
The Insrutable

in a world with powers a young man has to face the challenge of being weak

ShadowSpace · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Danger 2

As Irema went to pick up the carcass of the mosquito, he wondered what use he could make with the the stinger.

"Maybe I can make it into a lance or spear, but then I'll have to learn how to use it, hmm i think about it later." Irema said as the only weapon he knew how to use were gun and a bow, since he used to be in the Boy scouts. "Ok well I cant eat a mosquito as it really has no bug meat on it so I'll feed it to the frogs, and ill try to get more stingers." Irema said while observing the spear like stinger.

"Back to hunt more mosquitos I suppose" Irema said to himself still trying to find a way the 'mosspear' would be useful to him. Irema then went on to hunt fourteen more mosquitos, out of the fourteen mosspears only three were useful. "Is it because the other eleven mosquitos I killed were male" Irema said wondering how much the mosquito truly changed." Maybe the female mosquito dont need to find a vein of its target and can just suck it out even faster." Irema wondered as he was eager to see if this was true or not.

He then went back to his cave and decided to give each of his frogs one mosquito carcass, seeing if they would enjoy it more than the eggs. Surprisingly cream was the first to eat the mosquito and it looked fairly happy with how it tasted, lime and HP followed suit with the same expression. "So you guys like insects more than you do the eggs hu, well I'll have to hunt some more later then, but this should cover you guys for three to four weeks. Cream I'm leaving the carcasses to you since you seem to have more control than the other two." Irema said this as lime and HP looked to be wanting more, while cream was more composed and somehow listened to Irema. As Irema was preparing to learn languages like he frequently did every other day, a rift appeared on his bed, irema not looking at the rift accidentally touched it, and got sucked in.

'Fuck its beautiful." Irema said as he saw a beautiful landscape of plains that stretched far and wide, with a couple of mountains here and their. "So what I remember the news talking about rifts, was that once inside the rift exit spawns somewhere else. So I dont need to raid this rift as long as I find the rift exit." Irema said with fear in his voice, as he wasn't sure he could survive inside the rift as he was a normal human. "Well my bed got transported as well, so I guess I'm somewhat lucky." Irema said as the bed he had made was somewhat different. The mattress he got for his bed was cheap since he got it from the city. Lifting up the mattress and throwing it on the ground, underneath the mattress was his bow and arrows along side with HP's poison that Irema had collected after the golden dart frogs fiasco and one of the female mosquitos stinger.

"Ok well I have to actually hunt some animals because I dont have my ration supply with me, so this is gonna be difficult." Irema said with grief, as he didn't even know if his body could eat the meat from the rifts, as they were the same as the mutated animals in the Amazon rainforest.

"Ok let's head west, towards the mountain to get a better view of my surroundings." He said as he started walking west. A couple of hours later, Irema saw a strange looking deer grazing on the grass. The deer instead of having its horns in front of its head, it had multiple horns protruding through the back side looking like a porcupine. Walking up to the deer slowly so he could get a good shoot with his bow, he made a sound by stepping on a twig. The deer looked up, not scared and continued to eat the grass while looking at Irema. "Does the deer not care if it die's oh well, I guess I'll see if I can actually eat its meat."

As Irema grabbed his bow and was about to pull the string back, when suddenly the deer's horns came out of the front of its head and fired multiple horns at him. Since it was the plains, no trees were close to each other. The deer started to run around the tree Irema was using as a shield and fired even more horns. "Fuck this this is pretty dangerous I'm sure I'll die today". Irema was dreading that the deer was his first target. "No I cant die this easily, how else am I supposed to get strong if I dont fight in a life and death battle." He said with conviction, as he started to run the opposite direction the deer was running. "Ok i've never shot a bow and arrow while moving but I guess its time to try" he said with conviction as he tried to have the right mindset to actually do it. "The deer then stumbled as it tried to run after Irema in the same direction, Irema then ran the opposite direction again but he was a little slower than the deer and got hit in his leg and a couple of horns scratched his face.

This was the first time Irema felt this much pain. Gritting his teeth he managed to keep running, although slow it was now easier to shoot the bow with his slow speed. Irema then fired an arrow but the arrow hit the horns, making the deer stumble for a second. "Fuck ok I can still do this, it's not over yet" he screamed in agony as the horn that passes through his leg was beginning to bleed quite a lot. Irema then fired to more arrows the first one pierced through the ears of the deer, which mad the deer cry out in pain. This is when the second arrow found its mark and pierced through its head.

The deer fell down like a sac of potatoes, this was Iremas first victory against a being stronger then him.