
The Inheritor of Magic (HP x JJK)

Kolill · อื่นๆ
10 Chs

Fighting Lessons

They were permitted to use everything they had to fight. This was because the Hogwarts' nurse, Madam Pomfrey, was one of the most talented healers, her Innate Technique allowed her to cure almost every wound and it was rumoured she could attach lost limbs.

They both stood in front of each other.

"Ready…" Professor Flitwick said as he acted as the combat referee.

Draco's hands turned golden, and Oberon's hands and forearms started shining.

"…Go!" Shouted the professor.

"Gilded Barrage!" Draco shouted as Golden Coins started shooting.

The Malfoy family's Innate Technique, Opulent Fortune's Wrath, lets them buff their Magic Energy reserves with their riches. The richer they were, the more their Magic Energy reserves grew.

Oberon wasn't ignorant of this. Him finding the Malfoy diary was true, and he studied it to the utmost detail. He knew how the Innate Technique worked and what it did.

This technique, Gilded Barrage, confused your enemy and made them unable to distinguish the real and the false projectiles.

This,clearly, was ineffective to Oberon, who could see beyond the rest.

He avoided with delicacy the real coins and let the false hit him, which turned into golden dust.

Seeing Draco doubt why his attack was flawlessly seen through, Oberon prepared to attack.

The light in his arms solidified and turned into a pair of armguards.

He made a gesture as if he was going to catch hair, but a light sword manifested instead.

He jumped forward and appeared in front of Draco.

Draco didn't stand idly and tried to avoid the sword that came for his arm. He also tried to grab Oberon's arm in the process.

This was to activate one of his Innate Technique effects, Gold Digger. With it, he could block some of his enemy's Magic Energy. The more he touched his enemy, the more gold his enemy would turn and the more Magic Energy they would have blocked.

But no matter how much he grabbed Oberon's arm; it didn't turn golden.

"What? Surprised it didn't work." Oberon said. "For it to work, you need to have around the same amount of Magic Energy as your opponent; and sorry, but you are nowhere near."

Oberon threw the shining sword to block Draco's way of escaping.

"Colloshoo." Oberon used the Stickfast Hex to make Draco's shoes stick to the ground.

He summoned another sword and cut off both of his arms.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!" Draco screamed as blood flowed from his arms.

Draco fell to the floor.

"Vulnera Sanentur." Professor Flitwick said with a wave of his wand.

The blood stopped flowing as the blood stopped flowing.

Madam Pomfrey came to Draco and asked her assistants to hold Draco's arms near the wounds.

"Divine Mend!" Madame Pomfrey said as a green glow started coming out of her hands.

After some time of her using her Innate Technique and her assistants using the Vulnera Sanentur again and again, Draco finally got his arms back.

Draco looked at Oberon.

"My fa-" He was interrupted.

"-ther will know about this," Oberon said imitating Draco's voice. "Let him know, I already told you I want to meet with him."

Due to the blood loss and Oberon's mockery, Draco lost consciousness and was taken to the infirmary.

"Mr. Grindelwald, I must say it was a great battle. Maybe a little bloody and aggressive to be your first, but very elegant and effective." Professor Flitwick said. "Your decisiveness when attacking is rare to see in even the Third years. For this, I will give ten points to Ravenclaw."

Oberon left the ring and sat on the floor.

Hermione looked at Oberon with a little fear.

"If you think I have been too cruel, you have not yet seen the horrors of this world. Look around you and tell me how many are afraid or repulsed." Oberon said to her.

She looked around her and found that only the Muggle-born wizards had an afraid expression on their faces.

"I have seen horrors that would leave you incapable of opening your eyes for days," Oberon said. "And not only me but almost every one of us. We must face those said horrors, even if we are only eleven years old, for your family and the rest of muggles to live unknowing of this reality."

Hearing him Hermione was left with a bitter expression. She could understand him, but they were still too young!

A week ago, she was reading books in her grandpa's library and knew she must fight and maybe kill people. Even if they were far more mature due to their Magic Energy accelerating their mental and physical growth, it was too much.

Oberon saw her.

"I understand your point of view. But for most of us, this is completely normal. I am sure a lot of our classmates have already killed a Cursed Spirits with their family."

Hermione still decided to process all that information and sat beside Oberon.

