchemist from afar. Alqatil looked high class with his clothes and the girl next to him, possibly a rescue of the child or something.

"If it's me, what do you need gentleman."

Daniel pushes the girl away and throws her on the floor, he pushes on some pants and buttons his robe.

"I require your services for a few weeks would you like to work with Nova."

Daniel falls silent, opens his mouth and starts laughing like a madman.

"Seriously you are working with that crazy guy, well I need some money so I'm not going to refuse, but first of all what do I need to do."

"Obviously, you know alchemy, but do you even know chemistry."

"What's that?"

Daniel gets excited, as something he is more passionate about than children is alchemy.

"It's one of the most beautiful forms of art with atoms, electrons, protons and many more things."

"Sounds interesting."

"Okay, then it's a deal. Meet me at the park north of town, I'll wait for you at 4pm, see you."

"See ya."

Alqatil decides to leave as he walks the whole way. He comes up with a pretty good plan and that is to become a God to many people, even though he is not. As he reaches the exit, he finds his two bodyguards.

"Let's go."

"Let's go."

Arriving at the organization's territory and more specifically their home, she takes off her tennis shoes before arriving and tells them to buy another one just like it for the girl and tells them to buy women's clothes and to ask the tailor for underwear for a girl and comfortable clothes like pajamas or shirts.

"Welcome, little girl, to your new home, but first of all I have to ask you two things."

The little girl nods.

"What is your name and what do you think of what you saw today?".

"My name is Sidra."

"And today was the ugliest thing I've ever seen that many people grilling, that was horrible, disgusting and it gives me a feeling of."

Alqatil opens his mouth and says.

"Anger, anger, hatred, because that's what they could do to you."

Sidra raises her head and looks at Alqatil and speaks.
