
The Infinite Plunder System

Taking a little break, I'm busy and I want to work on an original novel and see how it turns out. The story of Shu Uchiha, a man reborn during the first year of Konoha with a system that allows him to take the power of anyone he defeats. There will be some R-18 in the future I am using this as my timeline for events https://keepyourpantsongohan.tumblr.com/post/170439568877/timeline-of-naruto-universe Also please check out https://www.webnovel.com/book/endless-path-infinite-cosmos_11766562205519505 written by Einlon. He has given me lots of advise for this book and has helped me realize many of my mistakes. Discord: https://discord.gg/bUEZnYWs If you wish to support me please do so @ https://www.patreon.com/ClutchShadow

Clutch_Shadow · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

Chat and New Changes to my Energy

"So basically you came to this world in order to gain some knowledge from me as I'm going to gain a lot of it in the future, as well as to condense your own powers and know what kind of situation you will be in when you cross world"

"That's the gist of it." I respond after we finish a small talk. "I can help you around the town , as long as I don't have to produce something with my own chackra and I manipulate it from an already existing item then you won't have to worry about anything just disappearing as soon as it runs out of chakra."

"Thanks, that will be really helpful in the future."

"No problem."

"Ohh, I've been meaning to ask but what is up with the closed eye on your forehead? If I'm correct then that should mean you are similar to kaguya from the Naruto world and you should have control of the Ten tails."

'This man is really smart' I say to myself questioning how he was able to come to a conclusion so easily. "Yeah, I have something similar."

"Then why not plant it in this world." He says.

"Wouldn't that erode the natural energy?"

"It's not like anyone uses it…. Besides, it will likely give you a huge power boost, you could also share some chakra with a few people here before you leave and maybe it can mix with the magic and become something greater.

"Well, that is true. I also can sense that the world's natural energy seems to be slowly rising. If what I remember is true then that means that this world is a gateway between a world with magic and a world without. That means that this world is being supported by 2 universes worth of natural energy, I guess that there would be no problem as long as I restrict the amount of energy absorbed and don't take too much. When I have time later I'll see if I can do it." I say after thinking to myself. 'So much for being a hidden trump card.'

"How long do you think you'll stay?"

"Probably 10 years."

"That's a while, how long does my journey last? You should know the future of this world."

"You make some compromises and end up finishing everything within 5 years and we had gotten a sneak peak at 5 years after that from the book. However this time you won't have to make compromises, so it might take a little longer."

"Ok, that's good to know. I guess I'll have to start speeding up my plans a bit to adjust for your arrival."

"Yeah, speaking of arrivals, you should probably get some housing and accommodations ready for the witches coming here. I can make some on the other side of your property if you want?"

"That would be helpful, I wasn't expecting any of them to come after what happened to nightingale when she tried to bring them." He said while standing up and heading towards the door.

"Yeah, only a few of them were supposed to live through that and come here but I kinda changed history by saving them." I said while following him out the door.

"I never asked, but what elements or jutsus are you able to use?" He asked as we walked out of the building and headed toward the back side of the mansion

"I have an ability that allows me to perfectly manipulate energy, that includes chakra and magic, with it I am able to use any jutsu or kekkei genkai as long as I have the elements needed for the jutsu."

"That's kinda overpowered, you're like a jack of all trades however you have mastery over everything instead of being mediocre."

"I guess you could say it like that." I said while chuckling. "Before I came here I spent 2 months trying to expand my abilities. I was able to Learn every kekkei genkai that didn't involve lightning style since I only got it when I came here."

"That means that you can use wood style, right?"


"That will really help with future construction."

"Yeah, once I properly combine my chakra with magic I should be able to make things that don't rely on my energy to exist now. After all, once something is created through magic in this world it stays that way and I should be able to mix that with chakra to allow the same thing."