They watched the next fight, which was between Ron Weasley and their friend, Gabriel Ollivander.

The Weasley family's Innate Technique, Echo Mirage, let them create physical clones that were able to cast false magic. The clones were able to physically interact with things, but they were unable to cast real magic.

The Ollivander family Innate Technique, Conduit of the Artisan, lets them freely control multiple ownerless wands to cast silent spells. The downside is that the number of wands they can control is limited by their Magic Energy and that the spells cast take a toll on the mental energy of the user.

Ron created three clones of himself that head to attack Gabriel. It was a loss of talent that due to the Weasley's poverty; he wasn't able to buy wands for his clones.

Gabriel moved his hands elegantly and ten wands came out of different pockets in his fighting suit.

Gabriel evaded the clones' attack with expertise and controlled the wands to cast different spells.

Tens of spells were cast in a few minutes.

Seeing his fighting capability and estimating the Magic Energy consumed, Oberon estimated Ollivander to be a semi-Grade 1 Wizard.

Malfoy was a Grade 2 Wizard and Ron was between a semi-Grade 1 Wizard and a Grade 2 Wizard.

After some time, the three clones were disabled, and Ron was unconscious on the floor with some burns on his back.

"HERMIONE GRANGER VS HARRY POTTER!" Professor Flitwick stated.

Harry Potter, is an orphan who lives with her Aunt Petunia, his Uncle Vernon and his stupid cousin, Dudley.

The Dursleys were the worst. They told him his parents were drug addicts who died in a car accident by being drunk.

Just a few months ago he discovered that that was a lie. His parents died protecting him from one of the evilest wizards, and he was the hero who managed to kill him.

He was admitted to Hogwarts due to having awakened Magic Energy, but he was unable to awaken his Innate Technique. Hagrid told him that he must have one, because if not he wouldn't have Magic Energy.

He was told by Hagrid, that most giants used their Magic Energy to strengthen their bodies and fight, so Harry trained all the summer till the beginning of school to do that.

He was able to achieve it to a small degree, only being able to strengthen his defence and attack power a little bit. But something was always better than nothing, so he didn't give up.

Thanks to his big reserves of Magic Energy, or so Hagrid had told him, he was able to maintain the reinforcement for a long time.

Now she needed to fight with a girl from Ravenclaw, Hermione Granger. She looked smart, but not strong.

He didn't fear losing, he feared hurting her.

"Ready…" Professor Flitwick started to say.

Harry started circulating his Magic Energy throughout his body, while Hermione got into a battle stance.


They both launched at each other.

Harry tried to punch Hermione in the face, but she evaded it and hit him in the back, making him fall.

He got up and tried to kick her legs, but she jumped on time and the kick landed on the floor. The floor cracked and dust rose into the air.

'If that hit me, I will be lucky if I just get one or two broken bones.'

In the eyes of Hermione, the silhouette of a book appeared, after looking at Harry for some time, the book opened.

"So that's your trick. It's simpler than it seems." Hermione said.

She started circulating her Magic Energy in a way similar to Harry's and started feeling her strength increase.

Hermione launched to attack Harry. He tried to evade her, but her attack was a feint.

Her punch crushed into Harry's face. His glasses broke, his nose started bleeding and he lost four teeth. He fell to the floor unable to see his surroundings.

He tried to get up, but a kick was delivered to his ribs and two of them broke.

He left himself rolling on the ring until the nurses' unit came and started healing him.

This class let Ravenclaw win a total of 20 points, ten from Oberon and 5, each from Gabriel and Hermione.

This was their last class of the day. Normally they would have one more, but due to the nature of this class in which a lot of students needed to pass the night in the infirmary; the days they had Tactic Arts the classes ended early.

Oberon said goodbye to Hermione and Cho Chang after dinner and went with Ollivander to their room.

The shining sword Oberon used before was the product of his new Innate Technique from the Pendragon Family, Avalon's Blessing.

It let him create holy swords with his Magic Energy. They were the perfect weapon to kill Cursed Spirits as the swords opposed their very nature.

It was thanks to this Innate Technique, that King Arthur was able to establish his kingdom after eradicating these lands of Cursed Spirits.

Oberon thought about who would win in a fight, King Arthur or Sukuna. After all, they lived in the same era.

The next day, Oberon had breakfast with his friends and gave the absence request to Professor Flitwick. He then summoned Frolic, who took him to Gringotts.

