

"Agh!" Leo tried to punch Mika but her body shifted and changed before being able to be hit. She grabbed onto Leo's fist and pulled him in, delivering an upper cut to his chin. 

Leo's head tilted upwards as he hit Mika with another punch, this time concealing it below his waist to stop Mika from dodging it. As the punch connected, it eviscerated and shattered Mika's bones in her waist.

"Ya!" Mika raised her leg and kicked Leo away from her, causing Leo to lose her balance and fling backwards and landing on his back on the ground. Mika licked the blood off her hands and her waist started cracking back into place, regenerating.

Leo transformed into his hybrid form and ran towards Mika. Mika got down on all fours and started charging at Leo, the two of them clashing.