"That would be extremely helpful for building small residences." He said as we arrived in a clearing behind the mansion. "This should be a good place, could you make it like a hotel with your woodstyle? It would probably be the best layout if there was a lobby in the center where there is room for a food court and lounging while the rooms are off to the side down hallways. It would be nice if you could leave room in the walls for future electricity, heating, and plumbing."

"Yeah" I said before weaving hand signs. "Earth style: Foundation" I say while using a new technique that I developed. The ground in front of us condensed and made a solid flat extremely hard surface. "That was to make sure that it can hold the weight without sinking."

"So you used earth style to replace concrete?"

"Pretty much" I replied. "Wood Style: Four Pillar House Technique." I say as a wooden building gets created in front of us. "Probably should've warned your guards before I did this" I said to him as I looked over and saw two soldiers staring at the house with a look on their face as if they were questioning the meaning of life. "It's 42 by the way." I yelled in their direction.

"Oh well, the damage has been done. It's not like this is the only time you are going to be doing this so they'll get used to it."

"True, they should be here soon so let's go in and I'll make some furniture for the place."

"Ok" He replied before turning to the two guards. "When the witches get here, send them over."

"Y-Yes, Your Highness." They stuttered out.

We then went inside and we went around to the rooms and I made wooden bunks, desks, and chairs before we returned to the lobby and sat at one of the tables I made. "So Roland, I think you know that this journey will be different then the one you were previously undergoing."

"Yeah, It Is reassuring that I won't have to worry about taking things slow. If you are able to use jutsu so casually and be able to cross into this world then you should have a good amount of strength."

"Yeah, I'm currently weakened by a lot. Crossing worlds does a lot of damage to the insides."

"How weak?"

"I've been weakened to low-mid Jonin level which is about 20% of my stats"

"That's still a lot compared to the people of this world, Even Carter would have trouble going against upper genin lower chunin from what I've seen."

"That's about right. According to what I use, normal adults have an average stat of 10 all around. It isn't wrong to assume Carter is about 3x the average stats as he trained to be a knight. If I'm correct then the God's Punishment army of the Church should be around upper jonin in terms of strength however I can probably tak on a few hundred of them given the fact that they are emotionless and have no knowledge, along with the fact that they are basically just zombies."

"What are those?" He asks.

"The God's Punishment army is a group of warriors from the church that have been converted into superhuman, emotionless warriors through witches' blood. The ceremony normally involves a witch around the age of 18 who is sacrificed to use her blood as a catalyst with god's punishment stones in order to make 2 god's punishment warriors. The success rate isn't 100% and a witch dies for every soldier made." I explained in a somber voice.

"That's horrible, we've got to defeat the church as soon as possible."

"Indeed we do, that is another reason for this conversation. As you know, Duke Yyan will be coming here soon to retrieve you. Instead of defeating him and going quiet, you should declare the creation of a nation called the Holy Magic Kingdom in the hopes of inviting more witches to come here."

"Wouldn't that put me on the churches badside?"

"Yes, and they will likely try to come for you immediately."

"Then why?"

"You spoke before about how I have a 10 tailed beast under my control."

"Yeah, and?"

"The Ten tails I have is a dragon."


"Yeah, a TenTailed Dragon. You could make the flag for the kingdom a TenTailed multicolored dragon over a white background. Once the news spreads then i will take my dragon and fly above the 4 kingdoms and Hermes before returning to the western region and disapearing. Anyone who sees the dragon and knows of our flag will recognize that the dragon resides in the western region, likely as a protector. Although they don't know what it is, they will recognize its size as a threat. THis will deter the church and drive them to focus on the other regions before coming here with their full force to try and subjugate it."

"So you will use their fear of the unknown against them as they will want to make as many God's punishment warriors as possible before invading." He stated.

"Yeah, the magic declaration will also be useful to attract witches. Although it will slightly deter normal human's from coming. When they realize what is to be had here they won't care if they sell their souls to the devil."

"True, if it means 3 meals a day and a dry place to stay then quite a lot of people would rather come here and take their chances."

"Yup, Alright it looks like they are almost here so lets get them settled in."