Ulbert was there waiting for him.

"Come on. I don't like wasting my time." Ulbert said as he and Oberon used the Floo Network to get to the British Ministry of Magic.

They appeared in the crowded Ministry and headed to the lift. After they reached Level 9, they took the stairs and entered the designated Courtroom.

The Courtroom was full of the whole Wizengamot, and Albus Dumbledore was presiding over it as the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. Minister Fudge was sitting beside Dumbledore, something strange as the Minister for Magic wasn't usually present in a Wizengamot court.

Oberon was seated in the center of the courtroom and Ulbert stood beside him.

"Heirship acknowledgement of Oberon Grindelwald of the 2nd of September of 1991. I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot will preside over this hearing." Dumbledore said.

"We are here today to decide whether we should acknowledge Oberon Grindelwald's heirship of the Pendragon and Le Fay families and his identity as the head of them. Can goblin Ulbert, from the Gringotts bank, show us the heirship certificate?"

Ulbert took out one document and started duplicating it. The copies were given to each member of the Wizengamot.

"We can see that he is the heir of these families." Minister Fudge said. "But can you really prove that you should be the heir?"

"What do you want me to do to prove myself as the rightful heir?"

One member of the Wizengamot spoke.

"It's said that King Arthur Pendragon was able to summon holy swords using his Innate Technique. But as far as we know you possess the same Innate Technique as your father, the terrorist Gellert Grindelwald."

"Can you show us that you have this Innate Technique?" Dumbledore asked.

Oberon stood up and made a holy shining sword, which he held in his hand.

Gasps sounded in the courtroom.

"How can he have two Innate Techniques?...Impossible…How can it be?!..."

"He can be using another silent spell to deceive us." Minister Fudge said. "Can you make a vow to ensure that what you just used is actually the Pendragon family Innate Technique?"

Before Oberon could answer, he was interrupted by Dumbledore.

"I must let you know that an ancient spell has been cast in these courtrooms. If you make a vow about something and you lie. You will be severely punished by the spell. Are you sure about your next words?"

"I, Oberon Grindelwald Solomon Pendragon Le Fay, swear that what I just used to create this holy sword was the Innate Technique from the Pendragon family, Avalon's Blessing."

Magic shackles started circling Oberon, it looked like they were about to lock him. But they broke and dispersed in the air.

Murmurs began to sound in the room.

"It has been proved that Oberon Grindelwald, and now, Pendragon has inherited the Innate technique from the Pendragon family and should be recognized as its rightful Family Head. Any objection?" Dumbledore said.

Minister Fudge looked like he was about to explode but couldn't say anything. This court was already within the limits of the law.

Dumbledore used a small hammer to hit his table.

"Approve. Goblin Ulbert will now receive the documents in which Oberon Grindelwald Pendragon is recognized as the heir and Family Head of the house of Pendragon."

"What about the Le Fay family?" Asked a member of the Wizengamot.

"Do you possess the Innate Technique of the Le Fay family?" Minister Fudge asked as he knew it would be impossible. He already has two Innate Techniques; it was impossible to have more than that.

"No, I do not possess the Le Fay Innate Technique."

"And how will you prove you are the heir?" Another member of the Wizengamot spoke.

"I must not prove anything. Following the Wizarding Laws of Britain, I am the rightful and only heir of this family. I have already proven my right with the Pendragon family, something that wasn't necessary. I won't prove myself again." Oberon stated.

"Control your words! You are speaking to the Minister for Magic!" A small pink cockroach-toad spoke.

"Well, I am in no hurry to be recognized as the Head of the Le Fay family," Oberon said ignoring Dolores Umbridge's words. "I want to talk with you, the Wizengamot, about something."

"And what it is?" Dumbledore asked.

"I am the rightful owner of the Ministry of Magic."


"How do you dare?!"

People got agitated and started shouting.

Dumbledore used his hammer to silence the people, but he was ignored.

An immeasurable pressure descended over all the people present. It was Dumbledore's Magic Energy.

"Can you explain yourself, please?"

"I have in my hands the deed of the lands in which the Ministry was built."

Oberon took out a parchment and sent a copy to Dumbledore, the Minister and the rest of the Wizengamot.

"We must verify its authenticity. But what do you want to achieve with this?" Dumbledore asked.

