
The Infinite Plunder System

Taking a little break, I'm busy and I want to work on an original novel and see how it turns out. The story of Shu Uchiha, a man reborn during the first year of Konoha with a system that allows him to take the power of anyone he defeats. There will be some R-18 in the future I am using this as my timeline for events https://keepyourpantsongohan.tumblr.com/post/170439568877/timeline-of-naruto-universe Also please check out https://www.webnovel.com/book/endless-path-infinite-cosmos_11766562205519505 written by Einlon. He has given me lots of advise for this book and has helped me realize many of my mistakes. Discord: https://discord.gg/bUEZnYWs If you wish to support me please do so @ https://www.patreon.com/ClutchShadow

Clutch_Shadow · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs


It's been a month and a half since we captured the three tails. We captured the 6 tails and 2 tails but have been searching for the 8 tails for nearly 3 weeks. It's been evading our senses somehow. We've searched the entire north coast of the Land of Lightning and have just finished up searching the east coast as well. Now we are heading to the south coast where we originally entered the land of lightning to look for it since we have noticed traces of its chakra in this direction.

"I wonder why the 8 tails is heading this way? You would think that he would try to fight instead of flee." I said to Hashirama.

"Yeah, I wonder if they have some way to communicate since he is clearly running."

"That's possible, however why here?" I responded. 'Could he be trying to head to turtle island and hide his chakra there? I remember seeing that the tailed beasts could shrink their forms so is he planning on shrinking and slipping into the falls of truth there that blocks chakra perception?'

'That might be his goal.' Ayame replied.

'Don't forget that turtle island is closer to the 4 and 5 tails than where you picked up his traces at the north east coast.' Juna chimed in.

'Wait, do you think he contacted the other tailed beasts and is planning on hiding out until they get here. No wonder we were able to pick up traces of his chakra, normally you would think he would try and erase his trail. Now that we've been running around for a month the other tailed beasts might be here by now, or they are very close at the least.' I said.

'Yeah' They both replied

"Lord Hashirama"

"What is it, Shu?"

"If the 8 tails was fleeing wouldn't he try to hide his chakra?"

"That would make sense."

"Then doesn't it mean that the 8 tails is leading us somewhere."

"Hmmm" Hashirama started thinking to himself while slowing down his pae until he was just standing there in the ocean. Contemplating whether or not this was a trap as the waves rolled past him. "Let's go to shore and rest up, we will continue tomorrow but at a slower pace. If it is true that they can communicate then we could end up facing more than 1 tailed beast. I'm confident in being able to fight the 8 tails however fighting him while facing 2 more will prove difficult."

"Alright" I said before we both started making our way to shore.

We continued traveling along the shore for another week before we noticed something coming towards the shore from the ocean

"I thought we already captured the three tails." I said in a mocking laugh.

"It seems that the tailed beasts aren't the only large creatures around" Hashirama responded while looking at the giant turtle making its way to shore.

We watched as 3 figures jumped off the turtle's head before it returned to the ocean.

"Huh, looks like they can shrink." I said while looking at the three tailed beasts slowly returning to their original size as they made their way to the shore.

"Damn humans, what right do you have to seal our brethren." An angry voice from the white 5 tailed creature sounded.

"I am only doing what must be done for the sake of balance." Hashirama replied.

"Enough chat lets just kill these dumb humans." said a 4 tailed ape.

"Says the 4 tailed monkey." I replied with a sneer knowing it would piss him off.

"Don't call me 4 tails. I am the great Son Goku." He said angrily. "You are just a dumb little Human."

"Quiet down, I didn't ask you two to come here to bicker with humans, I asked you to come here to help me kill them." Said 8 tails.

"Lord Hashirama, can I deal with the Monkey while you deal with the overrated Unicorn and Cow-Squid?"

"Fine, I know you can handle it but don't get yourself hurt." He said while shaking his head. "But what's a Unicorn?" He mused to himself

"Wahoo" I cheered before we both ran towards the creatures. "You're Mine" I said while singling out the 4 tails.

"Underestimating me dumb brat." He roared angrily before swiping his fist at me.


'Got it'

"Eat this" I said while throwing a punch at his fist as a colorful cloak of chakra surrounded me.

"What is that" He said before our fists made contact.

"Tch, a shame that I'm not stronger but at least it is a tie." I clicked my tongue as neither of our punches gained the upper hand. "Frost Style: Super Frozone" a huge wave of freezing mist perforates our surroundings as the seas below us start freezing solid.

"What's this cold?" The Monkey king complained as his fur was wet with dew as the frost could only melt in his presence.

"It's your doom" I replied as I lifted my hand up in the air....."Frost Style: Arctic Dragon" I say as a huge white serpentine dragon forms in the air above me and launches towards the Monkey king.

"Tough little brat" he says while opening his mouth and charges up a tailed beast bomb to launch at it.

"Heh" He hears me issue a soft laugh. "frost style: frost spike" I whisper as I use the super Frozone to condense an icy spike between the tailed beast bomb and the Monkey Kings mouth before shooting it down its throat.

"ARGGGGHHHH" It screams from the pain as the tailed beast bomb collapses.

"Gotcha" I said as the Dragon struck down on the 4 tails wreaking havoc on its body.

"Damn….Cough…. Human" It coughed out as it drifted into unconsciousness.

"That's why you don't underestimate humans" I said as I could tell that it heard me before falling unconscious. "Well that's that, I wonder if Hashirama is done?" I say as I walk over and retrieve part of the beast for Juna.

"BASTARD" I hear that same annoying voice as a boiling steam comes rushing at the Frozone.

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" A huge explosion happens as the near absolute zero mist encounters the boiling mist.

"Hashirama-Oji why are you letting your battlefield drift over here" I say while looking at the dumbfounded Hashirama who is questioning the meaning of life as I had just wrecked the 4 tails. "The answer is 42 by the way" I said while laughing at the look he was giving me.

"Haaaaa we really need to teach that kid common sense" He muses to himself. "Anyway Wood Style: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees" He said while a huge forest erupted in our surroundings.

"What's this pollen, it's making me dizzy" Said the 5 tails.

"Don't breathe it in." Screamed the 8 tails as he began to feel weak.

"Hmm I guess I'm immune to this jutsu" I said while seeing the pollen nearing me turn to ice.

"Shu, Go ahead and take their chakra" Hashirama says while restraining the two struggling tailed beasts who were fighting to remain conscious.

"Thanks" I said before cutting off portions of their tails.

"ARGGGGHHHH" They both screamed

"Well that's that" Hashirama said as he threw the corresponding kunai around the two as they were sucked into the sealing jars. "Let's return now" He said while looking at me

"Ok" I responded before we both set off towards Konoha.