"The Ministry is not going to be given to anyone!" Minister Fudge exclaimed.

 "I am comprehensible enough to not ask the Ministry to be left. I just want to receive a compensation for my property, like a rent." Oberon stated.

Hearing him a lot of members of the Wizengamot got angry, but there was nothing they could do. The laws dictated that it was rightfully his. He could even ask them to leave and ask a compensation.

"How much are we talking about?" Another member, Amelia Bones, asked.

"How about 1000 galleons?"

"1000 galleons a year?" Fudge asked surprised.

"No, 1000 galleons each month."

"You must be joking. It's too much." Fudge said.

"Minister Fudge, your official salary is 8000 galleons a year. I don't think I am asking for much." Oberon replied. "Also, it is not a request. It's a statement. If you don't accept it before Christmas, you can start leaving."

Oberon bid farewell to the Wizengamot and left the courtroom along with Ulbert.

"You are greedier than a goblin. Asking a rent from the Ministry, I have never heard of something similar." Ulbert commented.

"I still think it's a small number," Oberon said. "When will the heir ring and head ring be ready?"

"In two weeks. We need to show the Wizengamot recognition to acquire them."

Oberon said goodbye to Ulbert and asked Frolic to take him to Hogwarts.

He arrived on time for the second lecture of the day, Cursed Spirits, which they shared with Gryffindor. In this class, they learned about their origin and general knowledge about them.

It was imparted by a teacher that didn't exist in the original novel, Samantha Owens.

"Do you know how Cursed Spirits are birthed?" Samantha asked.

Rapidly Hermione raised her hand.

"Yes, Mrs. Granger?"

"Cursed spirits are birthed by the negative emotions. The accumulated negative emotions result in an agglomeration of Cursed Energy known as Cursed Spirit."

"Correct Mrs. Granger, five points for Ravenclaw." Samantha said.

"And how do we categorize Cursed Spirits?" Professor Owens asked again.

Dots raised her hand.

"Yes, Mrs. Longbottom?"

"We categorize them the same as wizards. From Grade 4 to Special Grade, being the last the most powerful." Dots explained.

"That's also correct Mrs. Longbottom. Five points for Gryffindor."

Professor Owens looked at her class.

"The highest rank a wizard can achieve is Special Grade, which is also the highest rank of a Cursed Spirit. In Britain, we only have one official Special Grade Wizard, our Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. You-know-who was rumoured to also be a Special Grade Wizard." Samantha Owens explained.

"It may seem strange. Just two Special Grade Wizards in the last decades? Well, in reality, it is surprising. Most countries just have one every hundred years or so. In contrast, we have a very considerable amount of semi-Special Grade Wizards and Witches, like Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Snape or Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom's grandmother, Augusta Longbottom. Can someone tell me why it is like this?"

Oberon and Hermione raised their hand.

"Yes, Mr. Grindelwald?"

"To become a Special Grade Wizard, you must complete a series of requirements, such as having a certain amount of Magic Energy, Fighting Ability, and being able to exorcise at least five Special Graden Cursed Spirits on your own."

"Correct. Another five points for Ravenclaw." Samantha said. "Anyone of you know about other Special Grade Wizards or Witches outside of Britain?"

"Nicholas Flamel, the creator of the philosopher's stone, and Gellert Grindelwald, my father," Oberon said.

"Yes, both of them Special Grade Wizards who were very active at the beginning of the 20th century. Geller Grindelwald was a renowned terrorist who tried to burn down France in 1927. But he ultimately lost to Dumbledore in a duel, resulting in his self-imprisonment in Nurmengard, Austria." Professor Owens looked to Oberon to see if he was offended but saw that he was inexpressive.

"Meanwhile, Nicolas Flamel is a famous alchemist known for his creation, the Philosopher's Stone, said to be able to grant eternal life to its owner. Nicolas Flamel is already 665 years old. He also contributed to stop Grindelwald's attack on France."

The reason why Oberon didn't say anything is because he knew the truth. His father didn't try to burn down France for no reason; he was a Dark Lord, but he wasn't stupid.

In France a group of Grade 1 and semi-Special Grade Curses were planning to attack a plaza full of muggles, being led by a Special Grade Cursed Spirit. His father tried to stop them, but his Spell got out of hand after Flamel and New Scamander came to stop him.

"The founders of Hogwarts were also all of Special Grade." Samantha continued. "But this is all for wizards and witches, that this is not History of Magic."

Samantha Owens opened a chest and took a small cage from it. Inside it, there was an insect-like monster.

"This here is a Fly Head, a Cursed Spirit weaker than a Grade 4, so they won't pose a danger to any of you."

She told the students to make groups and distributed a cage to each group.

Oberon was with Hermione, Gabriel, and Dots.

"I want you to take the Fly Head and tie it to your desks. When you do it call me to check it."

Oberon opened the cage and grabbed the Fly Head by the 'neck'.

"Petrificus totalus." The Fly Head was frozen and fell to the desk.

Using some transfiguration silent spell, Oberon made some chains from the desk and bound the Cursed Spirit.

"Well done Mr. Grindelwald. Five points to Ravenclaw." Professor Owens said. "Now you need to dissect it. If no one of you can do it, you can wait for me to explain it."

Oberon thought about using Avalon's Blessing to make a small scalpel, it was a small sword after all, but he decided not to because the holy property could instantly exorcise the Fly Head.

So, he took one of the scalpels from the professor's desk and started dissecting it.

Blood splattered and hit Oberon's face, but he didn't care about it. Inside were the organs you would expect from an insect, but in bigger size.

Hermione was having a difficult time not vomiting, but Gabriel and Dots were fine. This was not the first Cursed Spirit they had seen bleed.

"For the ones who have already dissected it, can you tell me what you see?" Samantha asked.

Harry raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Potter?"

"We can see the same organs as we would see on another insect."

"Correct, five points for Gryffindor." Samantha said.

"That's right. Cursed Spirits bleed, as you have seen, and have organs like any other living being. What differentiates them from us, is that they won't die no matter what as long as we don't use Magic Energy in the process. This Fly Heads that you have dissected won't die if you don't use Magic energy on the scalpel."

"Diffindo." Professor Owens raised her wand and multiple Severing Charms landed on the Fly Heads on each desk, making them turn to dust.

"The moment Magic Energy damages them, they receive true damage to their soul. This happens because Cursed Spirits are fully made of Cursed Energy, characteristic of them. And when we kill them using Magic Energy, their whole being disappears, turning into dust." She finished explaining.

The bell rang and the class ended. The students from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor left the class very happy. It was a fun class and they both earned points easily.

"Don't forget to read the contents of the next lecture!" Professor Owens remembered them.

As they had the break before lunch, Oberon decided to go to Professor Flitwick to ask him something.

Oberon reached the Tactical Spells and Formations department and knocked on the door.

"Professor Flitwick, it's Oberon Grindelwald. I would like to ask you about something."

"Oh, Mr. Grindelwald please come in."

Oberon entered and found Professor Flitwick seated in his office reading a book.

"What do you need Mr. Grindelwald?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"I wanted to ask you a question related to Innate Techniques, more specifically Domain Expansions."

Filius Flitwick was shocked. Domain Expansions were a very difficult subject that only a small number of talented wizards were able to cast. Domains were only mentioned at the end the Sixth Year.

"I don't know if I will be able to help you, but I will do what I can."

"Thanks, Professor." Oberon replied. "I have been investigating Domains and Domain Expansions for a while now, and I also asked my father about them, who told me I would find out about it in Hogwarts, but I am unable to achieve it."

"Don't get frustrated. It's completely normal that you are unable to cast it. They are a very difficult subject. Are you already able to externalize your Magic Energy?"

"Yes, I have been able to do it since I was 4." Oberon replied.

'This kid! He has already done one of the most difficult things when he was a child and said it as if it's nothing.' Professor Flitwick thought.

"Well, then you have already mastered one of the most difficult things. And how much do you know about barriers?"

"I have somewhat of an insight into them."

"Well, then I am sorry to say this, but won't be able to cast your Domain Expansion in the near future." Professor Flitwick stated.

"Why is that?" Oberon asked.

"You are not the first. A lot of wizards, usually the most talented ones, came to a stop when trying to achieve their Domain Expansions. You will need an epiphany to be able to achieve it." Professor Flitwick explained.

"I understand, thanks for your time. Ah! I nearly forget it." Oberon said as he handed Professor Flitwick the proof of absence from the Ministry.